9,099 research outputs found

    Electroweak Measurements of Neutron Densities in CREX and PREX at JLab, USA

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    Measurement of the parity-violating electron scattering asymmetry is an established technique at Jefferson Lab and provides a new opportunity to measure the weak charge distribution and hence pin down the neutron radius in nuclei in a relatively clean and model-independent way. This is because the Z boson of the weak interaction couples primarily to neutrons. We will describe the PREX and CREX experiments on 208{}^{208}Pb and 48{}^{48}Ca respectively; these are both doubly-magic nuclei whose first excited state can be discriminated by the high resolution spectrometers at JLab. The heavier lead nucleus, with a neutron excess, provides an interpretation of the neutron skin thickness in terms of properties of bulk neutron matter. For the lighter 48{}^{48}Ca nucleus, which is also rich in neutrons, microscopic nuclear theory calculations are feasible and are sensitive to poorly constrained 3-neutron forces.Comment: A contribution to the upcoming EPJA Special Volume on Nuclear Symmetry Energ

    Comments on Black Holes in String Theory

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    A very brief review is given of some of the developments leading to our current understanding of black holes in string theory. This is followed by a discussion of two possible misconceptions in this subject - one involving the stability of small black holes and the other involving scale radius duality. Finally, I describe some recent results concerning quasinormal modes of black holes in anti de Sitter spacetime, and their implications for strongly coupled conformal field theories (in various dimensions).Comment: 13 pages. Talk given at Strings '99, Potsdam, German

    Position-dependent exact-exchange energy for slabs and semi-infinite jellium

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    The position-dependent exact-exchange energy per particle εx(z)\varepsilon_x(z) (defined as the interaction between a given electron at zz and its exact-exchange hole) at metal surfaces is investigated, by using either jellium slabs or the semi-infinite (SI) jellium model. For jellium slabs, we prove analytically and numerically that in the vacuum region far away from the surface εxSlab(z)e2/2z\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{Slab}}(z \to \infty) \to - e^{2}/2z, {\it independent} of the bulk electron density, which is exactly half the corresponding exact-exchange potential Vx(z)e2/zV_{x}(z \to \infty) \to - e^2/z [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 97}, 026802 (2006)] of density-functional theory, as occurs in the case of finite systems. The fitting of εxSlab(z)\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{Slab}}(z) to a physically motivated image-like expression is feasible, but the resulting location of the image plane shows strong finite-size oscillations every time a slab discrete energy level becomes occupied. For a semi-infinite jellium, the asymptotic behavior of εxSI(z)\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{SI}}(z) is somehow different. As in the case of jellium slabs εxSI(z)\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{SI}}(z \to \infty) has an image-like behavior of the form e2/z\propto - e^2/z, but now with a density-dependent coefficient that in general differs from the slab universal coefficient 1/2. Our numerical estimates for this coefficient agree with two previous analytical estimates for the same. For an arbitrary finite thickness of a jellium slab, we find that the asymptotic limits of εxSlab(z)\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{Slab}}(z) and εxSI(z)\varepsilon_{x}^{\text{SI}}(z) only coincide in the low-density limit (rsr_s \to \infty), where the density-dependent coefficient of the semi-infinite jellium approaches the slab {\it universal} coefficient 1/2.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A method for measuring the nonlinear response in dielectric spectroscopy through third harmonics detection

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    We present a high sensitivity method allowing the measurement of the non linear dielectric susceptibility of an insulating material at finite frequency. It has been developped for the study of dynamic heterogeneities in supercooled liquids using dielectric spectroscopy at frequencies 0.05 Hz < f < 30000 Hz . It relies on the measurement of the third harmonics component of the current flowing out of a capacitor. We first show that standard laboratory electronics (amplifiers and voltage sources) nonlinearities lead to limits on the third harmonics measurements that preclude reaching the level needed by our physical goal, a ratio of the third harmonics to the fundamental signal about 7 orders of magnitude lower than 1. We show that reaching such a sensitivity needs a method able to get rid of the nonlinear contributions both of the measuring device (lock-in amplifier) and of the excitation voltage source. A bridge using two sources fulfills only the first of these two requirements, but allows to measure the nonlinearities of the sources. Our final method is based on a bridge with two plane capacitors characterized by different dielectric layer thicknesses. It gets rid of the source and amplifier nonlinearities because in spite of a strong frequency dependence of the capacitors impedance, it is equilibrated at any frequency. We present the first measurements of the physical nonlinear response using our method. Two extensions of the method are suggested.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Kohn-Sham Exchange Potential for a Metallic Surface

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    The behavior of the surface barrier that forms at the metal-vacuum interface is important for several fields of surface science. Within the Density Functional Theory framework, this surface barrier has two non-trivial components: exchange and correlation. Exact results are provided for the exchange component, for a jellium metal-vacuum interface, in a slab geometry. The Kohn-Sham exact-exchange potential Vx(z)V_{x}(z) has been generated by using the Optimized Effective Potential method, through an accurate numerical solution, imposing the correct boundary condition. It has been proved analytically, and confirmed numerically, that Vx(z)e2/zV_{x}(z\to \infty)\to - e^{2}/z; this conclusion is not affected by the inclusion of correlation effects. Also, the exact-exchange potential develops a shoulder-like structure close to the interface, on the vacuum side. The issue of the classical image potential is discussed.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (to appear

    Statistical Effects and the Black Hole/D-brane Correspondence

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    The horizon area and curvature of three-charge BPS black strings are studied in the D-brane ensemble for the stationary black string. The charge distributions along the string are used to translate the classical expressions for the horizon area and curvature of BPS black strings with waves into operators on the D-brane Hilbert space. Despite the fact that any `wavy' black string has smaller horizon area and divergent curvature, the typical values of the horizon area and effects of the horizon curvature in the D-brane ensemble deviate negligibly from those of the original stationary black string in the limit of large integer charges. Whether this holds in general will depend on certain properties of the quantum bound states.Comment: 13 pages, RevTex, small errors corrected, some interpretation changed in light of new result

    Nuclear medium modifications of the NN interaction via quasielastic (p,p\vec p,\vec p ') and (p,n\vec{p},\vec{n}) scattering

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    Within the relativistic PWIA, spin observables have been recalculated for quasielastic (p,p\vec p,\vec p ') and (p,n\vec p,\vec n) reactions on a 40^{40}Ca target. The incident proton energy ranges from 135 to 300 MeV while the transferred momentum is kept fixed at 1.97 fm^{-1}. In the present calculations, new Horowitz-Love--Franey relativistic NN amplitudes have been generated in order to yield improved and more quantitative spin observable values than before. The sensitivities of the various spin observables to the NN interaction parameters, such as (1) the presence of the surrounding nuclear medium, (2) a pseudoscalar versus a pseudovector interaction term, and (3) exchange effects, point to spin observables which should preferably be measured at certain laboratory proton energies, in order to test current nuclear models. This study also shows that nuclear medium effects become more important at lower proton energies (\leq 200 MeV). A comparison to the limited available data indicates that the relativistic parametrization of the NN scattering amplitudes in terms of only the five Fermi invariants (the SVPAT form) is questionable.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Postscript figures, uses psfig.sty and article.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Extremal black holes as exact string solutions

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    We show that the leading order solution describing an extremal electrically charged black hole in string theory is, in fact, an exact solution to all orders in \a' when interpreted in a Kaluza-Klein fashion. This follows from the observation that it can be obtained via dimensional reduction from a five dimensional background which is proved to be an exact string solution.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, Imperial/TP/93-94/51, UCSBTH-94-24 (references added