14,158 research outputs found

    Multiangle observations of Arctic clouds from FIRE ACE: June 3, 1998, case study

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    In May and June 1998 the Airborne Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (AirMISR) participated in the FIRE Arctic Cloud Experiment (ACE). AirMISR is an airborne instrument for obtaining multiangle imagery similar to that of the satellite-borne MISR instrument. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the data collected on June 3, 1998. In particular, AirMISR radiance measurements are compared with measurements made by two other instruments, the Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) and the MODIS airborne simulator (MAS), as well as to plane-parallel radiative transfer simulations. It is found that the AirMISR radiance measurements and albedo estimates compare favorably both with the other instruments and with the radiative transfer simulations. In addition to radiance and albedo, the multiangle AirMISR data can be used to obtain estimates of cloud top height using stereoimaging techniques. Comparison of AirMISR retrieved cloud top height (using the complete MISR-based stereoimaging approach) shows excellent agreement with the measurements from the airborne Cloud Lidar System (CLS) and ground-based millimeterwave cloud radar

    Microscopic Model versus Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for a Doped Quantum Ferromagnet

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    We consider a microscopic model for a doped quantum ferromagnet as a test case for the systematic low-energy effective field theory for magnons and holes, which is constructed in complete analogy to the case of quantum antiferromagnets. In contrast to antiferromagnets, for which the effective field theory approach can be tested only numerically, in the ferromagnetic case both the microscopic and the effective theory can be solved analytically. In this way the low-energy parameters of the effective theory are determined exactly by matching to the underlying microscopic model. The low-energy behavior at half-filling as well as in the single- and two-hole sectors is described exactly by the systematic low-energy effective field theory. In particular, for weakly bound two-hole states the effective field theory even works beyond perturbation theory. This lends strong support to the quantitative success of the systematic low-energy effective field theory method not only in the ferromagnetic but also in the physically most interesting antiferromagnetic case.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Progressive Star Bursts and High Velocities in the Infrared Luminous, Colliding Galaxy Arp 118

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    In this paper we demonstrate for the first time the connection between the spatial and temporal progression of star formation and the changing locations of the very dense regions in the gas of a massive disk galaxy (NGC 1144) in the aftermath of its collision with a massive elliptical (NGC 1143). These two galaxies form the combined object Arp 118, a collisional ring galaxy system. The results of 3D, time-dependent, numerical simulations of the behavior of the gas, stars, and dark matter of a disk galaxy and the stars and dark matter in an elliptical during a collision are compared with multiwavelength observations of Arp 118. The collision that took place approximately 22 Myr ago generated a strong, non-linear density wave in the stars and gas in the disk of NGC 1144, causing the gas to became clumped on a large scale. This wave produced a series of superstarclusters along arcs and rings that emanate from the central point of impact in the disk. The locations of these star forming regions match those of the regions of increased gas density predicted the time sequence of models. The models also predict the large velocity gradients observed across the disk of NGC 1144. These are due to the rapid radial outflow of gas coupled to large azimuthal velocities in the expanding ring, caused by the impact of the massive intruder.Comment: 12 pages in document, and 8 figures (figures are separate from the document's file); Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The microstructure of plasmodesmata in internodal stem tissue of the Saccharum hybrid var. NCo376 : evidence for an apoplasmic loading pathway

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    The distribution, structure and functional state of plasmodesmata were investigated to gain a clearer understanding of the sucrose transport pathway to the storage parenchyma cells in stem tissue in Saccharum officinarum var. NCo376. Evidence from structural studies on sugarcane stems by electron microscopy indicated that there are numerous plasmodesmata from the vascular bundles through to the storage parenchyma cells in mature stem tissue. Our studies, supported by fluorescence microscopy and iontophoresis, indicate that there are functional plasmodesmata in the phloemunloading pathway from transport phloem tissue to the bundle sheath in Saccharum, which could support symplasmic transport; plasmodesmata outside of the sheath cells in the storage parenchyma appear to be constricted by sphincter-like structures within their neck regions. Staining with Aniline Blue revealed evidence of large callose deposits, which co-localized with plasmodesmatal aggregates in the walls of the storage parenchyma cells. This suggests that the sucrose transport into, and accumulation by, storage parenchyma of mature stem tissue is under apoplasmic control

    Analysis of ADCP data above a bottom observatory

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    A 300-kHz ADCP was set on GEOSTAR, a six-m3 deep-sea observatory. It was operated with cells of 80 cm during a three-week test experiment at 42-m water depth in the northern Adriatic sub-basin. Although it provided valuable data about the horizontal current field over most of the water column, it also allowed specifying the wake disturbances induced by the observatory. These disturbances are characterised by vertical velocities that are significant up to ~20 m above seafloor (echo intensity data suggest that the wake can even reach the surface), and by inclinations of the bottom nepheloïd layer (as deduced from differences in echo intensities from beam to beam). Our analysis is validated by consistent relationships between the horizontal current direction and speed on one side and the characteristics of both dynamical (vertical velocity) and non-dynamical (echo intensity) parameters on the other side. It is in good agreement with the simulations from a numerical model, and hence specifies the sensitivity (especially with respect to echo intensity) and accuracy of an instrument usually operated within fields of current and scatterers not disturbed by the device supporting it. In addition, the error velocity parameter displays specific characteristics that easily allow specifying the thickness of the layer disturbed by the observatory, thus providing a technique to validate the quality of data acquired in similar conditions

    Anisotropic thermal expansion and magnetostriction of YNi2_2B2_2C single crystals

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    We present results of anisotropic thermal expansion and low temperature magnetostriction measurements on YNi2_2B2_2C single crystals grown by high temperature flux and floating zone techniques. Quantum oscillations of magnetostriction were observed at low temperatures for HcH \| c starting at fields significantly below Hc2H_{c2} (H<0.7Hc2H < 0.7 H_{c2}). Large irreversible, longitudinal magnetostriction was seen in both, in-plane and along the c-axis, directions of the applied magnetic field in the intermediate superconducting state. Anisotropic uniaxial pressure dependencies of TcT_c were evaluated using results of zero field, thermal expansion measurements

    The exploration of eastern Mediterranean deep hypersaline anoxic basins with MODUS: a significant example of technology spin-off from the Geostar Program

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    A significant example of technological spin-off from the GEOSTAR project is represented by the special-purpose instrumented module, based on the deep-sea ROV MODUS, which was developed in the framework of the EU-sponsored project BIODEEP. The goal to be achieved has been defined as the exploration, through real-time video images, measurements and accurate video-guided sampling, of the deep hypersaline anoxic basins of the eastern Mediterranean Sea at water depths well exceeding 3000 meters. Due to their peculiar characteristics, these basins are one of the most extreme environments on Earth and represent a site of utmost interest for their geochemical and microbial resources. The paper presents the strategies and the main results achieved during the two cruises carried out within the BIODEEP project

    Correlation between the Extraordinary Hall Effect and Resistivity

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    We study the contribution of different types of scattering sources to the extraordinary Hall effect. Scattering by magnetic nano-particles embedded in normal-metal matrix, insulating impurities in magnetic matrix, surface scattering and temperature dependent scattering are experimentally tested. Our new data, as well as previously published results on a variety of materials, are fairly interpreted by a simple modification of the skew scattering model


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    This open label study examines whether methotrexate (MTX) treatment modulates ex vivo synthesis of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-lra), soluble tumour necrosis factor receptors(sTNFR p55 and p75), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumour necrosis factor α(TNF-α), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC} and whether changes reflect clinical response. Significant stimulation of IL-lra and sTNFR p75 as well as inhibition of IL-8 production of PBMC were associated with clinical improvement observed in patients treated with MTX. When defining the characteristics of patients at study entry retrospectively in responders and non-responders a significantly lower ratio of IL-lra :IL-1β production before and its increase upon treatment was associated with clinical response in 13 patients compared to five patients not responding to MTX. In addition, clinical improvement was associated with decreased synthesis of IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-8 induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide, IL-1α and IL-1β in PBMC in vitro. These findings suggest that MTX therapy reverses the inflammatory type of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) blood mononuclear cells by stimulating cytokine inhibitor production while inhibiting inflammatory cytokine release at the same time. This may explain the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of low-dose MTX as observed in most RA patients. Pretreatment determination of the IL-lra: IL-1β ratio in PBMC may be predictive with regard to a favourable therapeutic response and therefore may be useful for the selection of RA patients to be treated with MT