2,057 research outputs found


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    Getting winter eggs from hens / D. C. Kennard and V. D. Chamberlin -- The protein requirements of growing pullets / R. M. Bethke, Paul R. Record and D. C. Kennard -- Coarse versus fine mash / D. C. Kennard -- Chicken vices / D. C. Kennard -- Tipping the beaks / D. C. Kennard -- Use of woven wire in poultry keeping -- Sun parlors for chick

    Stochastic backgrounds in alternative theories of gravity: overlap reduction functions for pulsar timing arrays

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    In the next decade gravitational waves might be detected using a pulsar timing array. In an effort to develop optimal detection strategies for stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves in generic metric theories of gravity, we investigate the overlap reduction functions for these theories and discuss their features. We show that the sensitivity to non-transverse gravitational waves is greater than the sensitivity to transverse gravitational waves and discuss the physical origin of this effect. We calculate the overlap reduction functions for the current NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) and show that the sensitivity to the vector and scalar-longitudinal modes can increase dramatically for pulsar pairs with small angular separations. For example, the J1853+1303-J1857+0943 pulsar pair, with an angular separation of about 3 degrees, is about 10^4 times more sensitive to the longitudinal component of the stochastic background, if it is present, than the transverse components.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, published in Physical Review D 85 (082001), 201

    Spherical Occulter Coronagraph Cubesat

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    The present invention relates to a space-based instrument which provides continuous coronal electron temperature and velocity images, for a predetermined period of time, thereby improving the understanding of coronal evolution and how the solar wind and Coronal Mass Ejection transients evolve from the low solar atmosphere through the heliosphere for an entire solar rotation. Specifically, the present invention relates to using a 6U spherical occulter coronagraph CubeSat, and a relative navigational system (RNS) that controls the position of the spacecraft relative to the occulting sphere. The present invention innovatively deploys a free-flying spherical occulter, and after deployment, the actively controlled CubeSat will provide an inertial formation flying with the spherical occulter and Sun

    Children's understandings of obesity, a thematic analysis

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    Childhood obesity is a major concern in today’s society. Research suggests the inclusion of the views and understandings of a target group facilitates strategies that have better efficacy. The objective of this study was to explore the concepts and themes that make up children’s understandings of the causes and consequences of obesity. Participants were selected from Reception (4-5 years old) and Year 6 (10-11 years old), and attended a school in an area of Sunderland, in North East England. Participants were separated according to age and gender, resulting in four focus groups, run across two sessions. A thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) identified overarching themes evident across all groups, suggesting the key concepts that contribute to children’s understandings of obesity are ‘‘Knowledge through Education,’’ ‘‘Role Models,’’ ‘‘Fat is Bad,’’ and ‘‘Mixed Messages.’’ The implications of these findings and considerations of the methodology are discussed in full

    In Solidarity

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    This edition of Next Page is a departure from our usual question and answer format with a featured campus reader. Instead, we asked speakers who participated in the College’s recent Student Solidarity Rally (March 1, 2017) to recommend readings that might further our understanding of the topics on which they spoke

    Correlations Between Variations in Solar EUV and Soft X-Ray Irradiance and Photoelectron Energy Spectra Observed on Mars and Earth

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    Solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV; 10-120 nm) and soft X-ray (XUV; 0-10 nm) radiation are major heat sources for the Mars thermosphere as well as the primary source of ionization that creates the ionosphere. In investigations of Mars thermospheric chemistry and dynamics, solar irradiance models are used to account for variations in this radiation. Because of limited proxies, irradiance models do a poor job of tracking the significant variations in irradiance intensity in the EUV and XUV ranges over solar rotation time scales when the Mars-Sun-Earth angle is large. Recent results from Earth observations show that variations in photoelectron energy spectra are useful monitors of EUV and XUV irradiance variability. Here we investigate photoelectron energy spectra observed by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Electron Reflectometer (ER) and the FAST satellite during the interval in 2005 when Earth, Mars, and the Sun were aligned. The Earth photoelectron data in selected bands correlate well with calculations based on 1 nm resolution observations above 27 nm supplemented by broadband observations and a solar model in the 0-27 nm range. At Mars, we find that instrumental and orbital limitations to the identifications of photoelectron energy spectra in MGS/ER data preclude their use as a monitor of solar EUV and XUV variability. However, observations with higher temporal and energy resolution obtained at lower altitudes on Mars might allow the separation of the solar wind and ionospheric components of electron energy spectra so that they could be used as reliable monitors of variations in solar EUV and XUV irradiance than the time shifted, Earth-based, F(10.7) index currently used

    Solidity of Viscous Liquids

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    Recent NMR experiments on supercooled toluene and glycerol by Hinze and Bohmer show that small rotation angles dominate with only few large molecular rotations. These results are here interpreted by assuming that viscous liquids are solid-like on short length scales. A characteristic length, the "solidity length", separates solid-like behavior from liquid-like behavior.Comment: Plain RevTex file, no figure

    Edge electron states for quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases

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    We develop a microscopic picture of the electron states localized at the edges perpendicular to the chains in the Bechgaard salts in the quantum Hall regime. In a magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave state (FISDW) characterized by an integer N, there exist N branches of chiral gapless edge excitations. Localization length is much longer and velocity much lower for these states than for the edge states parallel to the chains. We calculate the contribution of these states to the specific heat and propose a time-of-flight experiment to probe the propagating edge modes directly.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. V.2: Minor changes to the final version published in PR

    Mutual passivation of group IV donors and nitrogen in diluted GaNₓAs₁ˍₓ alloys

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    We demonstrate the mutual passivation phenomenon of Ge donors and isovalent N in highly mismatched alloy GaNₓAs₁ˍₓdoped with Ge. Layers of this alloy were formed by the sequential implantation of Ge and N ions followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid thermal annealing. The mutual passivation effect results in the electrical deactivation of GeGa donors (Ge on Ga sites) and suppression of the NAs (N on As sites) induced band gap narrowing through the formation of GeGa–NAs nearest neighbor pairs. These results in combination with the analogous effect observed in Si-doped GaNₓAs₁ˍₓ provide clear evidence of the general nature of the mutual passivation phenomenon in highly mismatched semiconductor alloys.This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. One of the authors ~M.A.S.! acknowledges support by an NSF graduate research fellowship

    Stretched exponential relaxation in the mode-coupling theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    We study the mode-coupling theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in the strong-coupling regime, focusing on the long time properties. By a saddle point analysis of the mode-coupling equations, we derive exact results for the correlation function in the long time limit - a limit which is hard to study using simulations. The correlation function at wavevector k in dimension d is found to behave asymptotically at time t as C(k,t)\simeq 1/k^{d+4-2z} (Btk^z)^{\gamma/z} e^{-(Btk^z)^{1/z}}, with \gamma=(d-1)/2, A a determined constant and B a scale factor.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 1 figur
