2,528 research outputs found

    Structural disjoining potential for grain boundary premelting and grain coalescence from molecular-dynamics simulations

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    We describe a molecular dynamics framework for the direct calculation of the short-ranged structural forces underlying grain-boundary premelting and grain-coalescence in solidification. The method is applied in a comparative study of (i) a Sigma 9 120 degress twist and (ii) a Sigma 9 {411} symmetric tilt boundary in a classical embedded-atom model of elemental Ni. Although both boundaries feature highly disordered structures near the melting point, the nature of the temperature dependence of the width of the disordered regions in these boundaries is qualitatively different. The former boundary displays behavior consistent with a logarithmically diverging premelted layer thickness as the melting temperature is approached from below, while the latter displays behavior featuring a finite grain-boundary width at the melting point. It is demonstrated that both types of behavior can be quantitatively described within a sharp-interface thermodynamic formalism involving a width-dependent interfacial free energy, referred to as the disjoining potential. The disjoining potential for boundary (i) is calculated to display a monotonic exponential dependence on width, while that of boundary (ii) features a weak attractive minimum. The results of this work are discussed in relation to recent simulation and theoretical studies of the thermodynamic forces underlying grain-boundary premelting.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Observation and absolute frequency measurements of the 1S0 - 3P0 optical clock transition in ytterbium

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    We report the direct excitation of the highly forbidden (6s^2) 1S0 - (6s6p) 3P0 optical transition in two odd isotopes of ytterbium. As the excitation laser frequency is scanned, absorption is detected by monitoring the depletion from an atomic cloud at ~70 uK in a magneto-optical trap. The measured frequency in 171Yb (F=1/2) is 518,295,836,593.2 +/- 4.4 kHz. The measured frequency in 173Yb (F=5/2) is 518,294,576,850.0 +/- 4.4 kHz. Measurements are made with a femtosecond-laser frequency comb calibrated by the NIST cesium fountain clock and represent nearly a million-fold reduction in uncertainty. The natural linewidth of these J=0 to J=0 transitions is calculated to be ~10 mHz, making them well-suited to support a new generation of optical atomic clocks based on confinement in an optical lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct excitation of the forbidden clock transition in neutral 174Yb atoms confined to an optical lattice

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    We report direct single-laser excitation of the strictly forbidden (6s^2)^1S_0 -(6s6p)^3P_0 clock transition in the even 174Yb isotope confined to a 1D optical lattice. A small (~1.2 mT) static magnetic field was used to induce a nonzero electric dipole transition probability between the clock states at 578.42 nm. Narrow resonance linewidths of 20 Hz (FHWM) with high contrast were observed, demonstrating a record neutral-atom resonance quality factor of 2.6x10^13. The previously unknown ac Stark shift-canceling (magic) wavelength was determined to be 759.35+/-0.02 nm. This method for using the metrologically superior even isotope can be easily implemented in current Yb and Sr lattice clocks, and can create new clock possibilities in other alkaline earth-like atoms such as Mg and Ca.Comment: Submitted to Physics Review Letter

    Business in Nebraska #245- February 1965

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    Sources of County Income in Nebraska: 1950 and 1962 (Wallace C. Peterson) This is the fourth report of a preliminary character on the findings of a comprehensive research study of personal income in Nebraska\u27s 93 counties. Earlier reports in this series appeared in Business in Nebraska in June, October, and November, 1964. A Bureau Bulletin, which will contain the complete data developed in this study, as well as an explanation of the methodology used, is being prepared for publication in the Spring of 1965. Business Summary (Kim McNealy) The dollar volume of business in Nebraska for November, 1964, rose 2.0% over November, 1963, and dropped 2.9% from October, 1963. The same index for the United States rose 5.6% from November of 1963, and a small .1% from October. compared to the same month a year ago, the physical volume of business activity in Nebraska for November rose very slightly, but dropped slightly from the preceding month. Business activity in the U.S. increased 5.1% from November, 1963, and only .6% from October. The individual indicators are mixed, with life insurance sales in Nebraska registering the largest gain from a year ago. Manufacturing and other employment rose slightly from November, 1963, and October, 1964, both in Nebraska and the nation. Contemporary Business Thinking (Palmer Hoyt) It seems to me that sound business thinking in these times starts with this proposition: The greatest sin for a businessman is to fail to be contemporary. What I mean by that is that the greatest shortcoming is to fail to look realistically at the world we live in, and at its economic facts of life. Retail Trading Area Analysis (J. Timothy Wilson) The businessman in Nebraska communities faces the ever difficult problem of answering the questions: Who are my customers ? ... From where do they come? ... What are they like? and . .. What makes them my customers? With the development of the interstate highway system and the improvement of many other Nebraska highways, the small business community is increasingly faced with the prospect of losing its customers to larger centers. Never before has the customer been so mobile

    Optical Lattice Induced Light Shifts in an Yb Atomic Clock

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    We present an experimental study of the lattice induced light shifts on the 1S_0-3P_0 optical clock transition (v_clock~518 THz) in neutral ytterbium. The ``magic'' frequency, v_magic, for the 174Yb isotope was determined to be 394 799 475(35)MHz, which leads to a first order light shift uncertainty of 0.38 Hz on the 518 THz clock transition. Also investigated were the hyperpolarizability shifts due to the nearby 6s6p 3P_0 - 6s8p 3P_0, 6s8p 3P_2, and 6s5f 3F_2 two-photon resonances at 759.708 nm, 754.23 nm, and 764.95 nm respectively. By tuning the lattice frequency over the two-photon resonances and measuring the corresponding clock transition shifts, the hyperpolarizability shift was estimated to be 170(33) mHz for a linear polarized, 50 uK deep, lattice at the magic wavelength. In addition, we have confirmed that a circularly polarized lattice eliminates the J=0 - J=0 two-photon resonance. These results indicate that the differential polarizability and hyperpolarizability frequency shift uncertainties in a Yb lattice clock could be held to well below 10^-17.Comment: Accepted to PR

    Vertical pattern of organic matter decomposability in cryoturbated permafrost-affected soils

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    Permafrost thaw will release additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere resulting in a positive feedback to climate change. However, the mineralization dynamics of organic matter (OM) stored in permafrost-affected soils remain unclear. We used physical soil fractionation, radiocarbon measurements, incubation experiments, and a dynamic decomposition model to identify distinct vertical pattern in OM decomposability. The observed differences reflect the type of OM input to the subsoil, either by cryoturbation or otherwise, e.g. by advective water-borne transport of dissolved OM. In non-cryoturbated subsoil horizons, most OM is stabilized at mineral surfaces or by occlusion in aggregates. In contrast, pockets of OM-rich cryoturbated soil contain sufficient free particulate OM for microbial decomposition. After thaw, OM turnover is as fast as in the upper active layer. Since cryoturbated soils store ca. 450 Pg carbon, identifying differences in decomposability according to such translocation processes has large implications for the future global carbon cycle and climate, and directs further process model development

    Measuring kinetic coefficients by molecular dynamics simulation of zone melting

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to measure the kinetic coefficient at the solid-liquid interface in pure gold. Results are obtained for the (111), (100) and (110) orientations. Both Au(100) and Au(110) are in reasonable agreement with the law proposed for collision-limited growth. For Au(111), stacking fault domains form, as first reported by Burke, Broughton and Gilmer [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 89}, 1030 (1988)]. The consequence on the kinetics of this interface is dramatic: the measured kinetic coefficient is three times smaller than that predicted by collision-limited growth. Finally, crystallization and melting are found to be always asymmetrical but here again the effect is much more pronounced for the (111) orientation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (for fig. 8 : [email protected]). Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Records in a changing world

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    In the context of this paper, a record is an entry in a sequence of random variables (RV's) that is larger or smaller than all previous entries. After a brief review of the classic theory of records, which is largely restricted to sequences of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) RV's, new results for sequences of independent RV's with distributions that broaden or sharpen with time are presented. In particular, we show that when the width of the distribution grows as a power law in time nn, the mean number of records is asymptotically of order lnn\ln n for distributions with a power law tail (the \textit{Fr\'echet class} of extremal value statistics), of order (lnn)2(\ln n)^2 for distributions of exponential type (\textit{Gumbel class}), and of order n1/(ν+1)n^{1/(\nu+1)} for distributions of bounded support (\textit{Weibull class}), where the exponent ν\nu describes the behaviour of the distribution at the upper (or lower) boundary. Simulations are presented which indicate that, in contrast to the i.i.d. case, the sequence of record breaking events is correlated in such a way that the variance of the number of records is asymptotically smaller than the mean.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure