20,797 research outputs found

    Elastic-plastic finite element analysis of cracked solids Progress report

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    Elastic-plastic finite element analysis of cracked solid

    Crustal deformation in great California earthquake cycles

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    Periodic crustal deformation associated with repeated strike slip earthquakes is computed for the following model: A depth L (less than or similiar to H) extending downward from the Earth's surface at a transform boundary between uniform elastic lithospheric plates of thickness H is locked between earthquakes. It slips an amount consistent with remote plate velocity V sub pl after each lapse of earthquake cycle time T sub cy. Lower portions of the fault zone at the boundary slip continuously so as to maintain constant resistive shear stress. The plates are coupled at their base to a Maxwellian viscoelastic asthenosphere through which steady deep seated mantle motions, compatible with plate velocity, are transmitted to the surface plates. The coupling is described approximately through a generalized Elsasser model. It is argued that the model gives a more realistic physical description of tectonic loading, including the time dependence of deep slip and crustal stress build up throughout the earthquake cycle, than do simpler kinematic models in which loading is represented as imposed uniform dislocation slip on the fault below the locked zone

    Orbital Dependence of Quasiparticle Lifetimes in Sr2RuO4

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    Using a phenomenological Hamiltonian, we investigate the quasiparticle lifetimes and dispersions in the three low energy bands, gamma, beta, and alpha of Sr2RuO4. Couplings in the Hamiltonian are fixed so as to produce the mass renormalization as measured in magneto-oscillation experiments. We thus find reasonable agreement in all bands between our computed lifetimes and those measured in ARPES experiments by Kidd et al. [1] and Ingle et al. [2]. In comparing computed to measured quasiparticle dispersions, we however find good agreement in the alpha-band alone.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Handbook for Learning-centred evaluation of Computer-facilitated learning projects in higher education

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    This handbook supports a project funded by the Australian Government Committee for University Teaching and Staff Development (CUTSD). The amended project title is “Staff Development in Evaluation of Technology-based Teaching Development Projects: An Action Inquiry Approach”. The project is hosted by Murdoch University on behalf of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE), as a consortium of 11 universities. The rationale of the project is to guide a group of university staff through the evaluation of a Computer-facilitated Learning (CFL1) project by a process of action inquiry and mentoring, supported by the practical and theoretical material contained in this handbook

    The CITARS effort by the environmental research institute of Michigan

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    The objectives of the research task for crop identification technology assessment for remote sensing are outlined. Data gathered by the Landsat 1 multispectral scanner over the U.S. Corn Belt during 1973 is described, and procedures for recognition processing of the data is discussed in detail. The major crops of prime interest were corn and soybeans; they were recognized with different levels of accuracy throughout the growing season, but particularly during late August. Wheat was the major crop of interest in early June

    Analysis of fatigue, fatique-crack propagation, and fracture data

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    Analytical methods have been developed for consolidation of fatigue, fatigue-crack propagation, and fracture data for use in design of metallic aerospace structural components. To evaluate these methods, a comprehensive file of data on 2024 and 7075 aluminums, Ti-6A1-4V, and 300M and D6Ac steels was established. Data were obtained from both published literature and unpublished reports furnished by aerospace companies. Fatigue and fatigue-crack-propagation analyses were restricted to information obtained from constant-amplitude load or strain cycling of specimens in air at room temperature. Fracture toughness data were from tests of center-cracked tension panels, part-through crack specimens, and compact-tension specimens

    Characterization and properties of controlled nucleation thermochemical deposited (CNTD) silicon carbide

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    The microstructure of controlled nucleation thermochemical deposition (CNTD) - SiC material was studied and the room temperature and high temperature bend strength and oxidation resistance was evaluated. Utilizing the CNTD process, ultrafine grained (0.01-0.1 mm) SiC was deposited on W - wires (0.5 mm diameter by 20 cm long) as substrates. The deposited SiC rods had superior surface smoothness and were without any macrocolumnar growth commonly found in conventional CVD material. At both room and high temperature (1200 - 1380 C), the CNTD - SiC exhibited bend strength approximately 200,000 psi (1380 MPa), several times higher than that of hot pressed, sintered, or CVD SiC. The excellent retention of strength at high temperature was attributed to the high purity and fine grain size of the SiC deposit and the apparent absence of grain growth at elevated temperatures. The rates of weight change for CNTD - SiC during oxidation were lower than for NC-203 (hot pressed SiC), higher than for GE's CVD - SiC, and considerably below those for HS-130 (hot pressed Si3N4). The high purity, fully dense, and stable grain size CNTD - SiC material shows potential for high temperature structural applications; however problem areas might include: scaling the process to make larger parts, deposition on removable substrates, and the possible residual tensile stress

    Video guidance, landing, and imaging systems

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    The adaptive potential of video guidance technology for earth orbital and interplanetary missions was explored. The application of video acquisition, pointing, tracking, and navigation technology was considered to three primary missions: planetary landing, earth resources satellite, and spacecraft rendezvous and docking. It was found that an imaging system can be mechanized to provide a spacecraft or satellite with a considerable amount of adaptability with respect to its environment. It also provides a level of autonomy essential to many future missions and enhances their data gathering ability. The feasibility of an autonomous video guidance system capable of observing a planetary surface during terminal descent and selecting the most acceptable landing site was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory. The techniques developed for acquisition, pointing, and tracking show promise for recognizing and tracking coastlines, rivers, and other constituents of interest. Routines were written and checked for rendezvous, docking, and station-keeping functions

    Studies in upper and lower atmosphere coupling

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    The theoretical and data-analytic work on upper and lower atmosphere coupling performed under a NASA Headquarters contract during the period April 1978 to March 1979 are summarized. As such, this report is primarily devoted to an overview of various studies published and to be published under this contract. Individual study reports are collected as exhibits. Work performed under the subject contract are in the following four areas of upper-lower atmosphere coupling: (1) Magnetosphere-ionosphere electrodynamic coupling in the aurora; (2) Troposphere-thermosphere coupling; (3) Ionosphere-neutral-atmosphere coupling; and (4) Planetary wave dynamics in the middle atmosphere