1,270 research outputs found

    Acrometástasis por cáncer de pulmón, diagnóstico simultáneo: a propósito de un caso

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    Las acrometástasis son hallazgos patológicos malignos muy poco frecuentes. La importancia de estas lesiones reside en que en ocasiones puede ser la primera manifestación de una neoplasia oculta y avanzada y que además por sus características puede confundirse con otras patologías esqueléticas y tratarse de manera inadecuada. Presentamos el caso de una acrometástasis localizada en la falange distal del dedo de una mano en un paciente que previamente no había sido diagnosticado de cáncer de pulmón.Acrometastasis are rare malignant pathological findings. They can sometimes be the first mani - festation of an occult and advanced neoplasia and also they can be confused with other skeletal pathologies and treated inappropriately. We report a case of acrometastasis to the distal phalanx of the finger of the hand in a patient who previously hadn't been diagnosed with lung cancer

    Ouabain-insensitive, Na-ATPase activity in pure suspensions of rat kidney proximal tubules

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    AbstractThe present work was undertaken to evaluate the distribution of the Na-ATPase activity in the different components of the rat kidney cortex. Suspensions of glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules were prepared following a collagenase digestion of outermost kidney cortex slices and a separation on a Percoll gradient. It was found that the Na-ATPase activity is higher in the fraction enriched in proximal tubules. The fraction enriched in glomeruli and in distal tubules show also a Na-ATPase activity, but it is lower

    An automatic weighting system for wild animals based in an artificial neural network: how to weigh wild animals without causing stress

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    This paper proposes a novel and autonomous weighing system for wild animals. It allows evaluating changes in the body weight of animals in their natural environment without causing stress. The proposed system comprises a smart scale designed to estimate individual body weights and their temporal evolution in a bird colony. The system is based on computational intelligence, and offers valuable large amount of data to evaluate the relationship between long-term changes in the behavior of individuals and global change. The real deployment of this system has been for monitoring a breeding colony of lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) in southern Spain. The results show that it is possible to monitor individual weight changes during the breeding season and to compare the weight evolution in males and females

    Comunidades, hábitat y tipos de suelo sobre los que se desarrolla el “Té de Sierra Nevada”

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    At the present moment work we have studied the soils, ecology and vegetal communities which define the habitat where the "Te of the Sierra " live and is developed. We have described 4 soil pro files in all point where this plant live according to with the altitude, orientation and the nature of the geological material, so that the whole ecology of this plant has been studied. In the same way we have included a table with four floristics inventories pointed ont in the location of the soil profiles.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de los suelos, de la ecología y de las comunidades vegetales que definen el hábitat en donde vive y se desarrolla el "Té de Sierra Nevada" (Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench. subesp. meridionalis (Nyman) P. W. Ball) , curiosa especie de la familia de las Labiadas, muy apreciada en esta localidad por sus virtudes medicinales. Describimos en él un estudio de cuatro perfiles edáficos realizados en sendas áreas o puntos que previamente hemos seleccionado en las laderas noroccidentales de esta sierra, según su diferente altitud, orientación y naturaleza del sustrato. Asimismo, incluimos también una tabla con cuatro inventarios florísticos tomados en los citados puntos