129 research outputs found

    Many-body physics of a quantum fluid of exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity

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    Some recent results concerning nonlinear optics in semiconductor microcavities are reviewed from the point of view of the many-body physics of an interacting photon gas. Analogies with systems of cold atoms at thermal equilibrium are drawn, and the peculiar behaviours due to the non-equilibrium regime pointed out. The richness of the predicted behaviours shows the potentialities of optical systems for the study of the physics of quantum fluids.Comment: Proceedings of QFS2006 conference to appear on JLT

    Probing the Dynamics of Spontaneous Quantum Vortices in Polariton Superfluids

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    The experimental investigation of spontaneously created vortices is of utmost importance for the understanding of quantum phase transitions towards a superfluid phase, especially for two dimensional systems that are expected to be governed by the Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless physics. By means of time resolved near-field interferometry we track the path of such vortices, created at random locations in an exciton-polariton condensate under pulsed non-resonant excitation, to their final pinning positions imposed by the stationary disorder. We formulate a theoretical model that successfully reproduces the experimental observations

    Coherent control of polariton parametric scattering in semiconductor microcavities

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    In a pump-probe experiment, we have been able to control, with phase-locked probe pulses, the ultrafast nonlinear optical emission of a semiconductor microcavity, arising from polariton parametric amplification. This evidences the coherence of the polariton population near k = 0, even for delays much longer than the pulse width. The control of a large population at k = 0 is possible although the probe pulses are much weaker than the large polarization they control. With rising pump power the dynamics of the scattering get faster. Just above threshold the parametric scattering process shows unexpected long coherence times, whereas when pump power is risen the contrast decays due to a significant pump reservoir depletion. The weak pulses at normal incidence control the whole angular emission pattern of the microcavity

    Colloquium: quantum coherence as a resource

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    The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represents one of the most fundamental features that mark the departure of quantum mechanics from the classical realm. Quantum coherence in many-body systems embodies the essence of entanglement and is an essential ingredient for a plethora of physical phenomena in quantum optics, quantum information, solid state physics, and nanoscale thermodynamics. In recent years, research on the presence and functional role of quantum coherence in biological systems has also attracted a considerable interest. Despite the fundamental importance of quantum coherence, the development of a rigorous theory of quantum coherence as a physical resource has only been initiated recently. In this Colloquium we discuss and review the development of this rapidly growing research field that encompasses the characterization, quantification, manipulation, dynamical evolution, and operational application of quantum coherence

    Bose-Einstein statistics in thermalization and photoluminescence of quantum well excitons

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    Quasi-equilibrium relaxational thermodynamics is developed to understand LA-phonon-assisted thermalization of Bose-Einstein distributed excitons in quantum wells. We study the quantum-statistical effects in the relaxational dynamics of the effective temperature of excitons T=T(t)T = T(t). When TT is less than the degeneracy temperature T0T_0, well-developed Bose-Einstein statistics of quantum well excitons leads to nonexponential and density-dependent thermalization. At low bath temperatures Tb0T_b \to 0 the thermalization of quantum-statistically degenerate excitons effectively slows down and T(t)1/lntT(t) \propto 1 / \ln t. We also analyze the optical decay of Bose-Einstein distributed excitons in perfect quantum wells and show how nonclassical statistics influences the effective lifetime τopt\tau_{opt}. In particular, τopt\tau_{opt} of a strongly degenerate gas of excitons is given by 2τR2 \tau_R, where τR\tau_R is the intrinsic radiative lifetime of quasi-two-dimensional excitons. Kinetics of resonant photoluminescence of quantum well excitons during their thermalization is studied within the thermodynamic approach and taking into account Bose-Einstein statistics. We find density-dependent photoluminescence dynamics of statistically degenerate excitons. Numerical modeling of the thermalization and photoluminescence kinetics of quasi-two-dimensional excitons are given for GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Phys. Rev. B (accepted for publication

    Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of a quantum wire Wannier exciton in a planar microcavity

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    The superradiant decay rate and frequency shift of a Wannier exciton in a one-dimensional quantum wire are studied. It is shown that the dark mode exciton can be examined experimentally when the quantum wire is embedded in a planar microcavity. It is also found that the decay rate is greatly enhanced as the cavity length LcL_{c} is equal to the multiple wavelength of the emitted photon. Similar to its decay rate counterpart, the frequency shift also shows discontinuities at resonant modes.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. To appear in P. R. B. September 200

    Center-of-Mass Properties of the Exciton in Quantum Wells

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    We present high-quality numerical calculations of the exciton center-of-mass dispersion for GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells of widths in the range 2-20 nm. The k.p-coupling of the heavy- and light-hole bands is fully taken into account. An optimized center-of-mass transformation enhances numerical convergence. We derive an easy-to-use semi-analytical expression for the exciton groundstate mass from an ansatz for the exciton wavefunction at finite momentum. It is checked against the numerical results and found to give very good results. We also show multiband calculations of the exciton groundstate dispersion using a finite-differences scheme in real space, which can be applied to rather general heterostructures.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures included, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Spatial multistability induced by cross interactions of confined polariton modes

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    We demonstrate the occurrence of spatial multistability using laterally confined microcavity exciton-polaritons. By coherently exciting with a blue detuned laser a series of confined polariton modes, we investigate the effects of multistability on the transmitted laser beam as a function of the excitation power. At each threshold of the hysteresis loop, a switching of the mode profile of the laser beam is associated with a significant energy jump of each of the confined polariton modes in the mesa. A simulation of this behavior is achieved with a multimode generalization of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the exciton photon basis. The mechanism behind the spatial multistability is identified as a repulsive cross interaction between polaritons in different modes

    Reservoir-induced decoherence of resonantly excited confined polaritons

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    We report on the effect of decoherence on polariton bistability. The polariton hysteresis loop is shown to collapse in a similar way when increasing the temperature or under nonresonant excitation power. The hysteresis upward threshold is pulled to lower excitation power, whereas the downward threshold remains almost constant. This effect is explained by the population of an incoherent reservoir that induces dephasing and repulsive interaction that saturates at large densities. All experimental findings are accurately simulated with the excitonic Bloch equations and indicate that reservoir-induced dephasing can be dominant over the reservoir-induced energy blueshift