198 research outputs found

    The Variety of Variables in Automated Real-Time Refinement

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    The refinement calculus is a well-established theory for deriving program code from specifications. Recent research has extended the theory to handle timing requirements, as well as functional ones, and we have developed an interactive programming tool based on these extensions. Through a number of case studies completed using the tool, this paper explains how the tool helps the programmer by supporting the many forms of variables needed in the theory. These include simple state variables as in the untimed calculus, trace variables that model the evolution of properties over time, auxiliary variables that exist only to support formal reasoning, subroutine parameters, and variables shared between parallel processes

    On reducing the complexity of matrix clocks

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    Matrix clocks are a generalization of the notion of vector clocks that allows the local representation of causal precedence to reach into an asynchronous distributed computation's past with depth xx, where xā‰„1x\ge 1 is an integer. Maintaining matrix clocks correctly in a system of nn nodes requires that everymessage be accompanied by O(nx)O(n^x) numbers, which reflects an exponential dependency of the complexity of matrix clocks upon the desired depth xx. We introduce a novel type of matrix clock, one that requires only nxnx numbers to be attached to each message while maintaining what for many applications may be the most significant portion of the information that the original matrix clock carries. In order to illustrate the new clock's applicability, we demonstrate its use in the monitoring of certain resource-sharing computations

    On Verifying Causal Consistency

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    Causal consistency is one of the most adopted consistency criteria for distributed implementations of data structures. It ensures that operations are executed at all sites according to their causal precedence. We address the issue of verifying automatically whether the executions of an implementation of a data structure are causally consistent. We consider two problems: (1) checking whether one single execution is causally consistent, which is relevant for developing testing and bug finding algorithms, and (2) verifying whether all the executions of an implementation are causally consistent. We show that the first problem is NP-complete. This holds even for the read-write memory abstraction, which is a building block of many modern distributed systems. Indeed, such systems often store data in key-value stores, which are instances of the read-write memory abstraction. Moreover, we prove that, surprisingly, the second problem is undecidable, and again this holds even for the read-write memory abstraction. However, we show that for the read-write memory abstraction, these negative results can be circumvented if the implementations are data independent, i.e., their behaviors do not depend on the data values that are written or read at each moment, which is a realistic assumption.Comment: extended version of POPL 201

    Link Prediction with Social Vector Clocks

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    State-of-the-art link prediction utilizes combinations of complex features derived from network panel data. We here show that computationally less expensive features can achieve the same performance in the common scenario in which the data is available as a sequence of interactions. Our features are based on social vector clocks, an adaptation of the vector-clock concept introduced in distributed computing to social interaction networks. In fact, our experiments suggest that by taking into account the order and spacing of interactions, social vector clocks exploit different aspects of link formation so that their combination with previous approaches yields the most accurate predictor to date.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Cyclic Debugging Using Execution Replay

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    Formal change impact analyses for emulated control software

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    Processor emulators are a software tool for allowing legacy computer programs to be executed on a modern processor. In the past emulators have been used in trivial applications such as maintenance of video games. Now, however, processor emulation is being applied to safety-critical control systems, including military avionics. These applications demand utmost guarantees of correctness, but no verification techniques exist for proving that an emulated system preserves the original systemā€™s functional and timing properties. Here we show how this can be done by combining concepts previously used for reasoning about real-time program compilation, coupled with an understanding of the new and old software architectures. In particular, we show how both the old and new systems can be given a common semantics, thus allowing their behaviours to be compared directly

    A Bayesian Network-based customer satisfaction model: a tool for management decisions in railway transport

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    We formalise and present an innovative general approach for developing complex system models from survey data by applying Bayesian Networks. The challenges and approaches to converting survey data into usable probability forms are explained and a general approach for integrating expert knowledge (judgements) into Bayesian complex system models is presented. The structural complexities of the Bayesian complex system modelling process, based on various decision contexts, are also explained along with a solution. A novel application of Bayesian complex system models as a management tool for decision making is demonstrated using a railway transport case study. Customer satisfaction, which is a Key Performance Indicator in public transport management, is modelled using data from customer surveys conducted by Queensland Rail, Australia

    Timed Implementation Relations for the Distributed Test Architecture

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    In order to test systems that have physically distributed interfaces, called ports, we might use a distributed approach in which there is a separate tester at each port. If the testers do not synchronise during testing then we cannot always determine the relative order of events observed at different ports and this leads to new notions of correctness that have been described using corresponding implementation relations. We study the situation in which each tester has a local clock and timestamps its observations. If we know nothing about how the local clocks relate then this does not affect the implementation relation while if the local clocks agree exactly then we can reconstruct the sequence of observations made. In practice, however, we are likely to be between these extremes: the local clocks will not agree exactly but we have some information regarding how they can differ. We start by assuming that a local tester interacts synchronously with the corresponding port of the system under test and then extend this to the case where communications can be asynchronous, considering both the first-in-first-out (FIFO) case and the non-FIFO case. The new implementation relations are stronger than implementation relations for distributed testing that do not use timestamps but still reflect the distributed nature of observations. This paper explores these alternatives and derives corresponding implementation relations

    Integrating discrete- and continuous-time metric temporal logics through sampling

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    Abstract. Real-time systems usually encompass parts that are best described by a continuous-time model, such as physical processes under control, together with other components that are more naturally formalized by a discrete-time model, such as digital computing modules. Describing such systems in a unified framework based on metric temporal logic requires to integrate formulas which are interpreted over discrete and continuous time. In this paper, we tackle this problem with reference to the metric temporal logic TRIO, that admits both a discrete-time and a continuous-time semantics. We identify sufficient conditions under which TRIO formulas have a consistent truth value when moving from continuous-time to discrete-time interpretations, or vice versa. These conditions basically involve the restriction to a proper subset of the TRIO language and a requirement on the finite variability over time of the basic items in the specification formulas. We demonstrate the approach with an example of specification and verification
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