987 research outputs found

    ETDs, Scholarly Communication, and Campus Collaboration

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    This autoethnographic study examines how a first year teacher, self-identifying as a social justice educator, comes to understand the lived experience of becoming a professional. The purpose of the study was to explore the unique challenges, perspectives, and philosophical contradictions that present themselves in the daily life of a social justice educator in a public elementary school setting. Through self-reflective journaling five becomings were revealed to be intertwined in the process of developing as a social justice educator: becoming a classroom manager, becoming a content specialist, becoming an implementation virtuoso, becoming an assessment architect, and becoming a balanced educator. It was clear through this research that becoming a teacher is a process and a journey, and becoming a social justice teacher added yet another dimension of reflection and perspective

    Barriers and Bridges: An Action Plan for Overcoming Obstacles and Unlocking Opportunities for African American Men in Pittsburgh

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    Among the region's residents, Pittsburgh's African American men have historically and disproportionately faced unprecedented barriers to economic opportunities. This study, supported by The Heinz Endowments, focuses on structural barriers that contribute to persistent racial disparities in the Pittsburgh region. Structural barriers are obstacles that collectively affect a group disproportionately and perpetuate or maintain stark disparities in outcomes. Structural barriers can be policies, practices, and other norms that favor an advantaged group while systematically disadvantaging a marginalized group. A community touched by racebased structural barriers can be identified by the racial and economic stratification of its residents; Pittsburgh, like many large cities in the United States, fits that description

    Investigation Of Molecular Mechanisms Of Liver Preservation Injury: A Complication Preceding Organ Transplantation

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    Of the over 108,000 American awaiting a life-saving organ transplant today, over 12,000 (11%) of those need a new liver (OPTN, 2020). Last year, only 35% of patients on the waiting list for an organ were transplanted. Improving the quality of marginal organs by preventing or reversing preservation injury could vastly increase the number of transplants performed. Washout of circulating blood during liver procurement with cold University of Wisconsin solution flushes out any endogenous pro-survival signaling molecules. We investigated lysophospholipid (LPL) surface receptors (G-protein coupled receptors for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine- 1-phosphate (S1P)) and their role in protecting hepatocytes against preservation injury. Using an in vitro model of organ preservation, we found that treatment with exogenous LPA during cold storage does not prevent preservation injury. However, the method of lipid delivery may be to blame. The ratio of intracellular S1P:ceramide, an indicator of cell health, is decreased in hepatocytes following cold storage. Inhibition of sphingosine kinase-2 (SK2), the enzyme responsible for much of the intracellularly acting S1P, with ABC294640 (a selective SK2 inhibitor) is devastating in rodent liver transplant, ex vivo perfusion, and in vitro models. Upon further investigation, the mechanism of ABC294640 toxicity is two-fold: this compound directly inhibits complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, independent of its effects on SK2. These data clarify the detrimental phenotype associated with ABC294640 treatment of the liver during cold storage. Modulating LPL signaling pathways, upstream of mitochondrial activity and cytoskeleton conformation may improve liver graft function following preservation

    Ordovician volcanic and hypabyssal rocks in the central and southern Miramichi Highlands: their tectonic setting and relationship to contemporary volcanic rocks in northern New Brunswick

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    New analyses of mafic igneous rocks from the central Miramichi Highlands have led us to modify the interpretation of its tectonic setting. New samples have been obtained from the Bam ford Brook and Trousers Lake areas of New Brunswick, and the Danforth area in Maine. All subalkalic mafic rocks, including the Trousers Lake striped amphibolites, are associated with a thick sequence of metasedimentary rocks and all are continental tholeiites, analogous to tholeiitic suites in the Tetagouche Group of the northern Miramichi Highlands. The presence of alkalic basalt and comendite in this area supports this correlation. In the southern Miramichi Highlands of Maine, silicic and intermediate volcanic rocks form part of the Woodstock-Meductic arc-related volcanic suite. RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles analyses de roches ignées mafiques provenant du centre des hautes-terres de la Miramichi nous ont conduit à modifier l’interprétation de leur environnement tectonique. De nouveaux échantillons ont été recueillis dans les régions du ruisseau Bamford et du lac Trousers au Nouveau-Brunswick, et dans la région de Danforth au Maine. Toutes les roches mafiques subalcalines, incluant les amphibolites rubannées du lac Trousers, sont associées avec une séquence épaisse de roches métasédimentaires et sont toutes des tholéiites continentales, similaires aux suites tholéiitiques appartenant au Groupe de Tétagouche du nord des hautes-terres de la Miramichi. La présence de basaltes alcalins et de comendites dans cette région appuie cette corrélation. Dans le sud des hautes-terres de la Miramichi au Maine, les volcanites siliceuses et inlermddiaires constituent une partie de la suite volcanique d'arc de Woodstock-Meductic. [Traduit par le journal

    The impact of supraglacial debris on proglacial runoff and water chemistry

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    Debris is known to influence the ablation, topography and hydrological systems of glaciers. This paper determines for the first time how these influences impact on bulk water routing and the proglacial runoff signal, using analyses of supraglacial and proglacial water chemistry and proglacial discharge at Miage Glacier, Italian Alps. Debris does influence the supraglacial water chemistry, but the inefficient subglacial system beneath the debris-covered zone also plays a role in increasing the ion contribution to the proglacial stream. Daily hydrographs had a lower amplitude and later discharge peak compared to clean glaciers and fewer diurnal hydrographs were found compared to similar analysis for Haut Glacier d’Arolla. We attribute these observations to the attenuating effect of the debris on ablation, smaller input streams on the debris-covered area, a less efficient subglacial system, and possible leakage into a raised sediment bed beneath the glacier. Strongly diurnal hydrographs are constrained to periods with warmer than average conditions. ‘Average’ weather conditions result in a hydrograph with reverse asymmetry. Conductivity and discharge commonly show anti-clockwise hysteresis, suggesting the more dilute, rapidly-routed melt component from the mid-glacier peaks before the discharge peak, with components from higher up-glacier and the debris-covered areas arriving later at the proglacial stream. The results of this study could lead to a greater understanding of the hydrological structure of other debris-covered glaciers, with findings highlighting the need to include the influence of the debris cover within future models of debris-covered glacier runoff

    An investigation of the influence of supraglacial debris on glacier-hydrology

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    Abstract. The influence of supraglacial debris on the rate and spatial distribution of glacier surface melt is well established, but its potential impact on the structure and evolution of the drainage system of extensively debris-covered glaciers has not been previously investigated. Forty-eight dye injections were conducted on Miage Glacier, Italian Alps, throughout the 2010 and 2011 ablation seasons. An efficient conduit system emanates from moulins in the mid-part of the glacier, which are downstream of a high melt area of dirty ice and patchy debris. High melt rates and runoff concentration by intermoraine troughs encourages the early-season development of a channelized system downstream of this area. Conversely, the drainage system beneath the continuously debris-covered lower ablation area is generally inefficient, with multi-peaked traces suggesting a distributed network, which likely feeds into the conduit system fed by the upglacier moulins. Drainage efficiency from the debris-covered area increased over the season but trace flow velocity remained lower than from the upper glacier moulins. Low and less-peaked melt inputs combined with the hummocky topography of the debris-covered area inhibits the formation of an efficient drainage network. These findings are relevant to regions with extensive glacial debris cover and where debris cover is expanding.</jats:p

    Collagen α1(XI) in Normal and Malignant Breast Tissue

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    Little is known about collagen XI expression in normal and malignant breast tissue. Tissue microarrays, constructed from 72 patients with breast carcinoma and matched normal tissue, were immunohistochemically stained with five antisera against isoform-specific regions of collagen α1(XI) N-terminal domain. Staining intensity was graded on a 0–3 scale in epithelial cytoplasm, stroma, and endothelial staining of the vasculature of each tissue core. The staining was compared to known pathologic parameters: age, tumor size, overall tumor grade, nuclear grade, tubule formation, mitotic counts, angiolymphatic invasion, node status, estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, and HER-2/neu status. Estrogen and progesterone receptor status were used as a control for comparison. With antisera V1a and amino propeptide (Npp), stroma surrounding cancerous cells was found to have decreased collagen α1(XI) staining compared to stroma adjacent to normal epithelium (P=0.0006, P\u3c 0.0001). Collagen α1(XI) staining with V1a antiserum in cytoplasm of cancer cells demonstrated decreased intensity in metastasized primary tumors when compared to nonmetastasized primary tumors (P=0.009). Cytoplasmic staining with Npp antiserum in cancer demonstrated an inverse relationship to positive estrogen receptor status in cancer (P=0.012) and to progesterone receptor status (P=0.044). Stromal staining for Npp in cancerous tissue demonstrated an inverse relationship with tubule formation score (P=0.015). This is the first study to localize collagen XI within normal and malignant breast tissue. Collagen α1(XI) appears to be downregulated in stroma surrounding breast cancer. Detection of collagen XI in breast tissue may help predict women who have lymph node metastases
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