13 research outputs found

    Global coastal attenuation of wind-waves observed with radar altimetry

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    Coastal studies of wave climate and evaluations of wave energy resources are mainly regional and based on the use of computationally very expensive models or a network of in-situ data. Considering the significant wave height, satellite radar altimetry provides an established global and relatively long-term source, whose coastal data are nevertheless typically flagged as unreliable within 30 km of the coast. This study exploits the reprocessing of the radar altimetry signals with a dedicated fitting algorithm to retrieve several years of significant wave height records in the coastal zone. We show significant variations in annual cycle amplitudes and mean state in the last 30 km from the coastline compared to offshore, in areas that were up to now not observable with standard radar altimetry. Consequently, a decrease in the average wave energy flux is observed. Globally, we found that the mean significant wave height at 3 km off the coast is on average 22% smaller than offshore, the amplitude of the annual cycle is reduced on average by 14% and the mean energy flux loses 38% of its offshore value

    A global lake and reservoir volume analysis using a surface water dataset and satellite altimetry

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    Lakes and reservoirs are crucial elements of the hydrological and biochemical cycle and are a valuable resource for hydropower, domestic and industrial water use, and irrigation. Although their monitoring is crucial in times of increased pressure on water resources by both climate change and human interventions, publically available datasets of lake and reservoir levels and volumes are scarce. Within this study, a time series of variation in lake and reservoir volume between 1984 and 2015 were analysed for 137 lakes over all continents by combining the JRC Global Surface Water (GSW) dataset and the satellite altimetry database DAHITI. The GSW dataset is a highly accurate surface water dataset at 30&thinsp;m resolution compromising the whole L1T Landsat 5, 7 and 8 archive, which allowed for detailed lake area calculations globally over a very long time period using Google Earth Engine. Therefore, the estimates in water volume fluctuations using the GSW dataset are expected to improve compared to current techniques as they are not constrained by complex and computationally intensive classification procedures. Lake areas and water levels were combined in a regression to derive the hypsometry relationship (dh&thinsp;∕&thinsp;dA) for all lakes. Nearly all lakes showed a linear regression, and 42&thinsp;% of the lakes showed a strong linear relationship with a R2&thinsp;&gt;&thinsp;0.8, an average R2 of 0.91 and a standard deviation of 0.05. For these lakes and for lakes with a nearly constant lake area (coefficient of variation &lt;&thinsp;0.008), volume variations were calculated. Lakes with a poor linear relationship were not considered. Reasons for low R2 values were found to be (1) a nearly constant lake area, (2) winter ice coverage and (3) a predominant lack of data within the GSW dataset for those lakes. Lake volume estimates were validated for 18 lakes in the US, Spain, Australia and Africa using in situ volume time series, and gave an excellent Pearson correlation coefficient of on average 0.97 with a standard deviation of 0.041, and a normalized RMSE of 7.42&thinsp;%. These results show a high potential for measuring lake volume dynamics using a pre-classified GSW dataset, which easily allows the method to be scaled up to an extensive global volumetric dataset. This dataset will not only provide a historical lake and reservoir volume variation record, but will also help to improve our understanding of the behaviour of lakes and reservoirs and their representation in (large-scale) hydrological models.</p

    Ecosystem services in changing social-ecological systems

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    In Lautze, Jonathan; McCartney, Matthew; Gibson, J. (Eds.). The Omo-Turkana Basin: cooperation for sustainable water management. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthsca

    DAHITI – an innovative approach for estimating water level time series over inland waters using multi-mission satellite altimetry

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    Satellite altimetry has been designed for sea level monitoring over open ocean areas. However, for some years, this technology has also been used to retrieve water levels from reservoirs, wetlands and in general any inland water body, although the radar altimetry technique has been especially applied to rivers and lakes. In this paper, a new approach for the estimation of inland water level time series is described. It is used for the computation of time series of rivers and lakes available through the web service "Database for Hydrological Time Series over Inland Waters" (DAHITI). The new method is based on an extended outlier rejection and a Kalman filter approach incorporating cross-calibrated multi-mission altimeter data from Envisat, ERS-2, Jason-1, Jason-2, TOPEX/Poseidon, and SARAL/AltiKa, including their uncertainties. The paper presents water level time series for a variety of lakes and rivers in North and South America featuring different characteristics such as shape, lake extent, river width, and data coverage. A comprehensive validation is performed by comparisons with in situ gauge data and results from external inland altimeter databases. The new approach yields rms differences with respect to in situ data between 4 and 36 cm for lakes and 8 and 114 cm for rivers. For most study cases, more accurate height information than from other available altimeter databases can be achieved

    Using a Tandem Flight Configuration between Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 to Compare SAR and Conventional Altimeters in Sea Surface Signatures of Internal Solitary Waves

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    Satellite altimetry has been providing a continuous record of ocean measurements with numerous applications across the entire range of ocean sciences. A reference orbit has been used since 1992 with TOPEX/Poseidon, which was repeated in the Jason missions, and in the newly launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (in November 2020) to continually monitor the trends of sea level rise and other properties of the sea surface. These multidecadal missions have evolved alongside major technological advances, whose measurements are unified into a single data record owing to continuous intercalibration and validation efforts. However, the new Sentinel-6 provides synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing, which improves the along-track resolution of conventional altimeters from a few kilometres (e.g., for Jason-3) to about 300 m. This means a major leap in sampling towards higher frequencies of the ocean spectrum, which inevitably means reconciling the assumption of a uniform Brown surface between the footprints of the larger kilometre-scale conventional altimetry and those of the finer-scale SAR altimetry. To explore this issue, this study uses the vantage point of the Sentinel-6/Jason-3 tandem phase to compare simultaneous sea surface signatures of large-scale Internal Solitary Waves (ISWs) between SAR and conventional altimetry. These waves can modulate the sea surface into arrayed sections of increased and decreased roughness with horizontal scales up to 10 km, which inflict sharp transitions between increased and decreased backscatter in the radar altimeters. It is found that Sentinel-6 can provide more detailed structures of ISWs in standard level-2 products, when compared with those from the conventional Jason-3 (similarly to previous results reported from the SAR altimeter from Sentinel-3). However, a new and striking feature is found when comparing the radar backscatter between Sentinel-6 and Jason-3, which are in opposite phases in the ISWs. These intriguing results are discussed in light of the intrinsically different acquisition geometries of SAR and conventional altimeters as well as possible implications thereof

    Coastal sea level anomalies and associated trends from Jason satellite altimetry over 2002-2018 [Data paper]

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    Climate-related sea level changes in the world coastal zones result from the superposition of the global mean rise due to ocean warming and land ice melt, regional changes caused by non-uniform ocean thermal expansion and salinity changes, and by the solid Earth response to current water mass redistribution and associated gravity change, plus small-scale coastal processes (e.g., shelf currents, wind & waves changes, fresh water input from rivers, etc.). So far, satellite altimetry has provided global gridded sea level time series up to 10-15km to the coast only, preventing estimation of sea level changes very close to the coast. Here we present a 16-year-long (June 2002 to May 2018), high-resolution (20-Hz), along-track sea level dataset at monthly interval, together with associated sea level trends, at 429 coastal sites in six regions (Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Western Africa, North Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and Australia). This new coastal sea level product is based on complete reprocessing of raw radar altimetry waveforms from the Jason-1, Jason-2 and Jason-3 missions