528 research outputs found

    On the relativistic Lattice Boltzmann method for quark-gluon plasma simulations

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    In this paper, we investigate the recently developed lattice Boltzmann model for relativistic hydrodynamics. To this purpose, we perform simulations of shock waves in quark-gluon plasma in the low and high viscosities regime, using three different computational models, the relativistic lattice Boltzmann (RLB), the Boltzmann Approach Multi-Parton Scattering (BAMPS), and the viscous sharp and smooth transport algorithm (vSHASTA). From the results, we conclude that the RLB model departs from BAMPS in the case of high speeds and high temperature(viscosities), the departure being due to the fact that the RLB is based on a quadratic approximation of the Maxwell-J\"uttner distribution, which is only valid for sufficiently low temperature and velocity. Furthermore, we have investigated the influence of the lattice speed on the results, and shown that inclusion of quadratic terms in the equilibrium distribution improves the stability of the method within its domain of applicability. Finally, we assess the viability of the RLB model in the various parameter regimes relevant to ultra-relativistic fluid dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 16 Figure

    Differential p53 protein expression in breast cancer fine needle aspirates: the potential for in vivo monitoring

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    Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is the least invasive method of sampling breast cancer in vivo and provides material for breast cancer diagnosis. FNA has also been used to examine cellular markers to predict and monitor the effects of therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of using FNA material compared with resected cancer for Western blotting studies of the p53 pathway, a key to tumour response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Paired samples of breast cancer FNAs collected pre-operatively and post-operatively were compared with tissue samples obtained at the time of surgical resection. Western blots were probed for p53 using the antibodies DO12 and DO1, and for levels of downstream proteins p21/WAF1 and p27. The protein extracted by FNA was sufficient for up to 5 Western blot studies. p53 expression and phosphorylation did not differ significantly pre- and post-operatively, indicating that intra-operative manipulation does not affect p53 expression or downstream activation in breast cancer. However, expression of p53, p21 and p27 varied between individual patients suggesting a range of p53 pathway activation in breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the cancer cells accounted for the protein expression detected on Western blots. FNA yields adequate protein for Western blotting studies and could be used as a method to monitor p53 activity in vivo before and during anti-cancer treatment possibly providing early evidence of tumour response to therapy. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign  http://www.bjcancer.co

    CHIP-Dependent Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton is Linked to Neuronal Cell Membrane Integrity

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    Summary: CHIP is an E3-ubiquitin ligase that contributes to healthy aging and has been characterized as neuroprotective. To elucidate dominant CHIP-dependent changes in protein steady-state levels in a patient-derived human neuronal model, CHIP function was ablated using gene-editing and an unbiased proteomic analysis conducted to compare knock-out and wild-type isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cortical neurons. Rather than a broad effect on protein homeostasis, loss of CHIP function impacted on a focused cohort of proteins from actin cytoskeleton signaling and membrane integrity networks. In support of the proteomics, CHIP knockout cells had enhanced sensitivity to induced membrane damage. We conclude that the major readout of CHIP function in cortical neurons derived from iPSC of a patient with elevate α-synuclein, Parkinson's disease and dementia, is the modulation of substrates involved in maintaining cellular “health”. Thus, regulation of the actin cytoskeletal and membrane integrity likely contributes to the neuroprotective function(s) of CHIP

    Topographic, Hydraulic, and Vegetative Controls on Bar and Island Development in Mixed Bedrock‐Alluvial, Multichanneled, Dryland Rivers

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    We investigate processes of bedrock‐core bar and island development in a bedrock‐influenced anastomosed reach of the Sabie River, Kruger National Park (KNP), eastern South Africa. For sites subject to alluvial stripping during an extreme flood event (~4470‐5630 m3 s‐1) in 2012, pre‐ and post‐flood aerial photographs and LiDAR data, 2D morphodynamic simulations, and field observations reveal that the thickest surviving alluvial deposits tend to be located over bedrock topographic lows. At a simulated peak discharge (~4500 m3 s‐1), most sediment (sand, fine gravel) is mobile but localized deposition on bedrock topographic highs is possible. At lower simulated discharges (<1000 m3 s‐1), topographic highs are not submerged, and deposition occurs in lower elevation areas, particularly in areas disconnected from the main channels during falling stage. Field observations suggest that in addition to discharge, rainwash between floods may redistribute sediments from bedrock topographic highs to lower elevation areas, and also highlight the critical role of vegetation colonization in bar stability, and in trapping of additional sediment and organics. These findings challenge the assumptions of preferential deposition on topographic highs that underpin previous analyses of KNP river dynamics, and are synthesized in a new conceptual model that demonstrates how initial bedrock topographic lows become topographic highs (bedrock core‐bars and islands) in the latter stages of sediment accumulation. The model provides particular insight into the development of mixed bedrock‐alluvial anastomosing along the KNP rivers, but similar processes of bar/island development likely occur along numerous other bedrock‐influenced rivers across dryland southern Africa and farther afield

    C-terminal diversity within the p53 family accounts for differences in DNA binding and transcriptional activity

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    The p53 family is known as a family of transcription factors with functions in tumor suppression and development. Whereas the central DNA-binding domain is highly conserved among the three family members p53, p63 and p73, the C-terminal domains (CTDs) are diverse and subject to alternative splicing and post-translational modification. Here we demonstrate that the CTDs strongly influence DNA binding and transcriptional activity: while p53 and the p73 isoform p73γ have basic CTDs and form weak sequence-specific protein–DNA complexes, the major p73 isoforms have neutral CTDs and bind DNA strongly. A basic CTD has been previously shown to enable sliding along the DNA backbone and to facilitate the search for binding sites in the complex genome. Our experiments, however, reveal that a basic CTD also reduces protein–DNA complex stability, intranuclear mobility, promoter occupancy in vivo, target gene activation and induction of cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. A basic CTD therefore provides both positive and negative regulatory functions presumably to enable rapid switching of protein activity in response to stress. The different DNA-binding characteristics of the p53 family members could therefore reflect their predominant role in the cellular stress response (p53) or developmental processes (p73)

    Doxorubicin and vinorelbine act independently via p53 expression and p38 activation respectively in breast cancer cell lines

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    In the treatment of breast cancer, combination chemotherapy is used to overcome drug resistance. Combining doxorubicin and vinorelbine in the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer has shown high response rates; even single-agent vinorelbine in patients previously exposed to anthracyclines results in significant remission. Alterations in protein kinase-mediated signal transduction and p53 mutations may play a role in drug resistance with cross-talk between signal transduction and p53 pathways. The aim of this study was to establish the effects of doxorubicin and vinorelbine, as single agents, in combination, and as sequential treatments, on signal transduction and p53 in the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468. In both cell lines, increased p38 activity was demonstrated following vinorelbine but not doxorubicin treatment, whether vinorelbine was given prior to or simultaneously with doxorubicin. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity and p53 expression remained unchanged following vinorelbine treatment. Doxorubicin treatment resulted in increased p53 expression, without changes in MAPK or p38 activity. These findings suggest that the effect of doxorubicin and vinorelbine used in combination may be achieved at least in part through distinct mechanisms. This additivism, where doxorubicin acts via p53 expression and vinorelbine through p38 activation, may contribute to the high clinical response rate when the two drugs are used together in the treatment of breast cancer

    MAGE-A cancer/testis antigens inhibit MDM2 ubiquitylation function and promote increased levels of MDM4

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    Melanoma antigen A (MAGE-A) proteins comprise a structurally and biochemically similar sub-family of Cancer/Testis antigens that are expressed in many cancer types and are thought to contribute actively to malignancy. MAGE-A proteins are established regulators of certain cancer-associated transcription factors, including p53, and are activators of several RING finger-dependent ubiquitin E3 ligases. Here, we show that MAGE-A2 associates with MDM2, a ubiquitin E3 ligase that mediates ubiquitylation of more than 20 substrates including mainly p53, MDM2 itself, and MDM4, a potent p53 inhibitor and MDM2 partner that is structurally related to MDM2. We find that MAGE-A2 interacts with MDM2 via the N-terminal p53-binding pocket and the RING finger domain of MDM2 that is required for homo/hetero-dimerization and for E2 ligase interaction. Consistent with these data, we show that MAGE-A2 is a potent inhibitor of the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of MDM2, yet it does not have any significant effect on p53 turnover mediated by MDM2. Strikingly, however, increased MAGE-A2 expression leads to reduced ubiquitylation and increased levels of MDM4. Similarly, silencing of endogenous MAGE-A expression diminishes MDM4 levels in a manner that can be rescued by the proteasomal inhibitor, bortezomid, and permits increased MDM2/MDM4 association. These data suggest that MAGE-A proteins can: (i) uncouple the ubiquitin ligase and degradation functions of MDM2; (ii) act as potent inhibitors of E3 ligase function; and (iii) regulate the turnover of MDM4. We also find an association between the presence of MAGE-A and increased MDM4 levels in primary breast cancer, suggesting that MAGE-A-dependent control of MDM4 levels has relevance to cancer clinically