2,511 research outputs found

    Investigation of mesoscale cloud features viewed by LANDSAT

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Some 50 LANDSAT images displaying mesoscale cloud features were analyzed. This analysis was based on the Rayleigh-Kuettner model describing the formation of that type of mesoscale cloud feature. This model lends itself to computation of the average wind speed in northerly flow from the dimensions of the cloud band configurations measured from a LANDSAT image. In nearly every case, necessary conditions of a curved wind profile and orientation of the cloud streets within 20 degrees of the direction of the mean wind in the convective layer were met. Verification of the results by direct observation was hampered, however, by the incompatibility of the resolution of conventional rawinsonde observations with the scale of the banded cloud patterns measured from LANDSAT data. Comparison seems to be somewhat better in northerly flows than in southerly flows, with the largest discrepancies in wind speed being within 8m/sec, or a factor of two

    Studies of Tiros and Nimbus radiometric observations Final report

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    Data analyses of Tiros and Nimbus radiometric observation

    The Importance of DNA Repair in Tumor Suppression

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    The transition from a normal to cancerous cell requires a number of highly specific mutations that affect cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, differentiation, and many other cell functions. One hallmark of cancerous genomes is genomic instability, with mutation rates far greater than those of normal cells. In microsatellite instability (MIN tumors), these are often caused by damage to mismatch repair genes, allowing further mutation of the genome and tumor progression. These mutation rates may lie near the error catastrophe found in the quasispecies model of adaptive RNA genomes, suggesting that further increasing mutation rates will destroy cancerous genomes. However, recent results have demonstrated that DNA genomes exhibit an error threshold at mutation rates far lower than their conservative counterparts. Furthermore, while the maximum viable mutation rate in conservative systems increases indefinitely with increasing master sequence fitness, the semiconservative threshold plateaus at a relatively low value. This implies a paradox, wherein inaccessible mutation rates are found in viable tumor cells. In this paper, we address this paradox, demonstrating an isomorphism between the conservatively replicating (RNA) quasispecies model and the semiconservative (DNA) model with post-methylation DNA repair mechanisms impaired. Thus, as DNA repair becomes inactivated, the maximum viable mutation rate increases smoothly to that of a conservatively replicating system on a transformed landscape, with an upper bound that is dependent on replication rates. We postulate that inactivation of post-methylation repair mechanisms are fundamental to the progression of a tumor cell and hence these mechanisms act as a method for prevention and destruction of cancerous genomes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; Approximation replaced with exact calculation; Minor error corrected; Minor changes to model syste

    Hidden in plain sight: The importance of cryptic interactions in marine plankton

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    Here, we present a range of interactions, which we term ā€œcryptic interactions.ā€ These are interactions that occur throughout the marine planktonic foodweb but are currently largely overlooked by established methods, which mean largeā€scale data collection for these interactions is limited. Despite this, current evidence suggests some of these interactions may have perceptible impacts on foodweb dynamics and model results. Incorporation of cryptic interactions into models is especially important for those interactions involving the transport of nutrients or energy. Our aim is to highlight a range of cryptic interactions across the plankton foodweb, where they exist, and models that have taken steps to incorporate these interactions. Additionally, it is discussed where additional research and effort is required to continue advancing our understanding of these cryptic interactions. We call for more collaboration between ecologists and modelers in order to incorporate cryptic interactions into biogeochemical and foodweb models

    Evidence-based gender findings for children affected by HIV and AIDS ā€” a systematic overview

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    This review (under the International Joint Learning Initiative on Children and AIDS)provides a detailed evidence analysis of gender, children and AIDS. Six systematic reviews provide the most up to date evidence base on research surrounding children and HIV on key topics of treatment resistance and adherence, schooling, nutrition, cognitive development and orphaning and bereavement. Traditional systematic review techniques were used to identify all published studies on four key topics, then studies were selected according to adequacy criteria (sufficient size, control group and adequate measures). A gender analysis was performed on included studies, detailing whether gender was measured, results were analysed by gender or any gender-based findings. For family studies, both the gender of the parents and gender of the child are needed. Secondary analysis by gender was performed on existing systematic reviews for treatment resistance and adherence. Of the 12 studies on treatment resistance, 11 did not look at gender. One found boys at a seven-fold risk compared to girls. For medication adherence, gender was not significant. Of the 15 studies on schooling, 12 analysed findings by gender with an overall female disadvantage. Of the 14 studies on nutrition, nine analysed by gender with mixed findings. Of the 54 studies on cognitive development, 17 provided gender data, but only four analysed by gender with few differences established. Of the 15 studies on bereavement, seven analysed data by gender again with mixed findings. Major policies fail to provide gender data for young children. WHO, UNAIDS and the international data sets are not gathered or coded by gender for young children (generally under 15 years of age)despite well-established gender challenges in later life. This review shows that the current evidence base is inadequate. Data on gender variation and outcome are urgently needed to inform policy and research on children and HIV

    Overexpression of Mouse D-Type Cyclins Accelerates G(1) Phase in Rodent Fibroblasts

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    Mammalian D-type cyclins are growth factor-regulated, delayed early response genes that are presumed to control progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle by governing the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Overexpression of mouse cyclin D1 in serum-stimulated mouse NIH-3T3 and rat-2 fibroblasts increased their rates of G0 to S- and G1- to S-phase transit by several hours, leading to an equivalent contraction of their mean cell generation times. Although such cells remained contact inhibited and anchorage dependent, they manifested a reduced serum requirement for growth and were smaller in size than their normal counterparts. Ectopic expression of cyclin D2 in rodent fibroblasts, either alone or together with exogenous cdk4, shortened their G0- to S-phase interval and reduced their serum dependency, but cyclin D2 alone did not alter cell size significantly. When cells were microinjected during the G2 interval with a monoclonal antibody specifically reactive to cyclin D1, parental rodent fibroblasts and derivatives overexpressing this cyclin were inhibited from entering S phase, but cells injected near the G1/S phase transition were refractory to antibody-induced growth suppression. Thus, cyclin D1, and most likely D2, are rate limiting for G1progression

    Ethnic inequalities in mental health and socioeconomic status among older women living with HIV: results from the PRIME Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Women living with HIV in the UK are an ethnically diverse group with significant psychosocial challenges. Increasing numbers are reaching older age. We describe psychological and socioeconomic factors among women with HIV in England aged 45-60 and explore associations with ethnicity. METHODS: Analysis of cross-sectional data on 724 women recruited to the PRIME Study. Psychological symptoms were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire 4 and social isolation with a modified Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Scale. RESULTS: Black African (BA) women were more likely than Black Caribbean or White British (WB) women to have a university education (48.3%, 27.0%, 25.7%, respectively, p<0.001), but were not more likely to be employed (68.4%, 61.4%, 65.2%, p=0.56) and were less likely to have enough money to meet their basic needs (56.4%, 63.0%, 82.9%, p<0.001). BA women were less likely to report being diagnosed with depression than WB women (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.40, p<0.001) but more likely to report current psychological distress (aOR 3.34, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We report high levels of poverty, psychological distress and social isolation in this ethnically diverse group of midlife women with HIV, especially among those who were BA. Despite being more likely to experience psychological distress, BA women were less likely to have been diagnosed with depression suggesting a possible inequity in access to mental health services. Holistic HIV care requires awareness of the psychosocial needs of older women living with HIV, which may be more pronounced in racially minoritised communities, and prompt referral for support including psychology, peer support and advice about benefits

    Exploring the cognitive development of children born to adolescent mothers in South Africa

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    This study explores the cognitive development of children born to adolescent mothers within South Africa compared to existing reference data, and explores development by child age bands to examine relative levels of development. Cross-sectional analyses present data from 954 adolescents (10ā€“19 years) and their first-born children (0ā€“68 months). All adolescents completed questionnaires relating to themselves and their children, and standardized child cognitive assessments (Mullen Scales of Early Learning) were undertaken. Cognitive development scores of the sample were lower than USA reference population scores and relative performance compared to the reference population was found to decline with increasing child age. When compared to children born to adult mothers in the sub-Saharan African region, children born to adolescent mothers (human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] unexposed; nĀ =Ā 724) were found to have lower cognitive development scores. Findings identify critical periods of development where intervention may be required to bolster outcomes for children born to adolescent mothers. Highlights: An exploration of the cognitive development of children born to adolescent mothers within South Africa utilizing the Mullen Scales of Early Learning. Cognitive development scores of children born to adolescent mothers within South Africa were lower compared to USA norm reference data and declined with child age. Previous studies utilizing the Mullen Scales of Early Learning within sub-Saharan Africa were summarized, and comparisons were made with the current sample. Findings highlight a potential risk of developmental delay among children born to adolescent mothers compared to children of adult mothers in the sub-Saharan African region

    Global services and support for children with developmental delays and disabilities: Bridging research and policy gaps

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    Summary: 1. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) envision an inclusive society in which health and education contribute to the well-being of all. To achieve this vision, children with developmental delays and behavioral, cognitive, mental, and neurological disabilities need greater access to health care, early childhood care and development services, and education. 2. Improved population-level detection, alongside screening, assessment, and linkage to evidence-based, intersectoral services in the first years of life, can help maximize capabilities and increase the chances of social inclusion for children with developmental delays and disabilities. 3. Educational programs for children with delays and disabilities whose service delivery structure supports the ability of parents to work should be encouraged so that parents can participate in achieving childrenā€™s educational goals while also meeting their financial needs. 4. Parents and caregivers who receive training in psychosocial interventions and ongoing support can help children with delays and disabilities thrive in family contexts. 5. Family mental health influences the developmental trajectory of children. Ensuring that parents and caregivers have access to affordable, quality mental health services helps to prevent poor outcomes for children. 6. Rigorous evaluation, continuous quality improvement, and regular monitoring of the programmatic outcomes of services and policy approaches targeting children and caregivers would inform their implementation and serve to disseminate lessons learned from successful policy and program implementation
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