7,199 research outputs found

    Supervisão no ensino clínico no serviço de cirurgia: um estudo com alunos do 3º ano de enfermagem

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    A supervisão de estudantes de enfermagem em ensino clínico implica (re)pensar as práticas e aprofundar o processo formativo dos futuros enfermeiros, não só na dimensão científica da profissão, mas também no desenvolvimento de capacidades de análise crítico-reflexivas que contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Esta investigação sobre o processo supervisivo numa unidade hospitalar visou, entre outros objetivos: analisar as caraterísticas da reflexão desenvolvida por alunos de enfermagem durante o seu estágio no ensino clínico. Para a recolha destes dados foi utilizada a observação participante e instrumentos de supervisão tais como diários de sessões, semanários reflexivos, portefólios, estudos de caso, reflexões críticas no final do estágio e grelhas de avaliação intercalar e final. Os dados recolhidos durante o estágio clínico mostraram que os alunos de enfermagem: foram interiorizando as orientações, reajustaram comportamentos e posturas, progrediram gradualmente no seu desempenho e na aquisição de competências, e nas situações mais ansiogénicas o papel da supervisora foi fundamental. Também se verificou que a relação supervisiva foi baseada num clima afetivo-relacional positivo. Além disso, o semanário foi um instrumento importante no relato e expressão dos factos e opiniões publicamente difíceis de revelar. O estudo de caso foi valorizado por possibilitar uma reflexão sobre a prática enquanto a reflexão crítica final mostrou um confronto entre a identidade atual e as expetativas para a identidade do futuro enfermeiro. Os resultados evidenciaram a necessidade de aprofundar a investigação sobre os instrumentos de supervisão a utilizar no estágio em ensino clínico, para que este se torne eficaz no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos futuros enfermeiros.The supervision of nursing students in clinical internship implies the (re)thinking of practices and a deepening of the training process for future nurses, not only in the scientific dimension of the profession but also in the development of critical-reflective analysis capacities which contribute to their personal and professional development. This research on the supervisory process in a hospital unit aims to accomplish the following aim, among others: to analyze the characteristics of nursing students' reflexions during their internship. Participant observation and supervisory tools such as daily sessions, weekly reflective diaries, portfolios, case studies, critical reflections at the end of the internship and intercalary and final evaluation grids were used for data collection. Data collected during the clinical internship of nursing students showed that: they were internalizing the guidelines, readjusting behaviours and attitudes, gradually they were progressing in their performance and skill acquisition and in anxiogenic situations the supervisor's role was considered essential. Also, the supervisory relationship was based on a positive relational and cultural climate. In addition, the weekly diary was an important tool in the narration and expression of the facts and opinions publicly difficult to reveal. The case study was valuable because it allowed for a reflection on practice while the final critical reflection showed a confrontation between the present and the expectations of the future identity of the nurse. These results highlighted the need for further research on supervisory tools to use in clinical internship in order for it to become effective in the personal and professional development of future nurses

    Mathematics achievement in engineering : an exploratory study with MIEGI students

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    Mathematics is a discipline that appears on the syllabus of many courses, including courses in engineering, where it is an essential discipline to the formation of all future engineers, whatever their field of study and work. Despite that, engineering students tend to reveal difficulties with courses based on mathematics. The factors that influence learning mathematics have been the subject of study for several researchers around the world. Researchers attempt to identify variables that explain mathematics achievement, but fail to address university students. In this paper, we present the results of an exploratory study based on industrial engineering students of University of Minho, concerning their grades in the courses of statistics and numerical methods. The preliminary results show that gender is an unexpected and significant factor.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A persona-based modelling for contextual requirements

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    [Context & Motivation] Personas are a technique used to guide developing products accommodating people diversity. They are archetypes reflecting common combinations of users’ characteristics, needs and goals. Persons can add a human-centred facet to requirements engineering practice which is often revolving around the concept of business roles. [Question/Problem] Goal modelling is an example of mainstream requirements engineering approach driven by business roles and their responsibilities and needs represented as goals. Personnel in the system are expected to act according to this prescriptive specification. Personnel diversity is often seen as a customization and design issue. [Principal idea/Results]. In this paper we propose to consider such diversity as a conditional context in requirements modelling and, as an approach, augment Contextual Goal Model (CGM) with personas as a new contextual dimension. Additionally, we propose an algorithm to analyse the achievability of CGM goals in the presence of the personas contexts variation. We evaluate our approach using a Mobile Personal Emergency Response System (MPERS) implemented as a prototype. [Contribution] Our persona-based modelling approach paves the way to augment requirements with a consideration of people diversity and enrich the business perspective with a more user-centred design facet

    Engineering students and mathematics achievement: a portuguese case study

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    Mathematics is a discipline that appears on the syllabus of many courses, including courses in engineering, where it is essential to the formation of all future engineers, whatever their field of study and work. Despite that, engineering students tend to reveal difficulties with course units based on mathematics. The factors that influence learning mathematics have been the subject of study for several researchers around the world. Researchers attempt to identify variables that explain mathematics achievement, but fail to address university students. In this paper, an exploratory study based on engineering students of University of Minho, concerning their grades in statistics and numerical methods curricular units is presented. The aim of this study is to explore the mathematics achievement in the process of learning mathematical concepts. The preliminary results show that gender is an unexpected and significant factor.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A detailed first-order post-Newtonian analysis of massive Brans-Dicke theories: numerical constraints and the β\beta parameter meaning

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    Massive Brans-Dicke (BD) theory is among the simplest general relativity extensions. It is commonly found as the weak-field limit of other gravitational theories. Here we do a detailed post-Newtonian analysis of massive BD theories. We start by expanding the massive BD field equations following the Will-Nodtvedt Parameterized-Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, without point-particle approximations. A single potential that is not present in the standard PPN formalism is found. This new potential hinders immediate PPN conclusions. To proceed, we do a complete first-order post-Newtonian analysis and explicitly derive all the conserved quantities. After demanding that there exists a Newtonian limit by requiring the BD mass to be sufficiently large, we find, as expected, that γ=1\gamma = 1; but there is no effective β\beta parameter that can have the same physical role of the standard β\beta in PPN formalism. All the others standard PPN parameters can be extended to the massive BD case without issues and are shown to have the same values of general relativity. At last, we consider numerical relations on the periastron advance and the BD mass in two different physical contexts, the orbit of Mercury about the Sun and the orbit of the star S2 about the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Application of the incremental volumetric remapping method in the simulation of multi-step deep drawing processes

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    Since sheet metal forming has a high percentage contribution in the overall design costs of a new car, this engineering area assisted in the last decades to considerable development efforts. The present challenge is to simulate all the production stages, from the initial blank sheet to the final part ready to assembly. On this particular issue of multi-step deep-drawing simulation, this work presents a new remapping method called Incremental Volumetric Remapping (IVR) developed to minimize the error that occurs, when performing the variable transfer operation between two different meshes. The IVR method is based in a volumetric approach where the calculus of the remapped state variables is obtained by means of a weighted average of the intersection volume between the meshes. The method performance is tested and compared with a standard extrapolation-interpolation, by applying a numerical example of the Numisheet'005 Conference, "The Channel Draw/Cylindrical Cup Benchmark".(undefined

    Topazite from Minas Velhas da Queiriga (Viseu, Portugal) and related mineralizations – structural and paragenetic analysis

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    As Minas Velhas da Queiriga constituem uma ocorrência de topázio com expressão diversificada: porfiroblástico em turmalinitos, venular pegmatóide zonado com mineralizações relacionadas (topazito) e vénular quartzo-albítico, presente em brechas turmalínicas (ongonito). Deverá relacionar-se com uma anomalia primitiva em B e F herdada de protólitos exalíticos, e com a cristalização decorrente de diferenciados graníticos residuais hiperaluminosos, instalados em condições de “uplifting” sobre uma cúpula granítica oculta.Distinct topaz paragenesis occur in Minas Velhas da Queiriga: as porphyroblasts in tourmalinites, as comb-crystals at the border of quartz veins (topazite) and in tourmaline-rich breccias linked to cross-cut quartz-albitic veinlets (ongonite). The observed occurrence is probably related to anomalous concentrations of B and F possibly inherited from enriched protolithic fonts of exhalative nature, and result from extreme fractionation of hyper-aluminous melt, emplaced during uplifting, above a hidden granitic plutonite

    ICT in Portuguese secondary schools: from resistance to innovation

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    El artículo adopta una perspectiva organizacional los modos e intensidades diferentes de implementación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en doce escuelas secundarias portuguesas. Un ambicioso Plan Tecnológico para la Educación ha generado cambios significativos en las escuelas públicas en los últimos años. Sin embargo, las respuestas de directores, docentes y alumnos en estas escuelas, complementados por los informes de evaluación externa, demuestran que los recursos, estrategias y usos pedagógicos de las TIC varían enormemente entre escuelas, desafiando el principio constitucional de la igualdad de oportunidades. La investigación ha identificado tres categorías de escuelas con relación a este dominio: innovadoras, ambivalentes y tradicionales. Liderazgo, coordinación tecnológica, identidad de escuela, cooperación entre departamentos y acuerdos con organizaciones del entorno son señalados como factores clave para explicar el alto grado de diversidad. El artículo concluye con una perspectiva de las implicaciones de estos resultados, tanto para la investigación como para las políticas públicas

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Beams for Radiotherapy - EGS4, MCNP4b and GEANT3 Intercomparison

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    In medical radiation physics, an increasing number of Monte Carlo codes are being used, which requires intercomparison between them to evaluated the accuracy of the simulated results against benchmark experiments. The Monte Carlo code EGS4, commonly used to simulate electron beams from medical linear accelerators, was compared with GEANT3 and MCNP4b. Intercomparison of electron energy spectra, angular and spatial distribution were carried out for the Siemens KD2 linear accelerator, at beam energies of 10 and 15 MeV for a field size of 10x10 cm2. Indirect validation was performed against electron depth doses curves and beam profiles measured in a MP3-PTW water phantom using a Markus planar chamber. Monte Carlo isodose lines were reconstructed and compared to those from commercial treatment planning systems (TPS's) and with experimental data

    As tecnologias da informação e da comunicação na escola: causas de uma subutilização

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    A crescente utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) nas mais diversas dimensões e instituições da vida social tem tido uma correspondência difícil na instituição escolar, em particular nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Com base num inquérito realizado em 2011 a uma amostra de alunos e professores do ensino secundário demonstrar-se-á como, apesar do volume dos investimentos efetuados, a integração das TIC no ensino é ainda parcelar, quer no plano das taxas de utilização de professores e alunos, quer no âmbito das atividades desenvolvidas, traduzindo-se numa mera adição de tecnologia às estratégias e aos processos pedagógicos tradicionais