324 research outputs found

    Methods for the evaluation of alternative disaster warning systems

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    For each of the methods identified, a theoretical basis is provided and an illustrative example is described. The example includes sufficient realism and detail to enable an analyst to conduct an evaluation of other systems. The methods discussed in the study include equal capability cost analysis, consumers' surplus, and statistical decision theory

    Methods for the evaluation of alternative disaster warning systems. Executive summary

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    Methods for estimating the economic costs and benefits of the transmission-reception and reception-action segments of a disaster warning system (DWS) are described. Methods were identified for the evaluation of the transmission and reception portions of alternative disaster warning systems. Example analyses using the methods identified were performed

    Lagere Rijnafvoer bij veranderingen in klimaat en landgebruik

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    Alterra onderzocht samen met Wageningen Universiteit de gevolgen van klimaat- en landgebruikverandering op lage afvoeren in de Rijn. Hiervoor maakten ze gebruik van het grond- en oppervlaktewatermodel SIMGRO. Uit het onderzoek komt naar voren dat extreme klimaatscenario’s in 2050 zullen leiden tot aanzienlijk lagere afvoeren in de Rijn en bovendien een toename in de duur. Verder blijkt dat veranderingen in het landgebruik een veel kleiner effect hebben op lage afvoeren dan veranderingen in het klimaat. Hierdoor kunnen lagere afvoeren door klimaatverandering moeilijk opgevangen worden met alleen aanpassingen in het landgebrui

    Macrolide Derivatives Reduce Proinflammatory Macrophage Activation and Macrophage‐Mediated Neurotoxicity

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    Introduction: Azithromycin (AZM) and other macrolide antibiotics are applied as immunomodulatory treatments for CNS disorders. The immunomodulatory and antibiotic properties of AZM are purportedly independent. Aims: To improve the efficacy and reduce antibiotic resistance risk of AZM‐based therapies, we evaluated the immunomodulatory and neuroprotective properties of novel AZM derivatives. We semisynthetically prepared derivatives by altering sugar moieties established as important for inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. Bone marrow‐derived macrophages (BMDMs) were stimulated in vitro with proinflammatory, M1, stimuli (LPS + INF‐gamma) with and without derivative costimulation. Pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory cytokine production, IL‐12 and IL‐10, respectively, was quantified using ELISA. Neuron culture treatment with BMDM supernatant was used to assess derivative neuroprotective potential. Results: Azithromycin and some derivatives increased IL‐10 and reduced IL‐12 production of M1 macrophages. IL‐10/IL‐12 cytokine shifts closely correlated with the ability of AZM and derivatives to mitigate macrophage neurotoxicity. Conclusions: Sugar moieties that bind bacterial ribosomal complexes can be modified in a manner that retains AZM immunomodulation and neuroprotection. Since the effects of BMDMs in vitro are predictive of CNS macrophage responses, our results open new therapeutic avenues for managing maladaptive CNS inflammation and support utilization of IL‐10/12 cytokine profiles as indicators of macrophage polarization and neurotoxicity

    Photon-noise limited sensitivity in titanium nitride kinetic inductance detectors

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    We demonstrate photon-noise limited performance at sub-millimeter wavelengths in feedhorn-coupled, microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) made of a TiN/Ti/TiN trilayer superconducting film, tuned to have a transition temperature of 1.4~K. Micro-machining of the silicon-on-insulator wafer backside creates a quarter-wavelength backshort optimized for efficient coupling at 250~\micron. Using frequency read out and when viewing a variable temperature blackbody source, we measure device noise consistent with photon noise when the incident optical power is >>~0.5~pW, corresponding to noise equivalent powers >>~3×1017\times 10^{-17} W/Hz\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}. This sensitivity makes these devices suitable for broadband photometric applications at these wavelengths

    Human-induced changes in Indonesian peatlands increase drought severity

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    Indonesian peatlands are critical to the global carbon cycle, but they also support a large number of local economies. Intense forest clearing and draining in these peatlands is causing severe ecological and environmental impacts. Most studies highlighted increased carbon emission in the region through drought and large-scale fires, further accelerating peatland degradation. Yet, little is known about the long-term impacts of human-induced disturbance on peatland hydrology in the tropics. Here we show that converting natural peat forests to plantations can significantly alter the hydrological system far worse than previously recognized, leading to amplified moisture stress and drought severity. This study quantified how human-induced changes to Indonesian peatlands have affected drought severity. Through field observations and modelling, we demonstrate that canalization doubled drought severity; logging and starting plantations even quadrupled drought severity. Recognizing the importance of peatlands to Indonesia, proper management, and rehabilitating peatlands remain the only viable option for continued plantation use