7,909 research outputs found

    Business Process Retrieval Based on Behavioral Semantics

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    This paper develops a framework for retrieving business processes considering search requirements based on behavioral semantics properties; it presents a framework called "BeMantics" for retrieving business processes based on structural, linguistics, and behavioral semantics properties. The relevance of the framework is evaluated retrieving business processes from a repository, and collecting a set of relevant business processes manually issued by human judges. The "BeMantics" framework scored high precision values (0.717) but low recall values (0.558), which implies that even when the framework avoided false negatives, it prone to false positives. The highest pre- cision value was scored in the linguistic criterion showing that using semantic inference in the tasks comparison allowed to reduce around 23.6 % the number of false positives. Using semantic inference to compare tasks of business processes can improve the precision; but if the ontologies are from narrow and specific domains, they limit the semantic expressiveness obtained with ontologies from more general domains. Regarding the perform- ance, it can be improved by using a filter phase which indexes business processes taking into account behavioral semantics propertie

    A geometric construction of the exceptional Lie algebras F4 and E8

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    We present a geometric construction of the exceptional Lie algebras F4 and E8 starting from the round 8- and 15-spheres, respectively, inspired by the construction of the Killing superalgebra of a supersymmetric supergravity background. (There is no supergravity in the paper.)Comment: 12 page

    The role of industry, occupation, and location specific knowledge in the survival of new firms

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    How do regions acquire the knowledge they need to diversify their economic activities? How does the migration of workers among firms and industries contribute to the diffusion of that knowledge? Here we measure the industry, occupation, and location-specific knowledge carried by workers from one establishment to the next using a dataset summarizing the individual work history for an entire country. We study pioneer firms--firms operating in an industry that was not present in a region--because the success of pioneers is the basic unit of regional economic diversification. We find that the growth and survival of pioneers increase significantly when their first hires are workers with experience in a related industry, and with work experience in the same location, but not with past experience in a related occupation. We compare these results with new firms that are not pioneers and find that industry-specific knowledge is significantly more important for pioneer than non-pioneer firms. To address endogeneity we use Bartik instruments, which leverage national fluctuations in the demand for an activity as shocks for local labor supply. The instrumental variable estimates support the finding that industry-related knowledge is a predictor of the survival and growth of pioneer firms. These findings expand our understanding of the micro-mechanisms underlying regional economic diversification events

    Outflow boundary conditions for 3D simulations of non-periodic blood flow and pressure fields in deformable arteries

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    The simulation of blood flow and pressure in arteries requires outflow boundary conditions that incorporate models of downstream domains. We previously described a coupled multidomain method to couple analytical models of the downstream domains with 3D numerical models of the upstream vasculature. This prior work either included pure resistance boundary conditions or impedance boundary conditions based on assumed periodicity of the solution. However, flow and pressure in arteries are not necessarily periodic in time due to heart rate variability, respiration, complex transitional flow or acute physiological changes. We present herein an approach for prescribing lumped parameter outflow boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena. We have applied this method to compute haemodynamic quantities in different physiologically relevant cardiovascular models, including patient-specific examples, to study non-periodic flow phenomena often observed in normal subjects and in patients with acquired or congenital cardiovascular disease. The relevance of using boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena compared with boundary conditions that assume periodicity of the solution is discussed

    Supersymmetric Yang-Mills, octonionic instantons and triholomorphic curves

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    In four-dimensional gauge theory there exists a well-known correspondence between instantons and holomorphic curves, and a similar correspondence exists between certain octonionic instantons and triholomorphic curves. We prove that this latter correspondence stems from the dynamics of various dimensional reductions of ten-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. More precisely we show that the dimensional reduction of the (5+1)-dimensional supersymmetric sigma model with hyperkaehler (but otherwise arbitrary) target X to a four-dimensional hyperkaehler manifold M is a topological sigma model localising on the space of triholomorphic maps M -> X (or hyperinstantons). When X is the moduli space M_K of instantons on a four-dimensional hyperkaehler manifold K, this theory has an interpretation in terms of supersymmetric gauge theory. In this case, the topological sigma model can be understood as an adiabatic limit of the dimensional reduction of ten-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills on the eight-dimensional manifold M x K of holonomy Sp(1) x Sp(1) in Spin(7), which is a cohomological theory localising on the moduli space of octonionic instantons.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX2e (A comment and a corresponding acknowledgement added and a reference ammended

    N=31, D=11

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    We show that eleven-dimensional supergravity backgrounds with thirty one supersymmetries, N=31, admit an additional Killing spinor and so they are locally isometric to maximally supersymmetric ones. This rules out the existence of simply connected eleven-dimensional supergravity preons. We also show that N=15 solutions of type I supergravities are locally isometric to Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 17 page
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