5 research outputs found

    Does input trade liberalization boost downstream firms’ exports? Theory and firm-level evidence

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    We analyze the impact of input tariffs on the export status and export performance of heterogeneous processing firms. Using a theoretical model with downstream firms exhibiting different levels of productivity, we show that lower input tariffs may increase the export sales of high-productivity firms at the expense of low-productivity firms and may decrease the probability of firms entering foreign markets. We compare the predictions of the theoretical model with firm-level data from the French agrifood sector by developing a two-stage estimation procedure that uses an equation for selection into export markets in the first stage and an exports equation in the second stage. The liberalization of agricultural trade appears to favor the reallocation of market share from low- to high-productivity agrifood firms. In addition, our results suggest that, whether lower input tariffs increase total exports sales (and jobs), a large fraction of the least productive exporting firms may lose from an additional decrease in agricultural input tariffs

    2011 SOSORT guidelines: Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT), that produced its first Guidelines in 2005, felt the need to revise them and increase their scientific quality. The aim is to offer to all professionals and their patients an evidence-based updated review of the actual evidence on conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis (CTIS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All types of professionals (specialty physicians, and allied health professionals) engaged in CTIS have been involved together with a methodologist and a patient representative. A review of all the relevant literature and of the existing Guidelines have been performed. Documents, recommendations, and practical approach flow charts have been developed according to a Delphi procedure. A methodological and practical review has been made, and a final Consensus Session was held during the 2011 Barcelona SOSORT Meeting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The contents of the document are: methodology; generalities on idiopathic scoliosis; approach to CTIS in different patients, with practical flow-charts; literature review and recommendations on assessment, bracing, physiotherapy, Physiotherapeutic Specific Exercises (PSE) and other CTIS. Sixty-five recommendations have been given, divided in the following topics: Bracing (20 recommendations), PSE to prevent scoliosis progression during growth (8), PSE during brace treatment and surgical therapy (5), Other conservative treatments (3), Respiratory function and exercises (3), Sports activities (6), Assessment (20). No recommendations reached a Strength of Evidence level I; 2 were level II; 7 level III; and 20 level IV; through the Consensus procedure 26 reached level V and 10 level VI. The Strength of Recommendations was Grade A for 13, B for 49 and C for 3; none had grade D.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These Guidelines have been a big effort of SOSORT to paint the actual situation of CTIS, starting from the evidence, and filling all the gray areas using a scientific method. According to results, it is possible to understand the lack of research in general on CTIS. SOSORT invites researchers to join, and clinicians to develop good research strategies to allow in the future to support or refute these recommendations according to new and stronger evidence.</p

    Essai clinique d'innocuité et d'efficacité d'un vaccin antirabique inactivé et purifié à usage humain

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    Quatre cent soixante etudiants veterinaires en debut d'essai clinique (220 en Belgique et 240 en France) ont recu une primovaccination par voie intramusculaire (JO, J7 et J28) ainsi qu'un rappel apres 1 an avec trois lots industriels successifs d'un vaccin antirabique prepare sur cellules Vero et purifie par chromato­ graphie . Les resultats immunologiques tant apres primovaccination (J42) qu'apres rappel (J379) etaient supe­rieurs au seuil de protection theoriquement admis de 0,5Ul/ml. On n'a pas mis en evidence de difference si­gnificative entre les trois lots de vaccin utilises en terme de moyenne geometrique des titres en anticorps antirabiques neutralisants. Quant a l'innocuite de ce vaccin, les reactions locales et systemiques etaient en ge­neral legeres. Aucune reaction immediate severe n'a ete observee et aucun evenement indesirable grave n'a ete relie au vaccin. Les reactions locales sont le plus souvent des douleurs a l'endroit de !'injection: elles ap­paraissent dans 60% des cas en primovaccination et 53% des cas en rappel. Ces douleurs apparaissent le plus souvent dans les 24 heures apres vaccination et durent generalement 24 a 48 heures. L'incidence des autres reactions locales ne depasse jamais 9,8%. Les reactions systemiques sont le plus souvent legeres ou moderees; on y retrouve le plus souvent des troubles gastro-intestinaux et generaux. Le pourcentage de. su­ jets presentant au moins une reaction systemique variait de plus ou moins 20% en primovaccination a plus ou moins 15% lors du rappel. On n'a pas mis en evidence de difference significative dans la frequence d'appari­ tion des reactions locales et generales en fonction du lot, et cela quelle que soit la dose rec;ue. On peut conclure de maniere generale que la vaccination avec le vaccin antirabique prepare sur cellules Vero et purifie par chro­ matographie s'est revelee efficace et bien toleree