461 research outputs found

    Library experience for applied engineering technology students

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    Bhatt, Jay, Genis, Vladimir and Roberts, Joshua. (2006). Library Experience for Applied Engineering Technology Students. In Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois (US).The full-time Applied Engineering Technology Program at Goodwin College of Drexel University was launched two years ago. This program clearly distinguishes itself from traditional engineering programs. The curriculum places emphasis on the application of theory rather than on derivations and proofs. The majority of courses are fully integrated with training and laboratory experience, extensive use of software and industrial case studies. The information literacy of students plays an important role in the education process. The primary goal of an academic library is to support the curriculum and provide a more successful library experience for students. The communication between the librarian with liaison responsibilities and the academic program is described in this work. During the class-session of the Introduction to Applied Engineering Technology Course, the librarian introduces students to library resources including databases and electronic products, services, programs and policies, as well as to proper communication links between the library and the various colleges and schools. The information skills learned during the process contribute to life-long learning among the students in this program. Several activities such as research skills workshops, informal consultations, electronic reference and virtual chat, and informal mentoring are used to provide informative library experiences to the students. The role of the communication and collaboration among the faculty and the librarian to develop the content for the library skills workshops and assignments to assess the information skills learned are considered crucial for providing enriching library experience. The core information skills that will enhance the knowledge fundamentals form the central theme of this collaboration between the faculty, students, and librarians

    Video-based interventions to improve self-assessment accuracy among physicians: a systematic review

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    Purpose Self-assessment of a physician’s performance in both procedure and non-procedural activities can be used to identify their deficiencies to allow for appropriate corrective measures. Physicians are inaccurate in their self-assessments, which may compromise opportunities for self- development. To improve this accuracy, video-based interventions of physicians watching their own performance, an experts’ performance or both, have been proposed to inform their self-assessment. We conducted a systematic review of the effectiveness of video-based interventions targeting improved self-assessment accuracy among physicians. Materials and methods The authors performed a systematic search of MEDLINE, Embase, EBM reviews, and Scopus databases from inception to August 23, 2022, using combinations of terms for “self-assessment”, “video-recording”, and “physician”. Eligible studies were empirical investigations assessing the effect of video-based interventions on physicians’ self-assessment accuracy with a comparison of self-assessment accuracy pre- and post- video intervention. We defined self-assessment accuracy as a “direct comparison between an external evaluator and self-assessment that was quantified using formal statistical analysis”. Two reviewers independently screened records, extracted data, assessed risk of bias, and evaluated quality of evidence. A narrative synthesis was conducted, as variable outcomes precluded a meta-analysis. Results A total of 2,376 papers were initially retrieved. Of these, 22 papers were selected for full-text review; a final 9 studies met inclusion criteria for data extraction. Across studies, 240 participants from 5 specialties were represented. Video-based interventions included self-video review (8/9), benchmark video review (3/9), and/or a combination of both types (1/9). Five out of nine studies reported that participants had inaccurate self-assessment at baseline. After the intervention, 5 of 9 studies found a statistically significant improvement in self-assessment accuracy. Conclusions Overall, current data suggests video-based interventions can improve self-assessment accuracy. Benchmark video review may enable physicians to improve self-assessment accuracy, especially for those with limited experience performing a particular clinical skill. In contrast, self-video review may be able to provide improvement in self-assessment accuracy for more experience physicians. Future research should use standardized methods of comparison for self-assessment accuracy, such as the Bland-Altman analysis, to facilitate meta-analytic summation

    Is urinary incontinence associated with lichen sclerosus in females? A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    Background Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a scarring chronic inflammatory disease with a predilection for genital skin in both sexes. The aetiology of LS is controversial, but evidence increasingly suggests that the occluded exposure of susceptible epithelium to urine is involved in the pathogenesis of genital LS in males. This theory has not yet been robustly investigated in females. Objectives This review and meta-analysis examined whether there is an association between urinary incontinence (UI) and genital lichen LS in females.Methods We performed a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL to identify observational studies assessing the prevalence of UI in females with LS. DerSimonian and Laird random‐effects models were used to estimate the overall pooled prevalence and risk ratio compared to controls. Heterogeneity was assessed.ResultsIn total, eight studies met the inclusion criteria and five studies were included in a meta-analysis. Three studies were graded as moderate quality and five were poor. The pooled prevalence for UI in LS was 0.35 (95% CI 0.13-0.58, I2=98.4%). The risk ratio of UI in LS was 0.97 (95% CI 0.53-1.75, I2=87.5%). ConclusionThere appears to be no difference between patients with LS and those without LS in terms of UI. Studies are limited by clinical and methodological quality and heterogeneity is high. Well-designed prospective studies are needed

    Monitoring of biomarkers in heart failure.

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    The role of biomarkers is increasingly recognized in heart failure (HF) management, for diagnosis, prognostication, and screening of high-risk patients. Beyond natriuretic peptides and troponins, the utility of novel, emerging biomarkers is less established. This document reflects the key points of a Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) consensus meeting on biomarker monitoring in HF

    Conformational and thermal characterization of left ventricle remodeling post-myocardial infarction

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    Adverse cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI) causes impaired ventricular function and heart failure. Histopathological characterization is commonly used to detect the location, size and shape of MI sites. However, the information about chemical composition, physical structure and molecular mobility of peri- and infarct zones post-MI is rather limited. The main objective of this work was to explore the spatiotemporal biochemical and biophysical alterations of key cardiac components post-MI. The FTIR spectra of healthy and remote myocardial tissue shows amides A, I, II and III associated with proteins in freeze-died tissue as major absorptions bands. In infarcted myocardium, the spectrum of these main absorptions was deeply altered. FITR evidenced an increase of the amide A band and the distinct feature of the collagen specific absorption band at 1338cm-1 in the infarct area at 21days post-MI. At 21days post-MI, it also appears an important shift of amide I from 1646cm-1 to 1637cm-1 that suggests the predominance of the triple helical conformation in the proteins. The new spectra bands also indicate an increase in proteoglycans, residues of carbohydrates in proteins and polysaccharides in ischemic areas. Thermal analysis indicates a deep increase of unfreezable water/freezable water in peri- and infarcted tissues. In infarcted tissue is evidenced the impairment of myofibrillar proteins thermal profile and the emergence of a new structure. In conclusion, our results indicate a profound evolution of protein secondary structures in association with collagen deposition and reorganization of water involved in the scar maturation of peri- and infarct zones post-MI

    Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure: A 20-Year Perspective From a Mediterranean Cohort

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    Background: The prediction of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in heart failure (HF) remains an unmet need. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of SCD over 20 years in outpatients with HF managed in a Mediterranean multidisciplinary HF Clinic, and to compare the proportion of SCD (SCD/all-cause death) to the expected proportional occurrence based on the validated Seattle Proportional Risk Model (SPRM) score. Methods and results: This prospective observational registry study included 2772 outpatients with HF admitted between August 2001 and May 2021. Patients were included when the cause of death was known and SPRM score was available. Over the 20-year study period, 1351 patients (48.7%) died during a median follow-up period of 3.8 years (interquartile range 1.6-7.6). Among these patients, the proportion of SCD out of the total of deaths was 13.6%, whereas the predicted by SPRM was 39.6%. This lower proportion of SCD was observed independently of left ventricular ejection fraction, ischemic etiology, and the presence of an implantable cardiac defibrillator. Conclusions: In a Mediterranean cohort of outpatients with HF, the proportion of SCD was lower than expected based on the SPRM score. Future studies should investigate to what extend epidemiological and guideline-directed medical therapy patterns influence SCD

    Factors associated with informant-reported cognitive decline in older adults: a systemised literature review

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    Background Dementia diagnoses are typically made where there is a significant, progressive decline in cognitive functioning. Evidence of such decline is increasingly established through information provided by informants. However, some studies demonstrate that informant reports may not always be accurate and may be biased by extraneous factors. This review aimed to elucidate factors that have been identified as potentially having some influence on informant reports of cognitive decline. Method A search of PsychInfo, ASSIA, PubMed and Web of Science databases identified 13 peer-reviewed studies that met criteria for inclusion in the review. Results Reviewed studies provide some evidence for associations between informant-reported cognitive decline and demographic characteristics (patient age, education, ethnicity and informant gender), clinical factors (dementia severity, diagnosis, behavioural disturbance, everyday functioning) and psychological factors (patient depressive symptoms and neuroticism, informant psychological distress and burden). Several methodological limitations of the evidence base were identified. Conclusion Findings suggest that informant-reported cognitive decline may not always be wholly reliable in that information holds potential to be influenced by both patient and informant characteristics. Clinical and empirical implications are discussed

    Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy configuration

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    El siguiente informe tiene la intención de detallar algunos de los puntos más importantes a tener en cuenta a la hora de cimentar las bases de la aplicación clínica de la psicoterapia asistida con sustancias psicodélicas. Citando los puntos más importantes a tener en cuenta, se propondrá un marco idóneo para el correcto desarrollo de la psicoterapia asistida con sustancias psicodélicas, partiendo de la asunción de que ésta cuenta con determinadas características especiales que deben ser cuidadosamente atendidas y respetadas.The purpose of this report is to provide some of the most important factors of the clinical application of the psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Remembering the most important considerations of this treatment, we will expose the basic conditions for his construction. This treatment has some special features, which we have to respect in detail.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio