1,348 research outputs found

    Seismic response to evolving injection at the Rotokawa geothermal field, New Zealand

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    Catalogs of microseismicity are routinely compiled at geothermal reservoirs and provide valuable insights into reservoir structure and fluid movement. Hypocentral locations are typically used to infer the orientations of structures and constrain the extent of the permeable reservoir. However, frequency-magnitude distributions may contain additional, and underused, information about the distribution of pressure. Here, we present a four-year catalog of seismicity for the Rotokawa geothermal field in the central Taupƍ Volcanic Zone, New Zealand starting two years after the commissioning of the 140 MWe Nga Awa Purua power station. Using waveform-correlation-based signal detection we double the size of the previous earthquake catalog, refine the location and orientation of two reservoir faults and identify a new structure. We find the rate of seismicity to be insensitive to major changes in injection strategy during the study period, including the injectivity decline and shift of injection away from the dominant injector, RK24. We also map the spatial distribution of the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution, or b-value, and show that it increases from ∌1.0 to ∌1.5 with increasing depth below the reservoir. As has been proposed at other reservoirs, we infer that these spatial variations reflect the distribution of pressure in the reservoir, where areas of high b-value correspond to areas of high pore-fluid pressure and a broad distribution of activated fractures. This analysis is not routinely conducted by geothermal operators but shows promise for using earthquake b-value as an additional tool for reservoir monitoring and management

    The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey -- IV. Biases in the Completeness of Near-Infrared Imaging Data

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    We present the results of completeness simulations for the detection of point sources as well as redshifted elliptical and spiral galaxies in the K'-band images of the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS). The main focus of this work is to quantify the selection effects introduced by threshold-based object detection algorithms used in deep imaging surveys. Therefore, we simulate objects obeying the well-known scaling relations between effective radius and central surface brightness, both for de Vaucouleurs and exponential profiles. The results of these simulations, while presented for the MUNICS project, are applicable in a much wider context to deep optical and near-infrared selected samples. We investigate the detection probability as well as the reliability for recovering the true total magnitude with Kron-like (adaptive) aperture photometry. The results are compared to the predictions of the visibility theory of Disney and Phillipps in terms of the detection rate and the lost-light fraction. Additionally, the effects attributable to seeing are explored. The results show a bias against detecting high-redshifted massive elliptical galaxies in comparison to disk galaxies with exponential profiles, and that the measurements of the total magnitudes for intrinsically bright elliptical galaxies are systematically too faint. Disk galaxies, in contrast, show no significant offset in the magnitude measurement of luminous objects. Finally we present an analytic formula to predict the completeness of point-sources using only basic image parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project (WeCAPP): the M31 Nova catalogue

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    We present light curves from the novae detected in the long-term, M31 monitoring WeCAPP project. The goal of WeCAPP is to constrain the compact dark matter fraction of the M31 halo with microlensing observations. As a by product we have detected 91 novae benefiting from the high cadence and highly sensitive difference imaging technique required for pixellensing. We thus can now present the largest CCD and optical filters based nova light curve sample up-to-date towards M31. We also obtained thorough coverage of the light curve before and after the eruption thanks to the long-term monitoring. We apply the nova taxonomy proposed by Strope et al. (2010) to our nova candidates and found 29 S-class novae, 10 C-class novae, 2 O-class novae and 1 J-class nova. We have investigated the universal decline law advocated by Hachichu and Kato (2006) on the S-class novae. In addition, we correlated our catalogue with the literature and found 4 potential recurrent novae. Part of our catalogue has been used to search for optical counter-parts of the super soft X-ray sources detected in M31 (Pietsch et al. 2005). Optical surveys like WeCAPP, and coordinated with multi-wavelength observation, will continue to shed light on the underlying physical mechanism of novae in the future.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, A&A accepted for publication. The appendix is stored in the Data Conservanc

    Large-Scale Structure in the NIR-Selected MUNICS Survey

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    The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) is a wide-area, medium-deep, photometric survey selected in the K' band. The project's main scientific aims are the identification of galaxy clusters up to redshifts of unity and the selection of a large sample of field early-type galaxies up to z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies. We created a Large Scale Structure catalog, using a new structure finding technique specialized for photometric datasets, that we developed on the basis of a friends-of-friends algorithm. We tested the plausibility of the resulting galaxy group and cluster catalog with the help of Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMD), as well as a likelihood- and Voronoi-approach.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in "The Evolution of Galaxies III. From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models", proceedings of the 3rd EuroConference on the evolution of galaxies, held in Kiel, Germany, July 16-20, 200

    The old and heavy bulge of M31 I. Kinematics and stellar populations

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    We present new optical long-slit data along 6 position angles of the bulge region of M31. We derive accurate stellar and gas kinematics reaching 5 arcmin from the center, where the disk light contribution is always less than 30%, and out to 8 arcmin along the major axis, where the disk makes 55% of the total light. We show that the velocity dispersions of McElroy (1983) are severely underestimated (by up to 50 km/s) and previous dynamical models have underestimated the stellar mass of M31's bulge by a factor 2. Moreover, the light-weighted velocity dispersion of the galaxy grows to 166 km/s, thus reducing the discrepancy between the predicted and measured mass of the black hole at the center of M31. The kinematic position angle varies with distance, pointing to triaxiality. We detect gas counterrotation near the bulge minor axis. We measure eight emission-corrected Lick indices. They are approximately constant on circles. We derive the age, metallicity and alpha-element overabundance profiles. Except for the region in the inner arcsecs of the galaxy, the bulge of M31 is uniformly old (>12 Gyr, with many best-fit ages at the model grid limit of 15 Gyr), slightly alpha-elements overabundant ([alpha/Fe]~0.2) and at solar metallicity, in agreement with studies of the resolved stellar components. The predicted u-g, g-r and r-i Sloan color profiles match reasonably well the dust-corrected observations. The stellar populations have approximately radially constant mass-to-light ratios (M/L_R ~ 4-4.5 for a Kroupa IMF), in agreement with stellar dynamical estimates based on our new velocity dispersions. In the inner arcsecs the luminosity-weighted age drops to 4-8 Gyr, while the metallicity increases to above 3 times the solar value.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A Stellar Population Gradient in VII Zw 403 - Implications for the Formation of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present evidence for the existence of an old stellar halo in the Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy VII Zw 403. VII Zw 403 is the first Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy for which a clear spatial segregation of the resolved stellar content into a "core-halo" structure is detected. Multicolor HST/WFPC2 observations indicate that active star formation occurs in the central region, but is strikingly absent at large radii. Instead, a globular-cluster-like red giant branch suggests the presence of an old (> 10 Gyr) and metal poor (=-1.92) stellar population in the halo. While the vast majority of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies has been recognized to possess halos of red color in ground-based surface photometry, our observations of VII Zw 403 establish for the first time a direct correspondence between a red halo color and the presence of old, red giant stars. If the halos of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies are all home to such ancient stellar populations, then the fossil record conflicts with delayed-formation scenarios for dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap


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    Between December 14, 1989, and December 17, 1993,43 patients undergoing kidney transplantation alone at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh received FK506 as the primary immunosuppressive agent. The mean recipient age was 10.2 ± 4.8 years (range 0.7–17.4), with 7 (16%) children under 5 years of age and 2 (5%) under 2 years of age. Fifteen (35%) children underwent retransplantation, and 5 (12%) had a panel reactive antibody level greater than 40%. Twenty-two (51%) cases were with cadaveric donors, and 21 (49%) were with living donors. The mean follow-up is 25 ± 14 months. There were no deaths. One and three year actuarial graft survival was 98% and 85%. The mean serum creatinine and BUN were 1.2 ± 0.6 mg/dl and 26 ± 11 mg/dl; the calculated creatinine clearance was 75 ± 23 ml/min/1.73 m(2). Twenty-four (62%) patients have been successfully withdrawn from steroids, and 24 (62%) require no anti-hypertensive medication. Improved growth was seen, particularly in pre-adolescent children off steroids. Between July 28, 1990, and December 2, 1993, 24 children were referred for rescue therapy with FK506, 14.6 ± 16.4 months (range 1.1–53.2) after transplantation. Nineteen (79%) were referred because of resistant rejection; 4 (17%) were referred because of proteinuria; 1 (4%) was switched because of steroid-related obesity. There were no deaths. One and two year graft survival was 75% and 68%. Seventeen (71%) patients were successfully rescued, including 1 of 2 patients who arrived on dialysis. Four (24%) of the successfully rescued patients were weaned off steroids. While not without side effects, which include nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, diabetogenicity, and viral complications, FK506 appears to be an effective immunosuppressive agent for both primary and rescue therapy after kidney transplantation. Its steroid-sparing qualities may be of particular importance in the pediatric population

    The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - I. Field selection, object extraction, and photometry

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    The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) is a wide-area, medium-deep, photometric survey selected in the K' band. It covers an area of roughly one square degree in the K' and J near-IR pass-bands. The survey area consists of 16 6' x 6' fields targeted at QSOs with redshifts 0.5 < z < 2 and 7 28' x 13' stripes targeted at `random' high Galactic latitude fields. Ten of the QSO fields were additionally imaged in R and I, and 0.6 square degrees of the randomly selected fields were also imaged in the V, R, and I bands. The resulting object catalogues were strictly selected in K', having a limiting magnitude (50 per cent completeness) of K' ~ 19.5 mag and J ~ 21 mag, sufficiently deep to detect passively evolving systems up to a redshift of z ~ 1.5 and luminosity of 0.5 L*. The optical data reach a depth of roughly R ~ 23.5 mag. The project's main scientific aims are the identification of galaxy clusters at redshifts around unity and the selection of a large sample of field early-type galaxies at 0 < z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies. In this paper - the first in a series - we describe the survey's concept, the selection of the survey fields, the near-IR and optical imaging and data reduction, object extraction, and the construction of photometric catalogues. Finally, we show the J-K' vs. K' colour-magnitude diagramme and the R-J vs. J-K', V-I vs. J-K', and V-I vs. V-R colour-colour diagrammes for MUNICS objects, together with stellar population-synthesis models for different star-formation histories, and conclude that the data set presented is suitable for extracting a catalogue of massive field galaxies in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies and follow-up observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Near-Infrared Stellar Census of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy VII~Zw~403

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    We present near-infrared single-star photometry for the low-metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy VII~Zw~403. We achieve limiting magnitudes of F110W~≈\approx~25.5 and F160W~≈\approx~24.5 using one of the NICMOS cameras with the HST equivalents of the ground-based J and H filters. The data have a high photometric precision (0.1 mag) and are >95>95% complete down to magnitudes of about 23, far deeper than previous ground-based studies in the near-IR. The color-magnitude diagram contains about 1000 point sources. We provide a preliminary transformation of the near-IR photometry into the ground system...Comment: Accepted for publication by the AJ, preprint has 49 pages, 2 tables, and 16 figure

    The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: WFPC2 Observations of Andromeda III

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    The Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 camera has been used to image Andromeda III, a dwarf spheroidal companion (dSph) to M31. The resulting color-magnitude (c-m) diagrams reveal the morphology of the horizontal branch (HB) in this dwarf galaxy. We find that like Andromeda I and Andromeda II, and like most of the Galactic dSph companions, the HB morphology of And III is predominantly red, redder than that of both And I and And II despite And III having a lower mean metallicity. We interpret this red HB morphology as indicating that the bulk of the And III population is ~3 Gyr younger than the age of the majority of Galactic globular clusters. Nevertheless, the And III c-m diagram does reveal a few blue HB stars, and a number of RR Lyrae variables are also evident in the data. This indicates that And III does contain an `old' population of age comparable to that of the Galactic globular clusters. There is no evidence, however, for any young stars in And III despite a claimed association between this dSph and an HI cloud. As was the case for And II, but not And I, no radial gradient was detected in the And III HB morphology. And III is ~75 kpc from the center of M31, comparable to the Galactocentric distances of Sculptor and Draco. Comparison with standard globular cluster red giant branches indicates = -1.88 +/-0.11, consistent with the absolute-magnitude - mean abundance relation followed by dSph galaxies. The same comparison yields an intrinsic abundance dispersion of sigma([Fe/H]) = 0.12, a low value compared to the Galactic dSphs of comparable luminosity to And III. The list of candidate variables reveals one definite and one probable Anomalous Cepheid variables.Comment: 30 pages including 1 table, 10 figures, Fig 1 as jpeg to save space. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, July 2002 issu
