405 research outputs found

    Individual differences underlying susceptibility to addiction: Role for the endogenous oxytocin system

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    AbstractRecent research shows that the effects of oxytocin are more diverse than initially thought and that in some cases oxytocin can directly influence the response to drugs and alcohol. Large individual differences in basal oxytocin levels and reactivity of the oxytocin system exist. This paper will review the literature to explore how individual differences in the oxytocin system arise and examine the hypothesis that this may mediate some of the individual differences in susceptibility to addiction and relapse.Differences in the oxytocin system can be based on individual factors, e.g. genetic variation especially in the oxytocin receptor, age or gender, or be the result of early environmental influences such as social experiences, stress or trauma. The paper addresses the factors that cause individual differences in the oxytocin system and the environmental factors that have been identified to induce long-term changes in the developing oxytocin system during different life phases.Individual differences in the oxytocin system can influence effects of drugs and alcohol directly or indirectly. The oxytocin system has bidirectional interactions with the stress-axis, autonomic nervous system, neurotransmitter systems (e.g. dopamine, serotonin and GABA/glutamate) and the immune system. These systems are all important, even vital, in different phases of addiction.It is suggested that early life adversity can change the development of the oxytocin system and the way it modulates other systems. This in turn could minimise the negative feedback loops that would normally exist. Individuals may show only minor differences in behaviour and function unless subsequent stressors or drug use challenges the system. It is postulated that at that time individual differences in oxytocin levels, reactivity of the system or interactions with other systems can influence general resilience, drug effects and the susceptibility to develop problematic drug and alcohol use

    Perceptual Sensitivity and Response to Strong Stimuli Are Related

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    To shed new light on the long-standing debate about the (in)dependence of sensitivity to weak stimuli and overreactivity to strong stimuli, we examined the relation between these tendencies within the neurobehavioral framework of the Predictive and Reactive Control Systems (PARCS) theory (Tops et al., 2010, 2014). Whereas previous studies only considered overreactivity in terms of the individual tendency to experience unpleasant affect (punishment reactivity) resulting from strong sensory stimulation, we also took the individual tendency to experience pleasant affect (reward reactivity) resulting from strong sensory stimulation into account. According to PARCS theory, these temperamental tendencies overlap in terms of high reactivity toward stimulation, but oppose each other in terms of the response orientation (approach or avoid). PARCS theory predicts that both types of reactivity to strong stimuli relate to sensitivity to weak stimuli, but that these relationships are suppressed due to the opposing relationship between reward and punishment reactivity. We measured punishment and reward reactivity to strong stimuli and sensitivity to weak stimuli using scales from the Adult Temperament Questionnaire (Evans and Rothbart, 2007). Sensitivity was also measured more objectively using the masked auditory threshold. We found that sensitivity to weak stimuli (both self-reported and objectively assessed) was positively associated with self-reported punishment and reward reactivity to strong stimuli, but only when these reactivity measures were controlled for each other, implicating a mutual suppression effect. These results are in line with PARCS theory and suggest that sensitivity to weak stimuli and overreactivity are dependent, but this dependency is likely to be obscured if punishment and reward reactivity are not both taken into account

    Spelling in adolescents with dyslexia: errors and modes of assessment

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    In this study we focused on the spelling of high-functioning students with dyslexia. We made a detailed classification of the errors in a word and sentence dictation task made by 100 students with dyslexia and 100 matched control students. All participants were in the first year of their bachelor’s studies and had Dutch as mother tongue. Three main error categories were distinguished: phonological, orthographic, and grammatical errors (on the basis of morphology and language-specific spelling rules). The results indicated that higher-education students with dyslexia made on average twice as many spelling errors as the controls, with effect sizes of d ≥ 2. When the errors were classified as phonological, orthographic, or grammatical, we found a slight dominance of phonological errors in students with dyslexia. Sentence dictation did not provide more information than word dictation in the correct classification of students with and without dyslexia

    Chronic care for heart failure patients: who to refer back to the general practitioner?: Experiences of the Dutch integrated heart failure care model

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    ObjectiveThe number of patients with heart failure (HF) and corresponding burden of the healthcare system will increase significantly. The Dutch integrated model, 'Transmural care of HF Patients' was based on the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines and initiated to manage the increasing prevalence of HF patients in primary and secondary care and stimulate integrated care. It is unknown how many HF patients are eligible for back-referral to general practitioners (GPs), which is important information for the management of chronic HF care. This study aims to evaluate clinical practice of patients for whom chronic HF care can be referred from the cardiologist to the GP based on the aforementioned chronic HF care model.Design and MethodsA retrospective case record-based study was conducted, which included all chronic HF patients registered in the cardiology information systems of two different hospitals. Subsequently, 200 patients were randomly selected for evaluation. The following patients were considered eligible for referral to the GP: 1/Stable HF patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), 2/Stable HF patients with a recovered LVEF and 3/Stable HF patients with a preserved LVEF, 4/HF, palliative setting.ResultsOf the 200 patients, 17% was considered eligible for referral to the GP. This group consisted of 5% patients with a reduced LVEF, 10.5% patients with recovered LVEF and 1.5% patients with a preserved LVEF. Main indicators for HF care by cardiologists were active cardiac disease other than HF (39.5%), recent admission for HF (29.5%) or a recent adjustment in HF medication (7.5%).ConclusionApplying the chronic HF care model of the 'Transmural care of HF patients' and the ESC-guidelines, results in an important opportunity to further optimise HF integrated care and to deal with the increasing number of HF patients referred to the hospital

    The Study of Education Effect on Knowledge of, and Attitudes Toward Electroconvulsive Therapy Among Iranian Nurses and Patients’ Relatives in a Psychiatric Hospital, 2009-2010

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    AbstractElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a cost effective method in the treatment of some psychiatric disorders. Although, service users such as health providers and nurses, also patients and their relatives may refuse ECT when indicated, due to the myths and little or lack of knowledge about the procedure. The knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT among nurses, may reflect on patients and influence treatment choice. For doing this procedure relatives informed consent is necessary, so their knowledge of and attitude toward ECT is important for getting informed consent and following treatment sessions. Objective: This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental study to measure knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT in 2 groups: relatives and nursing. Also, to study the effect of education on knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT in 2 groups. Methods: In this research the pre and post test self – administered questionnaires were completed by 46 relatives and 46 nurses before and after education about ECT. Results: Nurses in this research received a mean score of X=34.97 knowledge before education and X=39.78 after education (t=2.02, p<0.05), and a mean score of X=33.41 attitude before education and, X=42.82 after education (t=-14.25, p<0.001). Relatives received a mean score of X=23.41 knowledge before education and X=30.15 after education (t=-12.44, p<0.001), and a mean score of X=33.39 attitude before education and, X=41.13 after education (t=-9.10, p<0.001). The differences between the 2 means among two groups were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Education given to nurses and relatives about ECT increased their knowledge of, and improved their attitudes toward ECT. For this reason it is recommended that continuing education about ECT process should be planned and given at regular intervals

    Comprehensive routine diagnostic screening to identify predictive mutations, gene amplifications, and microsatellite instability in FFPE tumor material

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    Background: Sensitive and reliable molecular diagnostics is needed to guide therapeutic decisions for cancer patients. Although less material becomes available for testing, genetic markers are rapidly expanding. Simultaneous detection of predictive markers, including mutations, gene amplifications and MSI, will save valuable material, time and costs. Methods: Using a single-molecule molecular inversion probe (smMIP)-based targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach, we developed an NGS panel allowing detection of predictive mutations in 33 genes, gene amplifications of 13 genes and microsatellite instability (MSI) by the evaluation of 55 microsatellite markers. The panel was designed to target all clinically relevant single and multiple nucleotide mutations in routinely available lung cancer, colorectal cancer, melanoma, and gastro-intestinal stromal tumor samples, but is useful for a broader set of tumor types. Results: The smMIP-based NGS panel was successfully validated and cut-off values were established for reliable gene amplification analysis (i.e. relative coverage ≥3) and MSI detection (≥30% unstable loci). After validation, 728 routine diagnostic tumor samples including a broad range of tumor types were sequenced with sufficient sensitivity (2.4% drop-out), including samples with low DNA input (< 10 ng; 88% successful), low tumor purity (5-10%; 77% successful), and cytological material (90% successful). 75% of these tumor samples showed ≥1 (likely) pathogenic mutation, including targetable mutations (e.g. EGFR, BRAF, MET, ERBB2, KIT, PDGFRA). Amplifications were observed in 5.5% of the samples, comprising clinically relevant amplifications (e.g. MET, ERBB2, FGFR1). 1.5% of the tumor samples were classified as MSI-high, including both MSI-prone and non-MSI-prone tumors. Conclusions: We developed a comprehensive workflow for predictive analysis of diagnostic tumor samples. The smMIP-based NGS analysis was shown suitable for limited amounts of histological and cytological material. As smMIP technology allows easy adaptation of panels, this approach can comply with the rapidly expanding molecular markers

    Quantitative analysis of left atrial function in asymptomatic patients with b-thalassemia major using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is strong evidence that left atrial (LA) size is a prognostic marker in a variety of heart diseases. Recently, real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) has been reported as a useful tool for studying the phasic changes of the left atrial volumes. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the left atrium in beta-thalassemic patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) and no iron overload, using RT3DE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-eight asymptomatic b-thalassemic patients (32.2 ± 4.3 years old, 17 men) who were on iron chelating therapy, as well as 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls underwent transthoracic RT3DE. The patient group had normal echocardiographic systolic and diastolic indices, while there was no myocardial iron disposition according to MRI. Apical full volume data sets were obtained and LA volumes were measured at 3 time points of the cardiac cycle: (1) maximum volume (LAmax) at end-systole, just before mitral valve opening; (2) minimum volume (LAmin) at end-diastole, just before mitral valve closure; and (3) volume before atrial active contraction (LApreA) obtained from the last frame before mitral valve reopening or at time of the P wave on the surface electrocardiogram. From the derived values, left atrial active and passive emptying volumes, as well as the respective emptying fractions were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Left ventricular EF (59.2 ± 2.5% patients vs. 60.1 ± 2.1% controls), E/A, E/E' were similar between the two groups. Differences in the LAmax, LAmin and LApreA between b-thalassemic patients and controls were non-significant, LAmax:(35.5 ± 13.4 vs 31.8 ± 9.8)cm<sup>3</sup>, LAmin:(16.0 ± 6.0 vs. 13.5 ±4.2)cm<sup>3</sup>, and LApreA:(25.4 ± 9.8 vs. 24.3 ± 7.2)cm<sup>3</sup>. However, left atrial active emptying fraction was reduced in the patient group as compared to the healthy population (34.3 ± 16.4% vs. 43.2 ± 11.4%, p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>RT3DE may be a novel technique for the evaluation of LA function in asymptomatic patients with b-Thalassemia Major. Among three-dimensional volumes and indices, left atrial active emptying fraction may be an early index of LA dysfunction in the specific patient population.</p

    The role of oxytocin in familiarization-habituation responses to social novelty

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    Stress or arousal responses to novel social contexts ease off when individuals get familiar with the social context. In the present study we investigated whether oxytocin is involved in this process of familiarization-habituation as oxytocin is known to increase trust and decrease anxiety. Fifty-nine healthy female subjects took part in the same experimental procedure in two sessions separated by 4 weeks. In the first (novelty) session state trust scores were significantly positively correlated with salivary oxytocin levels while in the second (familiarity) session state trust scores were significantly negatively correlated with salivary oxytocin levels. In a path model oxytocin was associated with increased trust in the novelty session and trust was associated with decreased oxytocin levels in the familiarity session. The results are consistent with the idea that oxytocin decreases stress-to-novelty responses by promoting familiarization to novel social contexts