2,600 research outputs found

    Self-force on a scalar charge in radial infall from rest using the Hadamard-WKB expansion

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    We present an analytic method based on the Hadamard-WKB expansion to calculate the self-force for a particle with scalar charge that undergoes radial infall in a Schwarzschild spacetime after being held at rest until a time t = 0. Our result is valid in the case of short duration from the start. It is possible to use the Hadamard-WKB expansion in this case because the value of the integral of the retarded Green's function over the particle's entire past trajectory can be expressed in terms of two integrals over the time period that the particle has been falling. This analytic result is expected to be useful as a check for numerical prescriptions including those involving mode sum regularization and for any other analytical approximations to self-force calculations.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, Physical Review D version along with the corrections given in the erratu

    Gravitational Self Force in a Schwarzschild Background and the Effective One Body Formalism

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    We discuss various ways in which the computation of conservative Gravitational Self Force (GSF) effects on a point mass moving in a Schwarzschild background can inform us about the basic building blocks of the Effective One-Body (EOB) Hamiltonian. We display the information which can be extracted from the recently published GSF calculation of the first-GSF-order shift of the orbital frequency of the last stable circular orbit, and we combine this information with the one recently obtained by comparing the EOB formalism to high-accuracy numerical relativity (NR) data on coalescing binary black holes. The information coming from GSF data helps to break the degeneracy (among some EOB parameters) which was left after using comparable-mass NR data to constrain the EOB formalism. We suggest various ways of obtaining more information from GSF computations: either by studying eccentric orbits, or by focussing on a special zero-binding zoom-whirl orbit. We show that logarithmic terms start entering the post-Newtonian expansions of various (EOB and GSF) functions at the fourth post-Newtonian (4PN) level, and we analytically compute the first logarithm entering a certain, gauge-invariant "redshift" GSF function (defined along the sequence of circular orbits).Comment: 44 page

    Darboux transformations for a twisted derivation and quasideterminant solutions to the super KdV equation

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    This paper is concerned with a generalized type of Darboux transformations defined in terms of a twisted derivation DD satisfying D(AB)=D(A)+σ(A)BD(AB)=D(A)+\sigma(A)B where σ\sigma is a homomorphism. Such twisted derivations include regular derivations, difference and qq-difference operators and superderivatives as special cases. Remarkably, the formulae for the iteration of Darboux transformations are identical with those in the standard case of a regular derivation and are expressed in terms of quasideterminants. As an example, we revisit the Darboux transformations for the Manin-Radul super KdV equation, studied in Q.P. Liu and M. Ma\~nas, Physics Letters B \textbf{396} 133--140, (1997). The new approach we take enables us to derive a unified expression for solution formulae in terms of quasideterminants, covering all cases at once, rather than using several subcases. Then, by using a known relationship between quasideterminants and superdeterminants, we obtain expressions for these solutions as ratios of superdeterminants. This coincides with the results of Liu and Ma\~nas in all the cases they considered but also deals with the one subcase in which they did not obtain such an expression. Finally, we obtain another type of quasideterminant solutions to the Main-Radul super KdV equation constructed from its binary Darboux transformations. These can also be expressed as ratios of superdeterminants and are a substantial generalization of the solutions constructed using binary Darboux transformations in earlier work on this topic

    Retarded Green's Functions In Perturbed Spacetimes For Cosmology and Gravitational Physics

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    Electromagnetic and gravitational radiation do not propagate solely on the null cone in a generic curved spacetime. They develop "tails," traveling at all speeds equal to and less than unity. If sizeable, this off-the-null-cone effect could mean objects at cosmological distances, such as supernovae, appear dimmer than they really are. Their light curves may be distorted relative to their flat spacetime counterparts. These in turn could affect how we infer the properties and evolution of the universe or the objects it contains. Within the gravitational context, the tail effect induces a self-force that causes a compact object orbiting a massive black hole to deviate from an otherwise geodesic path. This needs to be taken into account when modeling the gravitational waves expected from such sources. Motivated by these considerations, we develop perturbation theory for solving the massless scalar, photon and graviton retarded Green's functions in perturbed spacetimes, assuming these Green's functions are known in the background spacetime. In particular, we elaborate on the theory in perturbed Minkowski spacetime in significant detail; and apply our techniques to compute the retarded Green's functions in the weak field limit of the Kerr spacetime to first order in the black hole's mass and angular momentum. Our methods build on and generalizes work appearing in the literature on this topic to date, and lays the foundation for a thorough, first principles based, investigation of how light propagates over cosmological distances, within a spatially flat inhomogeneous Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. This perturbative scheme applied to the graviton Green's function, when pushed to higher orders, may provide approximate analytic (or semi-analytic) results for the self-force problem in the weak field limits of the Schwarzschild and Kerr black hole geometries.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Significant updates in v2: Scalar, photon and graviton Green's functions calculated explicitly in Kerr black hole spacetime up to first order in mass and angular momentum (Sec. V); Visser's van Vleck determinant result shown to be equivalent to ours in Sec. II. v3: JWKB discussion moved to introduction; to be published in PR

    Point Charge Self-Energy in the General Relativity

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    Singularities in the metric of the classical solutions to the Einstein equations (Schwarzschild, Kerr, Reissner -- Nordstr\"om and Kerr -- Newman solutions) lead to appearance of generalized functions in the Einstein tensor that are not usually taken into consideration. The generalized functions can be of a more complex nature than the Dirac \d-function. To study them, a technique has been used based on a limiting solution sequence. The solutions are shown to satisfy the Einstein equations everywhere, if the energy-momentum tensor has a relevant singular addition of non-electromagnetic origin. When the addition is included, the total energy proves finite and equal to mc2mc^2, while for the Kerr and Kerr--Newman solutions the angular momentum is mcamc {\bf a}. As the Reissner--Nordstr\"om and Kerr--Newman solutions correspond to the point charge in the classical electrodynamics, the result obtained allows us to view the point charge self-energy divergence problem in a new fashion.Comment: VI Fridmann Seminar, France, Corsica, Corgeze, 2004, LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 fige

    A universal constraint between charge and rotation rate for degenerate black holes surrounded by matter

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    We consider stationary, axially and equatorially symmetric systems consisting of a central rotating and charged degenerate black hole and surrounding matter. We show that a2+Q2=M2a^2+Q^2=M^2 always holds provided that a continuous sequence of spacetimes can be identified, leading from the Kerr-Newman solution in electrovacuum to the solution in question. The quantity a=J/Ma=J/M is the black hole's intrinsic angular momentum per unit mass, QQ its electric charge and MM the well known black hole mass parameter introduced by Christodoulou and Ruffini.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, replaced with published versio

    van Vleck determinants: geodesic focussing and defocussing in Lorentzian spacetimes

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    The van Vleck determinant is an ubiquitous object, arising in many physically interesting situations such as: (1) WKB approximations to quantum time evolution operators and Green functions. (2) Adiabatic approximations to heat kernels. (3) One loop approximations to functional integrals. (4) The theory of caustics in geometrical optics and ultrasonics. (5) The focussing and defocussing of geodesic flows in Riemannian manifolds. While all of these topics are interrelated, the present paper is particularly concerned with the last case and presents extensive theoretical developments that aid in the computation of the van Vleck determinant associated with geodesic flows in Lorentzian spacetimes. {\sl A fortiori} these developments have important implications for the entire array of topics indicated. PACS: 04.20.-q, 04.20.Cv, 04.60.+n. To appear in Physical Review D47 (1993) 15 March.Comment: plain LaTeX, 18 page

    Factor ordering in standard quantum cosmology

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    The Wheeler-DeWitt equation of Friedmann models with a massless quantum field is formulated with arbitrary factor ordering of the Hamiltonian constraint operator. A scalar product of wave functions is constructed, giving rise to a probability interpretation and making comparison with the classical solution possible. In general the bahaviour of the wave function of the model depends on a critical energy of the matter field, which, in turn, depends on the chosen factor ordering. By certain choices of the ordering the critical energy can be pushed down to zero.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Combustion of solid carbon rods in zero and normal gravity

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    In order to investigate the mechanism of carbon combustion, spectroscopic carbon rods were resistance ignited and burned in an oxygen environment in normal and zero gravity. Direct mass spectrometric sampling was used in the normal gravity tests to obtain concentration profiles of CO2, CO, and O2 as a function of distance from the carbon surface. The experimental concentrations were compared to those predicted by a stagnant film model. Zero gravity droptower tests were conducted in order to assess the effect of convection on the normal gravity combustion process. The ratio of flame diameter to rod diameter as a function of time for oxygen pressures of 5, 10, 15, and 20 psia was obtained for three different diameter rods. It was found that this ratio was inversely proportional to both the oxygen pressure and the rod diameter
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