8 research outputs found

    In vivo time-lapse imaging of mitochondria in healthy and diseased peripheral myelin sheath

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    The myelin sheath that covers a large amount of neurons is critical for their homeostasis, and myelinating glia mitochondria have recently been shown to be essential for neuron survival. However morphological and physiological properties of these organelles remain elusive. Here we report a method to analyze mitochondrial dynamics and morphology in myelinating Schwann cells of living mice using viral transduction and time-lapse multiphoton microscopy. We describe the distribution, shape, size and dynamics of mitochondria in live cells. We also report mitochondrial alterations in Opa1(delTTAG) mutant mice cells at presymptomatic stages, suggesting that mitochondrial defects in myelin contribute to OPA1 related neuropathy and represent a biomarker for the disease

    Mechanism of homophilic adhesion by the neural cell adhesion molecule: Use of multiple domains and flexibility

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    The extracellular regions of adhesion proteins of the Ig superfamily comprise multiple, tandemly arranged domains. We used directforce measurements to investigate how this modular architecture contributes to the adhesive interactions of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), a representative of this protein class. The extracellular region of NCAM comprises five immunoglobulin and two fibronectin domains. Previous investigations generated different models for the mechanism of homophilic adhesion that each use different domains. We use force measurements to demonstrate that NCAM binds in two spatially distinct configurations. Igdomain deletion mutants identified the domains responsible for each of the adhesive bonds. The measurements also confirmed the existence of a flexible hinge that alters the orientation of the adhesive complexes and the intermembrane distance. These results suggest that a combination of multiple bound states and internal molecular flexibility allows for sequentially synergistic bond formation and the ability to accommodate differences in intercellular space

    Erbin regulates NRG1 signaling and myelination

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    Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) plays a critical role in myelination. However, little is known about regulatory mechanisms of NRG1 signaling. We show here that Erbin, a protein that contains leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and a PSD95-Dlg-Zol (PDZ) domain and that interacts specifically with ErbB2, is necessary for NRG1 signaling and myelination of peripheral nervous system (PNS). In Erbin null mice, myelinated axons were hypomyelinated with reduced expression of P0, a marker of mature myelinating Schwann cells (SCs), whereas unmyelinated axons were aberrantly ensheathed in Remak bundles, with increased numbers of axons in the bundles and in pockets. The morphological deficits were associated with decreased nerve conduction velocity and increased sensory threshold to mechanistic stimulation. These phenotypes were duplicated in erbinΔC/ΔC mice, in which Erbin lost the PDZ domain to interact with ErbB2. Moreover, ErbB2 was reduced at protein levels in both Erbin mutant sciatic nerves, and ErbB2 became unstable and NRG1 signaling compromised when Erbin expression was suppressed. These observations indicate a critical role of Erbin in myelination and identify a regulatory mechanism of NRG1 signaling. Our results suggest that Erbin, via the PDZ domain, binds to and stabilizes ErbB2, which is necessary for NRG1 signaling that has been implicated in tumorigenesis, heart development, and neural function