1,225 research outputs found

    Storage of ascocarps and ascospore progeny of Cochliobolus heterostrophus.

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    Cochliobolus heterostrophus is a filamentous ascomycete that causes southern leaf blight of maize

    Modeling the dynamics of social systems

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    AbstractA procedure is demonstrated for constructing mathematical models of social systems and then simulating the behavior of such systems on a computer. First, sociological concepts are transformed into well-defined variables, and then system dynamics techniques are employed to construct a set of differential and algebraic equations that describe the dynamics of those variables. These dynamics are then simulated and used to establish the empirical adequacy of the theory being modeled. An Example is provided for the specific social theory dealing with norm systems

    HAPMAP: a computer program for the linkage analysis of haploids.

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    The development of technology for the detection of variations in DNA sequence is permitting the rapid mapping of the genomes of many organisms

    Brown Stem Rot and its Interaction with the Soybean Cyst Nematode

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    Brown stem rot (BSR) of soybeans is caused by the fungal vascular pathogen Cadophora gregata (previously named Phialophora gregata). BSR is an economically important disease of soybeans in the north central United States, being prevalent in 68 to 73% of the soybean fields of Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota (Workneh et al. 1999). There are two genetic types (called genotypes) of C. gregata that differ in their ability to cause foliar symptoms on susceptible soybeans (Chen et al. 2000). Infection by genotype A of the fungus can result in mild to severe brown discoloration of the pith and severe foliar symptoms on susceptible soybeans and mild or no foliar symptom on resistant soybeans. In contrast, infection by genotype B of the fungus causes mild to severe brown discoloration of the pith, but mild or no foliar symptoms. Soybeans can be colonized by both genotypes of the fungus without exhibiting stem or foliar symptoms (Taboret al. 2003a). Consequently, hidden yield loss due to BSR may frequently occur

    Linkage among melanin biosynthetic mutations in Cochliobolus heterostrophus

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    Melanin is synthesized by C. heterostrophus from acetate via pentaketide and several dihydroxynaphthalene intermediates (Tanaka et al. 1991 Mycol. Res. 95:49-56), as it is for certain other fungi (Bell and Wheeler 1986 Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 24:411-451; Kubo et al. 1989 Exp. Mycol 13:77-84; Chumley and Valent 1990 Mol. Plant-Microbe Int. 3:135-143). Previously, five melanin deficient mutants of C. heterostrophus were analyzed by Tanaka et al. (Mycol. Res. 95:49-56), who were unable to establish complete linkage relationships because three of the mutations (alb1, alb3, and brn1) showed no recombination when crossed to each other, and were unlinked to the other two (sal1 and pgr1), which mapped about 12 cM apart. A sixth color mutation, scr1, represented a third linkage group, but there was no evidence of its involvement in melanin biosynthesis. Independently, we have recovered six melanin-deficient mutants, one of which (alb1, Leach et al. 1982 J. Gen. Microbiol. 128:1719-1729) was included in the study of Tanaka et al. and maps to chromosome 1 on the C. heterostrophus RFLP map (Tzeng et al. 1992 Genetics 130:81-96). We report here that our remaining five melanin-deficient mutants [crm1 (light cream), crm2 (dark cream), brn1 (brown), rsy1 (rose), and probably gra3 (gray)] are linked to, but are not allelic with, alb1 (white) and constitute a gene cluster on chromosome

    A New Greenhouse Method to Assay Soybean Resistance to Brown Stem Rot

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    Greenhouse, growth chamber, and field experiments were conducted to develop a method to assess resistance of soybeans to Cadophora gregata (Phialophora gregata), causal agent of brown stem rot (BSR). In the new method, C. gregata is introduced at the base of the stems of 2-week-old soybeans, and the presence of the fungus is assessed in the tips of the stems 5 weeks later. To test the effectiveness of the method, two populations of soybeans and 10 checks were inoculated at the stem base and then assayed for fungal colonization of the stem tips, percentage of symptomatic leaflets, and percent internal stem length discolored. The lines also were planted in naturally infested fields to assess for percent internal stem length discolored, and were tested for the presence/absence of a BSR-resistant molecular marker. Greenhouse, field, and molecular marker data were compared. Linear regression analysis suggested that percentage of plants with colonized stem tips explained 41 to 64% of the variability (P \u3c 0.0001) in percent stem length discolored in the field and 58 to 85% of the variability (P \u3c 0.0001) in molecular marker data for BSR resistance. Percent stem length discolored assessed in the greenhouse had the lowest correlation with percent stem length discolored in the field and with the molecular marker. Of three incubation temperatures tested, 22°C was the most conducive for distinguishing resistant/susceptible soybeans using the colonization method

    Multibody aircraft study, volume 2

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    The potential benefits of a multibody aircraft when compared to a single body aircraft are presented. The analyses consist principally of a detailed point design analysis of three multibody and one single body aircraft, based on a selected payload of 350,000 kg (771,618 lb), for final aircraft definitions; sensitivity studies to evaluate the effects of variations in payload, wing semispan body locations, and fuel price; recommendations as to the research and technology requirements needed to validate the multibody concept. Two, two body, one, three body, and one single body aircraft were finalized for the selected payload, with DOC being the prime figure of merit. When compared to the single body, the multibody aircraft showed a reduction in DOC by as much as 11.3 percent. Operating weight was reduced up to 14 percent, and fly away cost reductions ranged from 8.6 to 13.4 percent. Weight reduction, hence cost, of the multibody aircraft resulted primarily from the wing bending relief afforded by the bodies being located outboard on the wing

    Heterodera glycines Infection Increases Incidence and Severity of Brown Stem Rot in Both Resistant and Susceptible Soybean

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    Growth chamber experiments were conducted to investigate whether parasitism by Heterodera glycines, the soybean cyst nematode, increases incidence and severity of brown stem rot (BSR) of soybean, caused by Phialophora gregata, in both resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars. Soybean genotypes with various combinations of resistance and susceptibility to both pathogens were inoculated with P. gregata alone or P. gregataplus H. glycines. In most tests of H. glycines-susceptible genotypes, incidence and severity of internal stem discoloration, characteristic of BSR, was greater in the presence than in the absence of H. glycines, regardless of susceptibility or resistance to BSR. There was less of an increasing effect of H. glycines on stem symptoms in genotypes resistant to both BSR and H. glycines; however, P. gregata colonization of these genotypes was increased. Stems of both a BSR-resistant and a BSR-susceptible genotype were colonized earlier by P. gregata in the presence than in the absence of H. glycines. Our findings indicate that H. glycines can increase the incidence and severity of BSR in soybean regardless of resistance or susceptibility to either pathogen