1,669 research outputs found

    Electron Spin Resonance of the Yb 4f moment in Yb(Rh1-xCox)2Si2

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    [published in Phys. Rev. B 85, 035119 (2012)] The evolution of spin dynamics from the quantum critical system YbRh2Si2 to the stable trivalent Yb system YbCo2Si2 was investigated by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. While the Kondo temperature changes by one order of magnitude, all compositions of the single crystalline series Yb(Rh1-xCox)2Si2 show well defined ESR spectra with a clear Yb3+ character for temperatures below \approx 20 K. With increasing Co-content the ESR g-factor along the c-direction strongly increases indicating a continuous change of the ground state wave function and, thus, a continuous change of the crystal electric field. The linewidth presents a complex dependence on the Co-content and is discussed in terms of the Co-doping dependence of the Kondo interaction, the magnetic anisotropy and the influence of ferromagnetic correlations between the 4f states. The results provide evidence that, for low Co-doping, the Kondo interaction allows narrow ESR spectra despite the presence of a large magnetic anisotropy, whereas at high Co-concentrations, the linewidth is controlled by ferromagnetic correlations. A pronounced broadening due to critical correlations at low temperatures is only observed at the highest Co-content. This might be related to the presence of incommensurate magnetic fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 Figure

    Anisotropic electron spin resonance of YbIr2Si2

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    A series of electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments were performed on a single crystal of the heavy fermion metal YbIr2Si2 to map out the anisotropy of the ESR-intensity I_ESR which is governed by the microwave field component of the g-factor. The temperature dependencies of I_ESR(T) and g(T) were measured for different orientations and compared within the range 2.6K \le T \le 16K. The analysis of the intensity dependence on the crystal orientation with respect to both the direction of the microwave field and the static magnetic field revealed remarkable features: The intensity variation with respect to the direction of the microwave field was found to be one order of magnitude smaller than expected from the g-factor anisotropy. Furthermore, we observed a weak basal plane anisotropy of the ESR parameters which we interpret to be an intrinsic sample property.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Pressure Induced Hydration Dynamics of Membranes

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    Pressure-jump initiated time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of dynamics of the hydration of the hexagonal phase in biological membranes show that (i) the relaxation of the unit cell spacing is non-exponential in time; (ii) the Bragg peaks shift smoothly to their final positions without significant broadening or loss in crystalline order. This suggests that the hydration is not diffusion limited but occurs via a rather homogeneous swelling of the whole lattice, described by power law kinetics with an exponent β=1.3±0.2 \beta = 1.3 \pm 0.2.Comment: REVTEX 3, 10 pages,3 figures(available on request),#

    Heavy fermion and Kondo lattice behavior in the itinerant ferromagnet CeCrGe3

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    Physical properties of polycrystalline CeCrGe3_{3} and LaCrGe3_{3} have been investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T), isothermal magnetization M(H), electrical resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T), specific heat C(TT) and thermoelectric power S(TT) measurements. These compounds are found to crystallize in the hexagonal perovskite structure (space group \textit{P63_{3}/mmc}), as previously reported. The ρ(T)\rho(T), χ(T)\chi(T) and C(TT) data confirm the bulk ferromagnetic ordering of itinerant Cr moments in LaCrGe3_{3} and CeCrGe3_{3} with TCT_{C} = 90 K and 70 K respectively. In addition a weak anomaly is also observed near 3 K in the C(TT) data of CeCrGe3_{3}. The T dependences of ρ\rho and finite values of Sommerfeld coefficient γ\gamma obtained from the specific heat measurements confirm that both the compounds are of metallic character. Further, the TT dependence of ρ\rho of CeCrGe3_{3} reflects a Kondo lattice behavior. An enhanced γ\gamma of 130 mJ/mol\,K2^{2} together with the Kondo lattice behavior inferred from the ρ(T)\rho(T) establish CeCrGe3_{3} as a moderate heavy fermion compound with a quasi-particle mass renormalization factor of \sim 45.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Spin fluctuations with two-dimensional XY behavior in a frustrated S = 1/2 square-lattice ferromagnet

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    The spin dynamics of the layered square-lattice vanadate Pb2VO(PO4)2 is investigated by electron spin resonance at various magnetic fields and at temperatures above magnetic ordering. The linewidth divergence towards low temperatures seems to agree with isotropic Heisenberg-type spin exchange suggesting that the spin relaxation in this quasi-two dimensional compound is governed by low-dimensional quantum fluctuations. However, a weak easy- plane anisotropy of the g factor points to the presence of a planar XY type of exchange. Indeed, we found that the linewidth divergence is described best by XY-like spin fluctuations which requires a single parameter only. Therefore, ESR-probed spin dynamics could establish Pb2VO(PO4)2 as the first frustrated square lattice system with XY-inherent spin topological fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring high temperature magnetic order in CeTi_1-xSc_xGe

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    Most of magnetic transitions related to Ce ordering are found below T_ord~12K. Among the few cases exceeding that temperature, two types of behaviors can be distinguished. One of them is related to the rare cases of Ce binary compounds formed in BCC structures, with a quartet ground state, whose degeneracy is reduced by undergoing different types of transitions mostly structural. The other group shows evidences of itinerant character with the outstanding example of CeRh_3B_2 showing the highest T_ord=115K. The second highest ordering temperature has been reported for CeScGe with T_ord=47K, but the nature of this magnetic state has not been investigated very deeply. In order to shed more light into this unusual high temperature ordering we studied the structural, magnetic, transport and thermal properties of CeTi_1-xSc_xGe alloys in the stability range of the CeScSi-type structure 0.25<x<1 This system presents a rich variety of magnetic behaviors along this concentration range, with the magnetic ordering growing from ferromagnetic (FM) T_C~7K up to an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at T_N=47K. The different regions show the following characteristics: i) on the Ti rich side (0.25<x<0.50) it exhibits a FM ground state (GS) with large saturation magnetization values M_sat up to ~1.15 mu_B. ii) Around x=0.60, the first crystal electric field excited doublet starts to contribute to the GS magnetic properties. Furthermore an AFM component with a connected metamagnetic transition appears. iii) At x=0.65 a clear change in the GS nature is associated to a critical point above which the GS properties can be described like for an itinerant system (with decreasing M_sat) and an effective GS degeneracy N_eff=4. iv) For x>0.65, the magnetic phase boundary splits into two transitions, with an intermediate phase presenting incommensurate spin density waves features.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure