11 research outputs found

    Nutrient Intake in the First Two Weeks of Life and Brain Growth in Preterm Neonates.

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    BACKGROUND: Optimizing early nutritional intake in preterm neonates may promote brain health and neurodevelopment through enhanced brain maturation. Our objectives were (1) to determine the association of energy and macronutrient intake in the first 2 weeks of life with regional and total brain growth and white matter (WM) maturation, assessed by 3 serial MRI scans in preterm neonates; (2) to examine how critical illness modifies this association; and (3) to investigate the relationship with neurodevelopmental outcomes. METHODS: Forty-nine preterm neonates (21 boys, median [interquartile range] gestational age: 27.6 [2.3] weeks) were scanned serially at the following median postmenstrual weeks: 29.4, 31.7, and 41. The total brain, basal nuclei, and cerebellum were semiautomatically segmented. Fractional anisotropy was extracted from diffusion tensor imaging data. Nutritional intake from day of life 1 to 14 was monitored and clinical factors were collected. RESULTS: Greater energy and lipid intake predicted increased total brain and basal nuclei volumes over the course of neonatal care to term-equivalent age. Similarly, energy and lipid intake were significantly associated with fractional anisotropy values in selected WM tracts. The association of ventilation duration with smaller brain volumes was attenuated by higher energy intake. Brain growth predicted psychomotor outcome at 18 months\u27 corrected age. CONCLUSIONS: In preterm neonates, greater energy and enteral feeding during the first 2 weeks of life predicted more robust brain growth and accelerated WM maturation. The long-lasting effect of early nutrition on neurodevelopment may be mediated by enhanced brain growth. Optimizing nutrition in preterm neonates may represent a potential avenue to mitigate the adverse brain health consequences of critical illness

    « Top five » des articles de néonatalogie en 2015 [Top five neonatal articles 2015].

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    pour les membres de la Commission scientifique de la Société française de néonatalogie : O. Baud, M. Benard, O. Brissaud, C. Buffat, M.-L. Charkaluk, D. De Luca, G. Favrais, F. Flamein, G. Gascoin, P. Kuhn, E. Lopez ,N. Naassens-Laug, F.Rouget, P. Tourneux, D. Yang, E. Zana-TaiebThis review includes five randomized controlled trials, published in the Medline database in 2015, which were selected by the Scientific commission of the French society of neonatology, taking into account their influence in perinatology. This selection was presented during the specific "Top five" session in the French congress of neonatal research

    Pédiatrie - Accès au lait de donneuses en Suisse et création de la première banque de lait maternel romande au CHUV : enjeux et perspectives [Access to donor human milk in Switzerland and CHUV's first human milk bank in Romandy : issues and perspectives]

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    Mother's own milk (MOM) is ideal for infant growth and health. When MOM is unavailable, donor human milk (DHM), rather than infant formula, is recommended for at-risk, preterm or sick neonates (NN), in view of its protective effects. Human milk banks (HMB) collect, secure, process and distribute DHM. In Switzerland, there is insufficient and unequal access to DHM in the absence of a national policy framework. With the support of the State of Vaud, the CHUV and the Interregional Blood Transfusion of the Swiss Red Cross will open the first HMB in Romandy in 2022. This HMB offers an innovative system in Switzerland, based on complementary expertise, in order to guarantee the quality and safety of DHM and to support the promotion of breastfeeding and human milk donation

    Recommendation for hygiene and topical in neonatology from the French Neonatal Society

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    We sought to establish guidelines for hygiene care in newborns based on a systematic review of the literature and grading of evidence using the Groupe de Reflexion et d'Evaluation de l'Environement des Nouveau-nes (GREEN) methodology. We examined 45 articles and 4 reports from safety agencies. These studies recommend a tub bath (rather than a sponge bath) for full-term infants and a swaddle bath for preterm newborns. They also recommend against daily cleansing of preterm infants. The literature emphasized that hygiene care must consider the clinical state of the newborn, including the level of awareness and behavioral responses. Hospitalized newborns treated with topical agents may also experience high exposure to potentially harmful excipients of interest. Caregivers should therefore be aware of the excipients present in the different products they use. In high-resource countries, the available data do not support the use of protective topical agents for preterm infants. Conclusions: We recommend individualization of hygiene care for newborns. There is increasing concern regarding the safety of excipients in topical agents that are used in neonatology. A multidisciplinary approach should be used to identify an approach that requires lower levels of excipients and alternative excipients.What is known:center dot Hygiene care is one of the most basic and widespread types of care received by healthy and sick newborns worldwide.center dot There is no current guideline on hygiene for preterm or hospitalized term newborn.What is new:center dot The French Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the environment of Newborns (GREEN) provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.center dot Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest, and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant. provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.center dot Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' possible behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant

    High-frequency near-field microscopy

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