753 research outputs found

    Zero-Hopf bifurcation in a 3-D jerk system

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    We consider the 3-D system defined by the jerk equation \dddot{x} = -a \ddot{x} + x \dot{x}^2 -x^3 -b x + c \dot{x}, with a,b,c∈Ra, b, c\in \mathbb{R}. When a=b=0a=b=0 and c<0c < 0 the equilibrium point localized at the origin is a zero-Hopf equilibrium. We analyse the zero-Hopf Bifurcation that occur at this point when we persuade a quadratic perturbation of the coefficients, and prove that one, two or three periodic orbits can born when the parameter of the perturbation goes to 00

    Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway

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    we read with great interest the paper by Dr. Chen et al1, recently published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences and titled ‘‘Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway’’. Authors concluded that lncRNA00673 is highly expressed and may be a potential target for the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Moreover, according to authors, it can promote the proliferation and metastasis of HCC by the regulation of Notch signaling pathway. We congratulate the authors for their interesting work

    Computational fluid dynamics modelling of the regular wave flow regime in air-water downwards annular flows

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    Although the global flow characteristics of annular gas-liquid flows have been studied experimentally for more than 50 years, the spatiotemporally-resolved details of these flows have remained relatively unexplored until recently, with data provided via advanced experimental methods based, e.g., on optical techniques. Similarly, the numerical modelling of annular flows is still an immature process. The present work aims to provide a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on the volume of fluid (VOF) method for simulating annular gas-liquid flows, setting the stage for a deeper investigation of these flows at global and local scales. The work focuses on the most common downwards annular flow (DAF) flow pattern: the regular wave regime. 3-D and 2-D axisymmetric transient simulations have been performed using a commercial code (ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1). The code is validated through available experimental data regarding topological flow properties, mainly film thickness and wave statistics. The validation results suggest that 3-D simulations are needed to provide predictions that agree with the experimental data, highlighting strong 3-D features in the flow

    Development of sexual organs and fecundity in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 from the Sardinian waters (Mediterranean Sea)

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    In this paper we report information about the sexual maturity process of 245 Octopus vulgaris specimens (75 females and 170 males) from the Mediterranean Sea. For both sexes, six stages of sexual maturity (immature, developing, maturing, mature, spawning, and spent) are identified on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic observations of the reproductive system and linked with some reproductive indices. A good correspondence between gonad appearance and its histological structure is observed, highlighting, in females, how oviducal gland morphology plays a crucial role in the macroscopic evaluation of maturity. The Gonadosomatic and Hayashi indices, in the two genders, and the Oviducal Gland index in females alone do not allow distinguishing all the stages in an irrefutable way. Data on the potential fecundity, oocyte and spermatophore size are reported and compared with literature. In addition, spermatophore components are also computed. The results reported in this paper lead to easy identification of the different phases of sexual maturation of O. vulgaris and could constitute an important tool for defining assessment models in view of sound management of this species

    Development of sexual organs and fecundity in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 from the Sardinian waters (Mediterranean Sea)

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    In this paper we report information about the sexual maturity process of 245 Octopus vulgaris specimens (75 females and 170 males) from the Mediterranean Sea. For both sexes, six stages of sexual maturity (immature, developing, maturing, mature, spawning, and spent) are identified on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic observations of the reproductive system and linked with some reproductive indices. A good correspondence between gonad appearance and its histological structure is observed, highlighting, in females, how oviducal gland morphology plays a crucial role in the macroscopic evaluation of maturity. The Gonadosomatic and Hayashi indices, in the two genders, and the Oviducal Gland index in females alone do not allow distinguishing all the stages in an irrefutable way. Data on the potential fecundity, oocyte and spermatophore size are reported and compared with literature. In addition, spermatophore components are also computed. The results reported in this paper lead to easy identification of the different phases of sexual maturation of O. vulgaris and could constitute an important tool for defining assessment models in view of sound management of this species

    VMXR: a EUD Environment for Virtual Merchandizing in XR

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    This paper presents the current development state of VMXR, a Proof of Concept (PoC) environment allowing people without programming experience to create and configure product showcases in a Virtual and eXtended reality setting. The aim of the PoC is to identify proper metaphors and workflows for supporting showcase designers in creating interactions with the virtual product representation or enhancing the physical environment through additional information and media
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