10,496 research outputs found

    Gravity in the Randall-Sundrum Brane World

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    We discuss the weak gravitational field created by isolated matter sources in the Randall-Sundrum brane-world. In the case of two branes of opposite tension, linearized Brans-Dicke (BD) gravity is recovered on either wall, with different BD parameters. On the wall with positive tension the BD parameter is larger than 3000 provided that the separation between walls is larger than 4 times the AdS radius. For the wall of negative tension, the BD parameter is always negative but greater than -3/2. In either case, shadow matter from the other wall gravitates upon us. For equal Newtonian mass, light deflection from shadow matter is 25 % weaker than from ordinary matter. Hence, the effective mass of a clustered object containing shadow dark matter would be underestimated if naively measured through its lensing effect. For the case of a single wall of positive tension, Einstein gravity is recovered on the wall to leading order, and if the source is stationary the field stays localized near the wall. We calculate the leading Kaluza-Klein corrections to the linearized gravitational field of a non-relativistic spherical object and find that the metric is different from the Schwarzschild solution at large distances. We believe that our linearized solution corresponds to the field far from the horizon after gravitational collapse of matter on the brane.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Replaced with revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Some comments adde

    "Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates and Currency Sovereignty"

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    This paper provides an analysis of Keynes's original "Bancor" proposal as well as more recent proposals for fixed exchange rates. We argue that these schemes fail to pay due attention to the importance of capital movements in today's economy, and that they implicitly adopt an unsatisfactory notion of money as a mere medium of exchange. We develop an alternative approach to money based on the notion of currency sovereignty. As currency sovereignty implies the ability of a country to implement monetary and fiscal policies independently, we argue that it is necessarily contingent on a country's adoption of floating exchange rates. As illustrations of the problems created for domestic policy by the adoption of fixed exchange rates, we briefly look at the recent Argentinean and European experiences. We take these as telling examples of the high costs of giving up sovereignty (Argentina and the European countries of the EMU) and the benefits of regaining it (Argentina). A regime of more flexible exchange rates would have likely produced a more viable and dynamic European economic system, one in which each individual country could have adopted and implemented a mix of fiscal and monetary policies more suitable to its specific economic, social, and political context. Alternatively, the euro area will have to create a fiscal authority on par with that of the U.S. Treasury, which means surrendering national authority to a central government--an unlikely possibility in today's political climate. We conclude by pointing out some of the advantages of floating exchange rates, but also stress that such a regime should not be regarded as a sort of panacea. It is a necessary condition if a country is to retain its sovereignty and the power to implement autonomous economic policies, but it is not a sufficient condition for guaranteeing that such policies actually be aimed at providing higher levels of employment and welfare.

    Monetary Policy Strategies of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S.

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    In the debate on monetary policy strategies on both sides of the Atlantic, it is now almost a commonplace to contrast the Fed and the ECB by pointing out the former’s flexibility and capacity to adjust rigidity, and the latter’s extreme caution, and obsession with low inflation. In looking at the foundations of the two banks’ strategies, however, we do not find differences that can provide a simple explanation for their divergent behavior, nor for the very different economic performance in the U.S. and Euroland in recent years. Not surprisingly, both central banks share the same conviction that money is neutral in the long period, and even their short-term policies are based on similar fundamental principles. The two policy approaches really differ only in terms of implementation, timing, competence, etc., but not in terms of the underlying theoretical orientation. We then draw the conclusion that monetary policy cannot represent a significant variable in the explanation of the different economic performances of Euroland and U.S. The two economic areas’ differences must be explained by considering other factors among which the most important is fiscal policy.monetary policy, federal reserve, European central bank, fiscal policy, aggregate demand, growth

    The embedding of the spacetime in five dimensions: an extension of Campbell-Magaard theorem

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    We extend Campbell-Magaard embedding theorem by proving that any n-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold can be locally embedded in an (n+1)-dimensional Einstein space. We work out some examples of application of the theorem and discuss its relevance in the context of modern higher-dimensional spacetime theories.Comment: 22pages, Revte

    Daze fasteners

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    A daze fastener system for connecting two or more structural elements wherein the structural elements and fastener parts have substantially different coefficient of thermal expansion physical property characteristics is employed in this invention. By providing frusto-conical abutting surfaces between the structural elements and fastener parts any differences in thermal expansion/contraction between the parts is translated to sliding motion and avoids deleterious thermal stresses in the connection. An essential feature for isotropic homogeneous material connections is that at least two sets of mating surfaces are required wherein each set of mating surfaces has line element extensions that pass through a common point

    The embedding of the spacetime in five-dimensional spaces with arbitrary non-degenerate Ricci tensor

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    We discuss and prove a theorem which asserts that any n-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold can be locally embedded in a (n+1)-dimensional space with a non-degenerate Ricci tensor which is equal, up to a local analytic diffeomorphism, to the Ricci tensor of an arbitrary specified space. This may be regarded as a further extension of the Campbell-Magaard theorem. We highlight the significance of embedding theorems of increasing degrees of generality in the context of higher dimensional spacetimes theories and illustrate the new theorem by establishing the embedding of a general class of Ricci-flat spacetimes

    Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Determination of Isoflavone Contents for Selected Soybean Accessions

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    Soybean isoflavones are of considerable interest in relation to their possible health effects in human diets. The rapid and economical determination of soybean isoflavone concentrations is essential for the investigation and development of soybean health foods as well as the selection of soybean seeds with optimal isoflavone levels for such foods. Fourier transforms near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) calibrations were developed for the rapid and cost-effective analysis of isoflavones in soybean seeds. FT-NIRS measurements were carried out in quadruplicate for 50 soybean lines selected from the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection. The selected soybean seeds provided a wide range of isoflavone concentrations (from 0.3 to 6.0 mg/g) that is necessary for development of high-quality calibrations. Laboratory reference values of isoflavone composition were obtained by HPLC analysis of extracted soybean powders. Single soybean seeds were selected for each standard sample and were cut in half in order to avoid screening of the isoflavones NIR absorption bands by the seed coat. For comparison purposes, measurements were also made on soybean powders of the same samples. FT -NIR spectra were collected with a spectral range from 4000 to 12000 cm-1 at a resolution of 8 cm-1 on a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum one NTS spectrometer model. This spectrometer is optimized for high sensitivity analysis of single seed composition, being equipped with an NIRA, integrating sphere accessory and an extended range InGaAs detector

    Shadows of the Planck Scale: The Changing Face of Compactification Geometry

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    By studying the effects of the shape moduli associated with toroidal compactifications, we demonstrate that Planck-sized extra dimensions can cast significant ``shadows'' over low-energy physics. These shadows can greatly distort our perceptions of the compactification geometry associated with large extra dimensions, and place a fundamental limit on our ability to probe the geometry of compactification simply by measuring Kaluza-Klein states. We also discuss the interpretation of compactification radii and hierarchies in the context of geometries with non-trivial shape moduli. One of the main results of this paper is that compactification geometry is effectively renormalized as a function of energy scale, with ``renormalization group equations'' describing the ``flow'' of geometric parameters such as compactification radii and shape angles as functions of energy.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    An Empirical Investigation of Federal Wetlands Regulation and Flood Delineation: Implications for Residential Property Owners

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    Since the early 1970s, the federal government has undertaken extensive efforts to stem the loss of wetlands by regulating the use of land. This paper investigates the extent to which residential property owners are affected by federal wetlands regulation, by presenting an empirical investigation of such economic consequences. Results suggest that because of the Supreme Court?s holding in United States v. Riverside Bayview Homes, Inc., sale prices of properties located in a wetlands area were discounted nearly eight percent, even after controlling for some sample properties being flood delineated.
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