11 research outputs found

    Shoreline changes near river mouth: case study of Sant'Agata River (Reggio Calabria, Italy)

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    The analysis of shoreline changes is very important for coastal planning and management. In territories such as Calabria (Italy), characterized by significant anthropogenic pressures and various eroded coasts, the knowledge of the shoreline changes, and the factors that influence them, is necessary for management and planning of coastal areas. In fact, shoreline position is one of the most important indicators of coastal dynamics. From this point of view recent advances in remote sensing and GIS techniques allow to estimate with great precision the shoreline changes over the years. The paper analyzes the shoreline changes near the mouth of the Sant'Agata River (Reggio Calabria, Italy), carried out through the comparison of various cartography data. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the main factors influencing the coastal dynamics in order to identify possible correlation between these factors and the shoreline changes. The analysis of these factors shows that, in this case study, the rainfall regime has a considerable influence on shoreline change. The methodology described in this paper is particularly useful for better understanding the factors that most influence the coastal balance and, therefore, is applicable to many contexts which are similar to the Sant'Agata river mouth

    OP\uc9EN & ReForm : Observation des Pratiques \uc9ducatives et des pratiques ENseignantes de la Recherche \ue0 la Formation

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    Les objectifs de la structure f\ue9d\ue9rative sont les suivants : - donner une plus grande visibilit\ue9 aux recherches r\ue9alis\ue9es par les \ue9quipes de la structure f\ue9d\ue9rative et \ue0 leurs applications (publications, colloques, valorisation d\u2019outils d\u2019\ue9valuation et de formation) - permettre aux unit\ue9s partenaires de confronter les approches, concepts, d\ue9marches et m\ue9thodologies utilis\ue9es afin de d\ue9velopper des projets de recherche collaborative pluridisciplinaire ; - favoriser les interactions entre les unit\ue9s afin de d\ue9velopper des projets de recherche \ue0 dimension internationale dans le domaine de l\u2019\ue9ducation, de l\u2019enseignement et de la formation professionnelle ; - contribuer au d\ue9veloppement de partenariats avec les professionnels de mani\ue8re \ue0 diffuser les apports de la recherche dans la formation professionnelle initiale et continue. La structure f\ue9d\ue9rative comprend 18 unit\ue9s de recherche dont 10 unit\ue9s en co-tutelle avec Nantes et 7 unit\ue9s partenaires Actuellement, le r\ue9seau OP\uc9EN & ReForm est en mesure de d\ue9velopper des collaborations avec le regroupement de 8 facult\ue9s de recherche et de 4 chaires de recherche au sein de l\u2019IRP\uc9 de Sherbrooke (Institut de recherche sur les pratiques \ue9ducatives), la facult\ue9 d\u2019\ue9ducation de Macerata et de Bari (Italie) et avec l\u2019ULB de Bruxelles

    Ripensare lo spazio Politico: quale aristocrazia?

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    La realt\ue0 dell\u2019azione politica e sociale e la riflessione su di essa sembrano momenti destinati a divergere sempre pi\uf9 fortemente e irrimediabilmente. \uc8 all\u2019interno di questa sempre pi\uf9 ambia divaricazione che la proposta di una tematica inattuale come quella che si \ue0ncora alla parola \u201caristocrazia\u201d riceve una sua rilevanza. \u201cAristocratico\u201d \ue8 tutto ci\uf2 che si dona ad una dimensione pubblica per semplice amore di questo spazio, l\u2019unico in cui l\u2019uomo diventa veramente tale. L\u2019ottimo, il migliore, che \ue8 la trasformazione del buono in un \u201cqualcosa\u201d che \ue8 un bene comune, \ue8 l\u2019unica forma di legittimazione del potere e quindi anche ci\uf2 che pu\uf2 resistere ai suoi abusi. In questo senso si potrebbe dire che \ue8 \u201caristocratico\u201d ci\uf2 che limita il potere attraverso il bene

    Pedagogical Practices for Virtual Worlds

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    As a result from activities carried out within Module 2 of the MUVEnation programme about exploring active learning approaches, we have created a collection of practices for teaching and learning in Virtual Worlds, organised in 21 chapters, classified in the following categories of instructional methods: Presentation, Demonstration, Discussion, Drill-and-practice, Tutorial, Cooperative Learning, Gaming, Simulation and Discovery. The educational professionals who participated in the course worked in teams, but in some cases individually to map and describe the existing range of teaching practices in Second Life, and to draw a reflection about the elements for their success. Practices described include: lecture, multimedia presentation, demonstration, dialogic teaching and specifically debates and consensus building, but also other forms of discussion like seminars, symposia, syndicates, panel discussion, workshops and organized forums; brain storming, treasure hunts and virtual quests, learning by projects, self paced learning and self study, Labs (class/ fields), role play, virtual theatre and theatrical improvisation matches, peer tutoring and learning, Role playing, and simulation games

    Educational Tools for Second Life: a handbook for educators in virtual worlds.

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    As a result of two collective activities organised during the MUVEnation programme, we have produced a collection of educational tools for Second Life. This collection has been produced in two stages. First, back in September 2008, 33 partcipants in the introductory module worked together in groups for the identification of more than 100 tools used for teaching and learning in Second Life. Later, in March 2009, 55 education professionals (lecturers, researchers, learning technologists and teachers) have collected, tested and fully described more than 150 tools. The result of this collective work has been transformed into a book, published as an Open Educational Resource under CC licence by attribution unported, so anyone is free to distribute without restrictions: adapt, translate, re-mix and improve it