937 research outputs found

    Two-fluid model of the solar corona

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    A simple model of the lower corona which allows for a possible difference in the electron and proton temperatures is analyzed. With the introduction of a phenomenological heating term, temperature and density profiles are calculated for several different cases. It is found that, under certain circumstances, the electron and proton temperatures may differ significantly

    Combined analysis of solar neutrino and solar irradiance data: further evidence for variability of the solar neutrino flux and its implications concerning the solar core

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    A search for any particular feature in any single solar neutrino dataset is unlikely to establish variability of the solar neutrino flux since the count rates are very low. It helps to combine datasets, and in this article we examine data from both the Homestake and GALLEX experiments. These show evidence of modulation with a frequency of 11.85 yr-1, which could be indicative of rotational modulation originating in the solar core. We find that precisely the same frequency is prominent in power spectrum analyses of the ACRIM irradiance data for both the Homestake and GALLEX time intervals. These results suggest that the solar core is inhomogeneous and rotates with sidereal frequency 12.85 yr-1. We find, by Monte Carlo calculations, that the probability that the neutrino data would by chance match the irradiance data in this way is only 2 parts in 10,000. This rotation rate is significantly lower than that of the inner radiative zone (13.97 yr-1) as recently inferred from analysis of Super-Kamiokande data, suggesting that there may be a second, inner tachocline separating the core from the radiative zone. This opens up the possibility that there may be an inner dynamo that could produce a strong internal magnetic field and a second solar cycle.Comment: 22 pages, 9 tables, 10 figure

    Quantifying physiological influences on otolith microchemistry

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    Trace element concentrations in fish earstones (‘otoliths’) are widely used to discriminate spatially discrete populations or individuals of marine fish, based on a commonly held assumption that physiological influences on otolith composition are minor, and thus variations in otolith elemental chemistry primarily reflect changes in ambient water chemistry. We carried out a long-term (1-year) experiment, serially sampling seawater, blood plasma and otoliths of mature and immature European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) to test relationships between otolith chemistry and environmental and physiological variables. Seasonal variations in otolith elemental composition did not track seawater concentrations, but instead reflected physiological controls on metal transport and biokinetics, which are likely moderated by ambient temperature. The influence of physiological factors on otolith composition was particularly evident in Sr/Ca ratios, the most widely used elemental marker in applied otolith microchemistry studies. Reproduction also triggered specific variations in otolith and blood plasma metal chemistry, especially Zn/Ca ratios in female fish, which could potentially serve as retrospective spawning indicators. The influence of physiology on the trace metal composition of otoliths may explain the success of microchemical stock discrimination in relatively homogenous marine environments, but could complicate alternative uses for trace element compositions in biominerals of higher organism

    Energy Spectrum of the Electrons Accelerated by a Reconnection Electric Field: Exponential or Power Law?

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    The direct current (DC) electric field near the reconnection region has been proposed as an effective mechanism to accelerate protons and electrons in solar flares. A power-law energy spectrum was generally claimed in the simulations of electron acceleration by the reconnection electric field. However in most of the literature, the electric and magnetic fields were chosen independently. In this paper, we perform test-particle simulations of electron acceleration in a reconnecting magnetic field, where both the electric and magnetic fields are adopted from numerical simulations of the MHD equations. It is found that the accelerated electrons present a truncated power-law energy spectrum with an exponential tail at high energies, which is analogous to the case of diffusive shock acceleration. The influences of reconnection parameters on the spectral feature are also investigated, such as the longitudinal and transverse components of the magnetic field and the size of the current sheet. It is suggested that the DC electric field alone might not be able to reproduce the observed single or double power-law distributions.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, published in Ap

    Towards an evidence-based approach to fostering collaborative conversation in mainstream primary classrooms: Response to commentators

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    The ability to engage with ease in collaborative conversation is critical for child well-being and development. While key underpinning skills are biologically enabled, children require appropriate scaffolding and practice opportunities to develop proficient social conversational ability. Teaching conversation skills is a statutory requirement of the English primary (and many other) curricula. However, currently most upper primary mainstream teachers are not trained to teach conversation skills and do not teach them in the classroom or provide time for children to practice. We argue for first steps towards an evidence-based approach for a universal/Tier 1 programme, while fully acknowledging an ongoing need for Tier 2 and Tier 3 support as well as for further research into the strategies which are most effective in Tier 2/3 contexts. Further research is also needed to explore cultural variation in social conversation and to develop reliable, valid and brief teacher measures of child social conversational ability

    Study of the relationship between solar activity and terrestrial weather

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    Evidence for some connection between weather and solar related phenomena is presented. Historical data of world wide temperature variations with relationship to change in solar luminosity are examined. Several test methods for estimating the statistical significance of such phenomena are discussed in detail

    Solar Physics - Plasma Physics Workshop

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    A summary of the proceedings of a conference whose purpose was to explore plasma physics problems which arise in the study of solar physics is provided. Sessions were concerned with specific questions including the following: (1) whether the solar plasma is thermal or non-themal; (2) what spectroscopic data is required; (3) what types of magnetic field structures exist; (4) whether magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (5) whether resistive or non-magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (6) what mechanisms of particle acceleration have been proposed; and (7) what information is available concerning shock waves. Very few questions were answered categorically but, for each question, there was discussion concerning the observational evidence, theoretical analyses, and existing or potential laboratory and numerical experiments

    X-ray microtomography to evaluate the efficacy of paraffin wax coating for soil bulk density evaluation

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    The paraffin-coated method is a well-used approach to measure the soil bulk density (BD). BD is a physical property of great importance for studies of soil quality and health. Therefore, representative measurements of this property are highly valued. Resin and paraffin wax are utilized to coat soil samples; however, if these materials ingress into the sample it could affect the representativeness of BD evaluation. The advance in three-dimensional (3D) image analysis techniques such as X-ray microtomography (μCT) offers a great opportunity to visualize and quantify the possible penetration of paraffin wax into clod samples. In this paper we investigated porous system morphological properties of soil samples coated with paraffin wax. The morphological properties of the pores filled with paraffin wax inside the samples were also studied. We observed qualitatively that samples with large pores close to their borders were more susceptible to the penetration of paraffin wax. Samples with pores >10 mm3 had the highest amount of paraffin wax into them. Triaxial shaped and complexly pores also offered less resistance to the ingress of paraffin wax. Positive relations between the amount of paraffin wax inside the samples and the volume of pores measured, pore tortuosity and degree of anisotropy were found. Conversely, the soil pore connectivity was not correlated with the penetration of paraffin wax into the samples, at least for the region of interest (≈27.3 cm3) studied. Finally, an analysis of the impact of paraffin wax ingress inside the samples in measured BD showed increments of ≈0.09 and ≈0.11 g cm−3 in this property when the paraffin wax penetrates into the large pores

    Two Gallium data sets, spin flavour precession and KamLAND

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    We reexamine the possibility of a time modulation of the low energy solar neutrino flux which is suggested by the average decrease of the Ga data in line with our previous arguments. We perform two separate fits to the solar neutrino data, one corresponding to 'high' and the other to 'low' Ga data, associated with low and high solar activity respectively. We therefore consider an alternative to the conventional solar+KamLAND fitting, which allows one to explore the much wider range of the θ12\theta_{12} angle permitted by the KamLAND fitting alone. We find a solution with parameters Δm212=8.2×10−5eV2,tan2θ=0.31\Delta m^2_{21}=8.2\times 10^{-5} eV^2, tan^{2}\theta=0.31 in which the 'high' and the 'low' Ga rates lie far apart and are close to their central values and is of comparable quality to the global best fit, where these rates lie much closer to each other. This is an indication that the best fit in which all solar and KamLAND data are used is not a good measure of the separation of the two Ga data sets, as the information from the low energy neutrino modulation is dissimulated in the wealth of data. Furthermore for the parameter set proposed one obtains an equally good fit to the KamLAND energy spectrum and an even better fit than the 'conventional' LMA one for the reactor antineutrino survival probability as measured by KamLAND.Comment: V2: 15 pages, 3 eps figures, fit improved, final version to appear in Journal of Physics

    High-resolution 3D phenotyping of the grapevine root system using X-ray Computed Tomography

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    Plant roots are essential for water and nutrient uptake and contribute to the plants' response to environmental stress factors. As the hidden half of a plant, investigation of root systems is highly challenging, most of available methods are destructive and very labour-intensive. In this proof-of-concept study, a non-invasive X-ray micro computed tomography (X-ray µCT) method was applied to investigate the phenotypic variation of the complex three-dimensional (3D) architecture of grapevine roots as a function of genotype and soil. Woody cuttings of 'Calardis Musqué', 'Villard Blanc' and V3125 ('Schiava Grossa' x 'Riesling') were cultivated in polypropylene columns filled with two different soil types, clay loam and sandy loam, for 6 weeks. Afterwards, the columns were scanned once using the technique of X-ray µCT. The received raw data were analysed for the reconstruction of 3D root system models (3D model), which display a non-destructive visualization of whole, intact root systems with a spatial resolution of 42 µm. The 3D models of all investigated plants (in total 18) were applied to quantify root system characteristics precisely by measuring adventitious root length, lateral root length, total root length, root system surface area, root system volume and root growth angles from the woody cutting relative to a horizontal axis. The results showed that: (i) early root formation and root growth differed between genotypes, especially between 'Calardis Musqué' and 'Villard Blanc'; and (ii) the soil type does influence adventitious root formation of V3125, but had minor effects on 'Calardis Musqué' and 'Villard Blanc'. In conclusion, this innovative, high-resolution method of X-ray µCT is suitable for high resolution phenotyping of root formation, architecture, and rooting characteristics of grapevine woody cuttings in a non-destructive manner, e.g. to investigate root response to drought stress and would provide new insights into phylloxera root infection
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