375 research outputs found

    Dynamic roughening of the magnetic flux landscape in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x}

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    We study the magnetic flux landscape in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} thin films as a two dimensional rough surface. The vortex density in the superconductor forms a self-affine structure in both space and time. This is characterized by a roughness exponent α=0.76(3)\alpha = 0.76(3) and a growth exponent β=0.57(6)\beta = 0.57(6). This is due to the structure and distribution of flux avalanches in the self-organized critical state, which is formed in the superconductor. We also discuss our results in the context of other roughening systems in the presence of quenched disorder.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    Experimental investigation of the freely cooling granular gas

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    Using diamagnetically levitated particles we investigate the dynamics of the freely cooling granular gas. At early times we find good agreement with Haff's law, where the time scale for particle collisions can be determined from independent measurements. At late times, clustering of particles occurs. This can be included in a Haff-like description taking into account the decreasing number of free particles. With this a good description of the data is possible over the whole time range.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Determination of mechanical stress distribution in Drosophila wing discs using photoelasticity

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    Morphogenesis, the process by which all complex biological structures are formed, is driven by an intricate interplay between genes, growth, as well as intra- and intercellular forces. While the expression of different genes changes the mechanical properties and shapes of cells, growth exerts forces in response to which tissues, organs and more complex structures are shaped. This is exemplified by a number of recent findings for instance in meristem formation in Arabidopsis and tracheal tube formation in Drosophila. However, growth not only generates forces, mechanical forces can also have an effect on growth rates, as is seen in mammalian tissues or bone growth. In fact, mechanical forces can influence the expression levels of patterning genes, allowing control of morphogenesis via mechanical feedback. In order to study the connections between mechanical stress, growth control and morphogenesis, information about the distribution of stress in a tissue is invaluable. Here, we applied stress-birefringence to the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila melanogaster, a commonly used model system for organ growth and patterning, in order to assess the stress distribution present in this tissue. For this purpose, stress-related differences in retardance are measured using a custom-built optical set-up. Applying this method, we found that the stresses are inhomogeneously distributed in the wing disc, with maximum compression in the centre of the wing pouch. This compression increases with wing disc size, showing that mechanical forces vary with the age of the tissue. These results are discussed in light of recent models proposing mechanical regulation of wing disc growth

    Scattered light fluorescence microscopy: imaging through turbid layers

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    A major limitation of any type of microscope is the penetration depth in turbid tissue. Here, we demonstrate a fundamentally novel kind of fluorescence microscope that images through optically thick turbid layers. The microscope uses scattered light, rather than light propagating along a straight path, for imaging with subwavelength resolution. Our method uses constructive interference to focus scattered laser light through the turbid layer. Microscopic fluorescent structures behind the layer were imaged by raster scanning the focus

    Muon-Spin Rotation Measurements of an Unusual Vortex-Glass Phase in the Layered Superconductor Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+δ

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    Muon-spin rotation measurements, performed on the mixed state of the classic anisotropic superconductor Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+δ, obtain quantities directly related to two- and three-body correlations of vortices in space. A novel phase diagram emerges from such local probe measurements of the bulk, revealing an unusual glassy state at intermediate fields which appears to freeze continuously from the equilibrium vortex liquid but differs both from the lattice and the conventional high-field vortex glass state in its structure.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Direct observation of the flux-line vortex glass phase in a type II superconductor

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    The order of the vortex state in La_{1.9} Sr_{0.1} CuO_{4} is probed using muon spin rotation and small-angle neutron scattering. A transition from a Bragg glass to a vortex glass is observed, where the latter is composed of disordered vortex lines. In the vicinity of the transition the microscopic behavior reflects a delicate interplay of thermally-induced and pinning-induced disorder.Comment: 14 pages, 4 colour figures include
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