552 research outputs found

    Effect of transportation and mixing with unfamiliar pig on Salmonella susceptibility in market weight pigs

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    There is increasing evidence that stress can have a significant deleterious effect on food safety through a variety of potential mechanisms. However, there is very little research conducted to determine the potential effects of specific pre-slaughter stressors on Salmonella infection and carriage in pigs

    Ternary combination of irinotecan, fluorouracil-folinic acid and oxaliplatin: results on human colon cancer cell lines

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    A marked antitumour efficacy is currently obtained by oxaliplatin (LOHP)–fluorouracil (FU)–folinic acid (FA) combination and by CPT11–FU–FA combination. Logically, the triple association LOHP, CPT11 and FUFA will be soon tested in cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to compare two schedules combining SN38 (the active metabolite of CPT11, irinotecan) with FU–FA and LOHP. The two schedules differed by the SN38 position. The relative contribution of each drug in the resulting global cytotoxicity was evaluated. Two human colon cancer cell lines were used (WIDR and SW620 both p53 mutated). LOHP plus FA were applied for 2 h, just before a 48 h FU exposure. The SN38 sequence was applied for 24 h, starting either 48 h before LOHP-FA (schedule A), or just after LOHP-FA exposure (schedule B). Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-demethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test and drug interactions were analysed according to the Chou and Talalay method, based on the computation of a combination index (CI). The SN38 position significantly induces a shift from additivity-antagonism when SN38 was applied after LOHP, towards additivity-synergism when SN38 was applied first (P = 0.03). The relative contribution (RC) of each drug in the overall cytotoxicity of the triple combination was defined as the drug concentration giving 50% cell lethality (IC 50) of the double association without that drug divided by the IC 50 of the triple association. Whatever the SN38 position, the larger contribution was made by LOHP (median RC = 2.4) and the smaller by SN38 (median RC = 1.1). In addition, the contribution of FUFA was improved when SN38 was applied first (median RC = 2.2) as compared to the opposite schedule (median RC = 1.2). Results were in agreement between the two explored cell lines. The present data should be taken into account when establishing the rationale of future trials combining CPT11, LOHP and FU–FA. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Determination of the Ileal Digestibility of Proteins and Amino Acids from Biscuit Bran and Wheat Gluten in Swine

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    To determine the apparent (AIDCP) and standardized (SIDCP) ileal digestibility coefficients of the protein and the apparent (AIDAA) and standardized (SIDAA) ileal digestibility coefficients of amino acids from biscuit bran and wheat gluten were used six castrated males swine in growth, on average weight from 22 to 60kg, with a T cannula on the terminal ileum, distributed in a randomized block design with three treatments, two periods and two repetitions per period. Each animal was considered a repeat. Treatments consisted of a protein free diet (PFD) for determination of the endogenous loss, PFD + biscuit bran (BB) and PFD + wheat gluten (WG). Each period lasted for six days, five days of adaptation of animals to the diet and 24 hours of collection of ileal digestion. The AIDCP of BB and WG were 82.33 and 90.07%, respectively and the SIDCP of BB and WG were 89.17% and 95.60%, respectively. The SIDAA were on average 80.84% (lysine), 83.94% (threonine), 90.57% (methionine + cystine) and 87.15% (valine) to BB. The SIDAA for the WG were on average 91.01% (lysine), 90.97% (threonine), 95.82% (methionine + cystine) and 90.04% (valine). The SID of protein and essential amino acids and non-essential elements identified in this study were on average, respectively, 89.17%, 88.54% and 89.20% of biscuit branand 95.60%, 93.71% and 89.20% of wheat gluten

    Risk factors and incidence of long-COVID syndrome in hospitalized patients: does remdesivir have a protective effect?

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    BACKGROUND: The definition of 'long-COVID syndrome' (LCS) is still debated and describes the persistence of symptoms after viral clearance in hospitalized or non-hospitalized patients affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). AIM: In this study, we examined the prevalence and the risk factors of LCS in a cohort of patients with previous COVID-19 and followed for at least 6 months of follow-up. DESIGN: We conducted a prospective study including all hospitalized patients affected by COVID-19 at our center of Infectious Diseases (Vercelli, Italy) admitted between 10 March 2020 and 15 January 2021 for at least 6 months after discharge. Two follow-up visits were performed: after 1 and 6 months after hospital discharge. Clinical, laboratory and radiological data were recorded at each visit. RESULTS: A total of 449 patients were included in the analysis. The LCS was diagnosed in 322 subjects at Visit 1 (71.7%) and in 206 at Visit 2 (45.9); according to the post-COVID-19 functional status scale we observed 147 patients with values 2-3 and 175 with values >3 at Visit 1; at Visit 2, 133 subjects had the score between 2-3 and 73 > 3. In multivariate analysis, intensive care unit (ICU) admission (OR = 2.551; 95% CI = 1.998-6.819; P = 0.019), time of hospitalization (OR = 2.255; 95% CI = 1.018-6.992; P = 0.016) and treatment with remdesivir (OR = 0.641; 95% CI = 0.413-0.782; P < 0.001) were independent predictors of LCS. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with remdesivir leads to a 35.9% reduction in LCS rate in follow-up. Severity of illness, need of ICU admission and length of hospital stay were factor associated with the persistence of PCS at 6 months of follow-up

    Effect of the addition of β-mannanase on the performance, metabolizable energy, amino acid digestibility coefficients, and immune functions of broilers fed different nutritional levels

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    Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of β-mannanase (BM) supplementation on the performance, metabolizable energy, amino acid digestibility, and immune function of broilers. A total of 1,600 broilers were randomly distributed in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement (4 nutritional levels × 0 or 500 g/ton BM), with 10 replicates and 20 broilers per pen. The same design was used in the energy and digestibility experiments with 8 and 6 replicates, respectively, and 6 broilers per pen. The nutritional levels (NL) were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of broilers (NL1); reductions of 100 kcal metabolizable energy (NL2); 3% of the total amino acids (NL3); and 100 kcal metabolizable energy and 3% total amino acids (NL4) from NL1. The serum immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration was determined in two broilers per pen, and these broilers were slaughtered to determine the relative weight of spleen, thymus, and bursa of Fabricius. Throughout the experiment, the lower nutritional levels reduced (P < 0.05) body weight gain (BWG) and increased (P < 0.05) feed conversion (FCR) for the NL4 treatment. The BM increased (P < 0.05) the BWG values and improved (P < 0.05) the FCR of the broilers. The apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) values were reduced (P < 0.05) for NL2 and NL3. The BM increased (P < 0.05) the AMEn values and reduced (P < 0.05) the excreted nitrogen. NL3 and NL4 reduced (P < 0.05) the true ileal digestibility coefficients (TIDc) of the amino acids cystine and glycine, and BM increased (P < 0.05) the TIDc for all amino acids. The addition of BM reduced (P < 0.05) the relative weights of the spleen and bursa. NL2 increased (P < 0.05) the Ig values, whereas BM reduced (P < 0.05) the serum IgA, IgG, and IgM values of the broilers. This study indicates that using suboptimal nutrient levels leads to losses in production parameters, whereas BM-supplemented diets were effective in improving performance, energy values, and TIDc levels of amino acids and immune response of broilers

    Application of an original RT-PCR–ELISA multiplex assay for MDR1 and MRP, along with p53 determination in node-positive breast cancer patients

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    The long-term prognostic value of tumoural MDR1 and MRP, along with p53 and other classical parameters, was analysed on 85 node-positive breast cancer patients receiving anthracycline-based adjuvant therapy. All patients underwent tumour resection plus irradiation and adjuvant chemotherapy (the majority receiving fluorouracil–epirubicin–cyclophosphamide). Median follow-up for the 54 alive patients was 7.8 years. Mean age was 53.7 years (range 28–79) and 54 patients were post-menopausal. MDR1 and MRP expression were quantified according to an original reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction multiplex assay with colourimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detection(β2-microglobulin as control). P53 protein was analysed using an immunoluminometric assay (Sangtec). MDR1 expression varied within an 11-fold range (mean 94, median 83), MRP within a 45-fold range (mean 315, median 242) and p53 protein from the limit of detection (0.002 ng mg−1) up to 35.71 ng mg−1(mean 1.18, median 0.13 ng mg−1). P53 protein was significantly higher in oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative than in ER-positive tumours (P = 0.039). The higher the p53, the lower the MDR1 expression (P = 0.015, r = –0.27). P53 was not linked to progesterone receptor (PR) status, S phase fraction, or MRP. Significantly greater MDR1 expression was observed in grade I tumours (P = 0.029). No relationship was observed between MDR1 and MRP. Neither MDR1 nor MRP was linked to ER or PR status. Unlike MDR1, MRP was correlated with the S phase: the greater the MRP, the lower the S phase (P = 0.006, r = –0.42). Univariate Cox analyses revealed that MDR1, MRP, p53 and S phase had no significant influence on progression-free or specific survival. A tendency suggested that the greater the p53, the shorter the progression-free survival (P = 0.076 as continuous and 0.069 as dichotomous). © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig