1,770 research outputs found

    Neural network triggers for global event decision at the LHC

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    Data-driven design of the Belle II track segment finder

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    The Belle II experiment relies on a level-1 trigger system to reduce noise background and preselect events of interest for particle physics. The Central Drift Chamber is the main track detector which makes its trigger system important for online track reconstruction. To improve its hit efficiency, an extension of the track segment finder for low angle tracks is proposed. By combining hardware and software development flows, an automated data-driven pipeline is created and three different-sized hardware concepts are implemented. The operation point is adjustable to balance hit efficiency against hit purity in the trigger system

    Noise propagation issues in Belle II pixel detector power cable

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    The vertex detector used in the upgrade of High-Energy physics experiment Belle II includes DEPFET pixel detector (PXD) technology. In this complex topology the power supply units and the front-end electronics are connected through a PXD power cable bundle which may propagate the output noise from the power supplies to the vertex area. This paper presents a study of the propagation of noise caused by power converters in the PXD cable bundle based on Multi-conductor Transmission Line (MTL) theory. The work exposes the effect of the complex cable topology and shield connections on the noise propagation, which has an impact on the requirements of the power supplies. This analysis is part of the electromagnetic compatibility based design focused on functional safety to define the shield connections and power supply specifications required to ensure the successful integration of the detector and, specifically, to achieve the designed performance of the front-end electronics

    A 3D track finder for the Belle II CDC L1 trigger

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    Machine learning methods are integrated into the pipelined first level (L1) track trigger of the upgraded flavor physics experiment Belle II at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. The novel triggering techniques cope with the severe background from events outside the small collision region provided by the new SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. Using the precise drift-time information of the central drift chamber which provides axial and stereo wire layers, a neural network L1 trigger estimates the 3D track parameters of tracks, based on input from the axial wire planes provided by a 2D track finder. An extension of this 2D Hough track finder to a 3D finder is proposed, where the single hit representations in the Hough plane are trained using Monte Carlo. This 3D finder improves the track finding efficiency by including the stereo sense wires as input. The estimated polar track angle allows a specialization of the subsequent neural networks to sectors in the polar angle

    Susceptibility characterization of beam pipe radiated noise for the PXD detector in Belle II experiment

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    The new Pixel Vertex Detector (PXD) used in the upgrade of the high energy physics experiment Belle II is based on the DEPFET technology. Since the PXD is 2 mm far from the beam pipe, the effects of radiated interferences may be taken into account. Though the EM wave associated to the beam is very well confined (skin depth), the beam pipe is grounded to the accelerator and it may have noise currents on its external face due to pumps, auxiliary electronics, power converters, etc. which may produce radiated noise (H field). This analysis is part of the EMC approach that covers the analysis of the emissions and immunity characteristics, as well as the coupling phenomena and grounding issues to define the susceptibility levels required to ensure the successful integration of the detector and, specifically, to achieve the designed performance of the front-end electronics