1,238 research outputs found

    Metastable states of a ferromagnet on random thin graphs

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    We calculate the mean number of metastable states of an Ising ferromagnet on random thin graphs of fixed connectivity c. We find, as for mean field spin glasses that this mean increases exponentially with the number of sites, and is the same as that calculated for the +/- J spin glass on the same graphs. An annealed calculation of the number <N_{MS}(E)> of metastable states of energy E is carried out. For small c, an analytic result is obtained. The result is compared with the one obtained for spin glasses in order to discuss the role played by loops on thin graphs and hence the effect of real frustration on the distribution of metastable states.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    SMLFire1.0: a stochastic machine learning (SML) model for wildfire activity in the western United States

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    The annual area burned due to wildfires in the western United States (WUS) increased by more than 300 % between 1984 and 2020. However, accounting for the nonlinear, spatially heterogeneous interactions between climate, vegetation, and human predictors driving the trends in fire frequency and sizes at different spatial scales remains a challenging problem for statistical fire models. Here we introduce a novel stochastic machine learning (SML) framework, SMLFire1.0, to model observed fire frequencies and sizes in 12 km × 12 km grid cells across the WUS. This framework is implemented using mixture density networks trained on a wide suite of input predictors. The modeled WUS fire frequency matches observations at both monthly (r=0.94) and annual (r=0.85) timescales, as do the monthly (r=0.90) and annual (r=0.88) area burned. Moreover, the modeled annual time series of both fire variables exhibit strong correlations (r≥0.6) with observations in 16 out of 18 ecoregions. Our ML model captures the interannual variability and the distinct multidecade increases in annual area burned for both forested and non-forested ecoregions. Evaluating predictor importance with Shapley additive explanations, we find that fire-month vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is the dominant driver of fire frequencies and sizes across the WUS, followed by 1000 h dead fuel moisture (FM1000), total monthly precipitation (Prec), mean daily maximum temperature (Tmax), and fraction of grassland cover in a grid cell. Our findings serve as a promising use case of ML techniques for wildfire prediction in particular and extreme event modeling more broadly. They also highlight the power of ML-driven parameterizations for potential implementation in fire modules of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) and earth system models (ESMs).</p

    Quasiparticle dynamics and phonon softening in FeSe superconductors

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    Quasiparticle dynamics of FeSe single crystals revealed by dual-color transient reflectivity measurements ({\Delta}R/R) provides unprecedented information on Fe-based superconductors. The amplitude of fast component in {\Delta}R/R clearly tells a competing scenario between spin fluctuations and superconductivity. Together with the transport measurements, the relaxation time analysis further exhibits anomalous changes at 90 K and 230 K. The former manifests a structure phase transition as well as the associated phonon softening. The latter suggests a previously overlooked phase transition or crossover in FeSe. The electron-phonon coupling constant {\lambda} is found to be 0.16, identical to the value of theoretical calculations. Such a small {\lambda} demonstrates an unconventional origin of superconductivity in FeSe.Comment: Final published version; 5 pages; 4 figure

    Three-dimensional optical method for integrated visualization of mouse islet microstructure and vascular network with subcellular-level resolution

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    Microscopic visualization of islets of Langerhans under normal and diabetic conditions is essential for understanding the pathophysiology of the disease. The intrinsic opacity of pancreata, however, limits optical accessibility for high-resolution light microscopy of islets in situ. Because the standard microtome-based, 2-D tissue analysis confines visualization of the islet architecture at a specific cut plane, 3-D representation of image data is preferable for islet assessment. We applied optical clearing to minimize the random light scattering in the mouse pancreatic tissue. The optical-cleared pancreas allowed penetrative, 3-D microscopic imaging of the islet microstructure and vasculature. Specifically, the islet vasculature was revealed by vessel painting-lipophilic dye labeling of blood vessels-for confocal microscopy. The voxel-based confocal micrographs were digitally processed with projection algorithms for 3-D visualization. Unlike the microtome-based tissue imaging, this optical method for penetrative imaging of mouse islets yielded clear, continuous optical sections for an integrated visualization of the islet microstructure and vasculature with subcellular-level resolution. We thus provide a useful imaging approach to change our conventional planar view of the islet structure into a 3-D panorama for better understanding of the islet physiology. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3470241

    Studies of InGaN∕GaN multiquantum-well green-light-emitting diodes grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

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    InGaN(3nm)∕GaN(5nm) three period multiquantum green-light-emitting diodes(LEDs) grown by the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique have been studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), double crystal high resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and low temperature photoluminescence. HRTEM analysis showed that the defect density gradually decreased in the growth direction with increasing thickness. Self-assembled quantum dot-likestructures in the wells and black lumps between the well and barrier due to In segregation and strain contrast were observed, respectively. The HRXRD spectrum of the green LEDstructure was simulated using the kinematical theory method to obtain the composition and thickness of the well and barrier. The quantum-well (QW) green emission peak 2.557eV at 10K showed “S” shaped shift like a red–blue–red shift with variation of the temperature in the photoluminescence spectra due to potential fluctuations caused by inhomogeneous alloy distribution in the wells. The activation energy of 49meVobtained from the QW green emission line indicated deepening of the localization of the carriers

    Space robotics: Recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research

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    The Langley Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee (GNCTC) was one of six technical committees created in 1991 by the Chief Scientist, Dr. Michael F. Card. During the kickoff meeting Dr. Card charged the chairmen to: (1) establish a cross-Center committee; (2) support at least one workshop in a selected discipline; and (3) prepare a technical paper on recent accomplishments in the discipline and on opportunities for future research. The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Committee was formed and selected for focus on the discipline of Space robotics. This report is a summary of the committee's assessment of recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research. The report is organized as follows. First is an overview of the data sources used by the committee. Next is a description of technical needs identified by the committee followed by recent accomplishments. Opportunities for future research ends the main body of the report. It includes the primary recommendation of the committee that NASA establish a national space facility for the development of space automation and robotics, one element of which is a telerobotic research platform in space. References 1 and 2 are the proceedings of two workshops sponsored by the committee during its June 1991, through May 1992 term. The focus of the committee for the June 1992 - May 1993 term will be to further define to the recommended platform in space and to add an additional discipline which includes aircraft related GN&C issues. To the latter end members performing aircraft related research will be added to the committee. (A preliminary assessment of future opportunities in aircraft-related GN&C research has been included as appendix A.

    IK-FA, a new heuristic inverse kinematics solver using firefly algorithm

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    In this paper, a heuristic method based on Firefly Algorithm is proposed for inverse kinematics problems in articulated robotics. The proposal is called, IK-FA. Solving inverse kinematics, IK, consists in finding a set of joint-positions allowing a specific point of the system to achieve a target position. In IK-FA, the Fireflies positions are assumed to be a possible solution for joints elementary motions. For a robotic system with a known forward kinematic model, IK-Fireflies, is used to generate iteratively a set of joint motions, then the forward kinematic model of the system is used to compute the relative Cartesian positions of a specific end-segment, and to compare it to the needed target position. This is a heuristic approach for solving inverse kinematics without computing the inverse model. IK-FA tends to minimize the distance to a target position, the fitness function could be established as the distance between the obtained forward positions and the desired one, it is subject to minimization. In this paper IK-FA is tested over a 3 links articulated planar system, the evaluation is based on statistical analysis of the convergence and the solution quality for 100 tests. The impact of key FA parameters is also investigated with a focus on the impact of the number of fireflies, the impact of the maximum iteration number and also the impact of (a, ß, ¿, d) parameters. For a given set of valuable parameters, the heuristic converges to a static fitness value within a fix maximum number of iterations. IK-FA has a fair convergence time, for the tested configuration, the average was about 2.3394 × 10-3 seconds with a position error fitness around 3.116 × 10-8 for 100 tests. The algorithm showed also evidence of robustness over the target position, since for all conducted tests with a random target position IK-FA achieved a solution with a position error lower or equal to 5.4722 × 10-9.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Spatial Symmetry of Superconducting Gap in YBa2Cu3O7-\delta Obtained from Femtosecond Spectroscopy

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    The polarized femtosecond spectroscopies obtained from well characterized (100) and (110) YBa2Cu3O7-\delta thin films are reported. This bulk-sensitive spectroscopy, combining with the well-textured samples, serves as an effective probe to quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in different crystalline orientations. The significant anisotropy in both the magnitude of the photoinduced transient reflectivity change and the characteristic relaxation time indicates that the nature of the relaxation channel is intrinsically different in various axes and planes. By the orientation-dependent analysis, d-wave symmetry of the bulk-superconducting gap in cuprate superconductors emerges naturally.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Physical Review B, Rapid Communication