195 research outputs found

    The emission distribution of RR Pictoris

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    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the old nova RR Pic. Two emission lines (Halpha and He I) are present in the observed part of the spectrum and both show strong variability. Halpha has been used for Doppler tomography in order to map the emission distribution in this system for the first time. The resulting map shows the emission from the disc as well as two additional emission sources on the leading and trailing side of the disc. Furthermore we find evidence for the presence of either a disc-overflow or an asymmetric outflow from the binary with velocities up to +- 1200km/s. The origin of the outflow would be the emission source on the leading side of the accretion disc.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, 10 figure

    The peculiar Na-O anticorrelation of the bulge globular cluster NGC 6440

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    Context. Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) are essential tools to understand the earliest epoch of the Milky Way, since they are among the oldest objects in the Universe and can be used to trace its formation and evolution. Current studies using high resolution spectroscopy for many stars in each of a large sample of GCs allow us to develop a detailed observational picture about their formation and their relation with the Galaxy. However, it is necessary to complete this picture by including GCs that belong to all major Galactic components, including the Bulge. Aims. Our aim is to perform a detailed chemical analyses of the bulge GC NGC 6440 in order to determine if this object has Multiple Populations (MPs) and investigate its relation with the Bulge of the Milky Way and with the other Galactic GCs, especially those associated with the Bulge, which are largely poorly studied. Methods. We determined the stellar parameters and the chemical abundances of light elements (Na, Al), iron-peak elements (Fe, Sc, Mn, Co, Ni), α\alpha-elements (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) and heavy elements (Ba, Eu) in seven red giant members of NGC 6440 using high resolution spectroscopy from FLAMES@UVES. Results. We found a mean iron content of [Fe/H]=-0.50±\pm0.03 dex in agreement with other studies. We found no internal iron spread. On the other hand, Na and Al show a significant intrinsic spread, but the cluster has no significant O-Na anticorrelation nor exhibits a Mg-Al anticorrelation. The α\alpha-elements show good agreement with the Bulge field star trend, although they are at the high alpha end and are also higher than those of other GCs of comparable metallicity. The heavy elements are dominated by the r-process, indicating a strong contribution by SNeII. The chemical analysis suggests an origin similar to that of the Bulge field stars.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Chemical analysis of NGC 6528: one of the most metal-rich bulge globular cluster

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    The Bulge Globular Clusters (GCs) are key tracers of this central ancient component of our Galaxy. It is essential to understand their formation and evolution to study that of the bulge, as well as their relationship with the other Galactic GC systems (halo and disk GCs). Our main goals are to obtain detailed abundances for a sample of seven red giant members of NGC 6528 in order to characterize its chemical composition and study the relationship of this GC with the bulge, and with other bulge, halo and disk GCs. Moreover, we analyze this cluster′'s behavior associated with the Multiple Populations (MPs) phenomenon. We obtained the stellar parameters and chemical abundances of light elements (Na, Al), iron-peak elements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), {\alpha}-elements (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) and heavy elements (Zr, Ba, Eu) in seven red giant members of NGC 6528 using high resolution spectroscopy from FLAMES-UVES. We obtained in six stars of our sample a mean iron content of [Fe/H]=-0.14+/-0.03 dex, in good agreement with other studies. We found no significant internal iron spread. We detected one candidate variable star, which was excluded from the mean in iron content, we derived a metallicity in this star of [Fe/H]=-0.55+/-0.04 dex. Moreover, we found no extended O-Na anticorrelation but instead only an intrinsic Na spread. In addition, NGC 6528 does not exhibit a Mg-Al anticorrelation, and no significant spread in either Mg or Al. The {\alpha} and iron-peak elements show good agreement with the bulge field star trend. The heavy elements are slightly dominated by the r-process. The chemical analysis suggests an origin and evolution similar to that of typical old Bulge field stars. Finally, we find remarkable agreement in the chemical patterns of NGC 6528 and another bulge GC, NGC 6553, suggesting a similar origin and evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 12 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    Clues on the evolution of the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy from the color distribution of its red giant stars

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    The thin red giant branch (RGB) of the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy appears at first sight quite puzzling and seemingly in contrast with the presence of several distinct bursts of star formation. In this Letter, we provide a measurement of the color spread of red giant stars in Carina based on new BVI wide-field observations, and model the width of the RGB by means of synthetic color-magnitude diagrams. The measured color spread, Sigma{V-I}=0.021 +/- 0.005, is quite naturally accounted for by the star-formation history of the galaxy. The thin RGB appears to be essentially related to the limited age range of its dominant stellar populations, with no need for a metallicity dispersion at a given age. This result is relatively robust with respect to changes in the assumed age-metallicity relation, as long as the mean metallicity over the galaxy lifetime matches the observed value ([Fe/H] = -1.91 +/- 0.12 after correction for the age effects). This analysis of photometric data also sets some constraints on the chemical evolution of Carina by indicating that the chemical abundance of the interstellar medium in Carina remained low throughout each episode of star formation even though these episodes occurred over many Gyr.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    First detection of the RGB-bump in the Sagittarius dSph

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    We present V, I photometry of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) for a region of ~ 1^{circ} times 1^{circ}, centered on the globular cluster M 54. This catalog is the largest database of stars (~500,000) ever obtained for this galaxy. The wide area covered allows us to measure for the first time the position of the RGB-bump, a feature that has been identified in most Galactic globular clusters and only recently in a few galaxies of the Local Group. The presence of a single-peaked bump in the RGB differential Luminosity Function confirms that there is a dominant population in Sgr (Pop A). The photometric properties of the Pop A RGB and the position of the RGB bump have been used to constrain the range of possible ages and metallicities of this population. The most likely solution lies in the range -0.6 < [M/H] <= -0.4 and 4 Gyr <= age <= 8 Gyr.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    High-resolution abundance analysis of red giants in the metal-poor bulge globular cluster HP~1

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    The globular cluster HP~1 is projected at only 3.33 degrees from the Galactic center. Together with its distance, this makes it one of the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way. It has a blue horizontal branch (BHB) and a metallicity of [Fe/H]~-1.0. This means that it probably is one of the oldest objects in the Galaxy. Abundance ratios can reveal the nucleosynthesis pattern of the first stars as well as the early chemical enrichment and early formation of stellar populations. High-resolution spectra obtained for six stars were analyzed to derive the abundances of the light elements C, N, O, Na, and Al, the alpha-elements Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti, and the heavy elements Sr, Y , Zr, Ba, La, and Eu.} High-resolution spectra of six red giants that are confirmed members of the bulge globular cluster HP~1 were obtained with the 8m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the UVES spectrograph in FLAMES-UVES configuration. The spectroscopic parameter derivation was based on the excitation and ionization equilibrium of FeI and FeII. We confirm a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.06~0.10, by adding the two stars that were previously analyzed in HP~1. The alpha-elements O and Mg are enhanced by about +0.3<[O,Mg/Fe]<+0.5 dex, Si is moderately enhanced with +0.15<[Si/Fe]<+0.35dex, while Ca and Ti show lower values of -0.04<[Ca,Ti/Fe]<+0.28dex. The r-element Eu is also enhanced with [Eu/Fe]~+0.4, which together with O and Mg is indicative of early enrichment by type II supernovae. Na and Al are low, but it is unclear if Na-O are anticorrelated. The heavy elements are moderately enhanced, with -0.20<[La/Fe]<+0.43dex and 0.0<[Ba/Fe]<+0.75~dex, which is compatible with r-process formation. The spread in Y, Zr, Ba, and La abundances, on the other hand, appears to be compatible with the spinstar scenario or other additional mechanisms such as the weak r-process.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures In press in Astronomy & Astrophysics (2016

    Absolute Proper Motion of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy from Photographic and HST WFPC2 Data

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    We have measured the absolute proper motion of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy from a combination of photographic plate material and HST WFPC2 data that provide a time baseline of up to 50 years. The extragalactic reference frame consists of 8 QSO images and 48 galaxies. The absolute proper motion is mu_alpha cos(delta) = 0.59 +-0.16 mas/yr and mu_delta = -0.15 +- 0.16 mas/yr. The corresponding orbit of Fornax is polar, with an eccentricity of 0.27, and a radial period of 4.5 Gyr. Fornax's current location is near pericenter. The direction of the motion of Fornax supports the notion that Fornax belongs to the Fornax-LeoI-LeoII-Sculptor-Sextans stream as hypothesized by Lynden-Bell (1976, 1982) and Majewski (1994). According to our orbit determination, Fornax crossed the Magellanic plane \~190 Myr ago, a time that coincides with the termination of the star-formation process in Fornax. We propose that ram-pressure stripping due to the passage of Fornax through a gaseous medium denser than the typical intragalactic medium left behind from the LMC may have caused the end of star formation in Fornax. The excess, anomalous clouds within the South Galactic pole region of the Magellanic Stream whose origin has long been debated in the literature as constituents of either the Magellanic Stream or of the extragalactic Sculptor group, are found to lie along the orbit of Fornax. We speculate that these clouds are stripped material from Fornax as the dwarf crossed the Magellanic Clouds' orbit.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal. The version with high resolution figures can be found at ftp://pegasus.astro.yale.edu/pub/dana/paper

    HST color-magnitude diagrams of 74 galactic globular clusters in the HST F439W and F555W bands

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    We present the complete photometric database and the color-magnitude diagrams for 74 Galactic globular clusters observed with the HST/WFPC2 camera in the F439W and F555W bands. A detailed discussion of the various reduction steps is also presented, and of the procedures to transform instrumental magnitudes into both the HST F439W and F555W flight system and the standard Johnson B and V systems. We also describe the artificial star experiments which have been performed to derive the star count completeness in all the relevant branches of the color magnitude diagram. The entire photometric database and the completeness function will be made available on the Web immediately after the publication of the present paper.Comment: 21 pages, 77 figures. High resolution version of this paper can be retrived at http://dipastro.pd.astro.it/globular

    Halos of Spiral Galaxies. III. Metallicity Distributions

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    (Abriged) We report results of a campaign to image the stellar populations in the halos of highly inclined spiral galaxies, with the fields roughly 10 kpc (projected) from the nuclei. We use the F814W (I) and F606W (V) filters in the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, on board the Hubble Space telescope. Extended halo populations are detected in all galaxies. The color-magnitude diagrams appear to be completely dominated by giant-branch stars, with no evidence for the presence of young stellar populations in any of the fields. We find that the metallicity distribution functions are dominated by metal-rich populations, with a tail extending toward the metal poor end. To first order, the overall shapes of the metallicity distribution functions are similar to what is predicted by simple, single-component model of chemical evolution with the effective yields increasing with galaxy luminosity. However, metallicity distributions significantly narrower than the simple model are observed for a few of the most luminous galaxies in the sample. It appears clear that more luminous spiral galaxies also have more metal-rich stellar halos. The increasingly significant departures from the closed-box model for the more luminous galaxies indicate that a parameter in addition to a single yield is required to describe chemical evolution. This parameter, which could be related to gas infall or outflow either in situ or in progenitor dwarf galaxies that later merge to form the stellar halo, tends to act to make the metallicity distributions narrower at high metallicity.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures (ApJ, in press
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