14,563 research outputs found

    Chiral 3Ď€\pi-exchange NN-potentials: Results for dominant next-to-leading order contributions

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    We calculate in (two-loop) chiral perturbation theory the local NN-potentials generated by the three-pion exchange diagrams with one insertion from the second order chiral effective pion-nucleon Lagrangian proportional to the low-energy constants c1,2,3,4c_{1,2,3,4}. The resulting isoscalar central potential vanishes identically. In most cases these 3π3\pi-exchange potentials are larger than the ones generated by the diagrams involving only leading order vertices due to the large values of c3,4c_{3,4} (which mainly represent virtual Δ\Delta-excitation). A similar feature has been observed for the chiral 2π2\pi-exchange. We also give suitable (double-integral) representations for the spin-spin and tensor potentials generated by the leading-order diagrams proportional to gA6g_A^6 involving four nucleon propagators. In these cases the Cutkosky rule cannot be used to calculate the spectral-functions in the infinite nucleon mass limit since the corresponding mass-spectra start with a non-vanishing value at the 3π3\pi-threshold. Altogether, one finds that chiral 3π3\pi-exchange leads to small corrections in the region r≥1.4r\geq 1.4 fm where 1π1\pi- and chiral 2π2\pi-exchange alone provide a very good strong NN-force as shown in a recent analysis of the low-energy pp-scattering data-base.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to be published in The Physical Review

    Large NN Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction and spin-flavor symmetry

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    The construction of an extended version of the Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian, in which baryons and mesons form spin-flavor multiplets, is reviewed and some of its properties discussed, for an arbitrary number of colors and flavors. The coefficient tables of spin-flavor irreducible representations related by crossing between the ss-, tt- and uu-channels are explicitly constructed.Comment: 3 pages, no figures. Presented at the IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Madrid, June 5th-10th 200

    Surface Shape and Local Critical Behaviour in Two-Dimensional Directed Percolation

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    Two-dimensional directed site percolation is studied in systems directed along the x-axis and limited by a free surface at y=\pm Cx^k. Scaling considerations show that the surface is a relevant perturbation to the local critical behaviour when k<1/z where z=\nu_\parallel/\nu is the dynamical exponent. The tip-to-bulk order parameter correlation function is calculated in the mean-field approximation. The tip percolation probability and the fractal dimensions of critical clusters are obtained through Monte-Carlo simulations. The tip order parameter has a nonuniversal, C-dependent, scaling dimension in the marginal case, k=1/z, and displays a stretched exponential behaviour when the perturbation is relevant. The k-dependence of the fractal dimensions in the relevant case is in agreement with the results of a blob picture approach.Comment: 13 pages, Plain TeX file, epsf, 6 postscript-figures, minor correction

    A Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing on Occupational Performance

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    This systematic review aims to review the efficacy of MI to address such performance goals falling within the occupational therapy scope of practice

    Redshift-Independent Distances to Type Ia Supernovae

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    We describe a procedure for accurately determining luminosity distances to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) without knowledge of redshift. This procedure, which may be used as an extension of any of the various distance determination methods currently in use, is based on marginalizing over redshift, removing the requirement of knowing zz a priori. We demonstrate that the Hubble diagram scatter of distances measured with this technique is approximately equal to that of distances derived from conventional redshift-specific methods for a set of 60 nearby SNe Ia. This indicates that accurate distances for cosmological SNe Ia may be determined without the requirement of spectroscopic redshifts, which are typically the limiting factor for the number of SNe that modern surveys can collect. Removing this limitation would greatly increase the number of SNe for which current and future SN surveys will be able to accurately measure distance. The method may also be able to be used for high-zz SNe Ia to determine cosmological density parameters without redshift information.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Meson-Baryon s-wave Resonances with Strangeness -3

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    Starting from a consistent SU(6) extension of the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian (Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 034025), we study the s-wave meson-baryon resonances in the strangeness S=-3 and negative parity sector. Those resonances are generated by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with the WT interaction used as kernel. The considered mesons are those of the 35-SU(6)-plet, which includes the pseudoscalar (PS) octet of pions and the vector (V) nonet of the rho meson. For baryons we consider the 56-SU(6)-plet, made of the 1/2+ octet of the nucleon and the 3/2+ decuplet of the Delta. Quantum numbers I(J^P)=0(3/2^-) are suggested for the experimental resonances Omega*(2250)- and Omega*(2380)-. Among other, resonances with I=1 are found, with minimal quark content sss\bar{l}l', being s the strange quark and l, l' any of the the light up or down quarks. A clear signal for such a pentaquark would be a baryonic resonance with strangeness -3 and electric charge of -2 or 0, in proton charge units. We suggest looking for K- Xi- resonances with masses around 2100 and 2240 MeV in the sector 1(1/2^-), and for pi Omega- and K- Xi*- resonances with masses around 2260 MeV in the sector 1(3/2^-).Comment: 3 pages, 1 Postscript figure, 7 table

    Mechanisms for Lasing with Cold Atoms as the Gain Medium

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    We realize a laser with a cloud of cold rubidium atoms as gain medium, placed in a low-finesse cavity. Three different regimes of laser emission are observed corresponding respectively to Mollow, Raman and Four Wave Mixing mechanisms. We measure an output power of up to 300 ÎĽ\muW and present the main properties of these different lasers in each regime

    Perturbative analysis of generalized Einstein's theories

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    The hypothesis that the energy-momentum tensor of ordinary matter is not conserved separately, leads to a non-adiabatic expansion and, in many cases, to an Universe older than usual. This may provide a solution for the entropy and age problems of the Standard Cosmological Model. We consider two different theories of this type, and we perform a perturbative analysis, leading to analytical expressions for the evolution of gravitational waves, rotational modes and density perturbations. One of these theories exhibits satisfactory properties at this level, while the other one should be discarded.Comment: 14 pages, Latex fil

    Direct measurements of the polarization of terrestrial kilometric radiation from Voyagers 1 and 2

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    Terrestrial radiation measurements obtained with planetary radio astronomy experiments on Voyager-1 and 2 during the early portions of each flight show the signals to be predominantly left-hand circularly polarized. Since these emissions were most probably generated above the Northern Hemisphere auroral zone, it is concluded that the radiation is emitted primarily in the extraordinary mode
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