27,319 research outputs found

    The morphology-density relation for dwarf galaxies

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    The morphology-density relation is examined for dwarf galaxies with absolute magnitudes -18 less than or equal to M sub B sub T less than or equal to -12.5, based on a deep photographic survey of nearby groups and clusters of galaxies. Results are given. Compared to dwarf ellipticals, dwarf irregulars form a more extended population in nearby clusters, and may in fact be entirely absent from the cluster cores. The spatial distribution of dwarf ellipticals in clusters depends on luminosity and the presence or absence of nucleation. Nucleated dE's and non-nucleated dE's fainter than M sub B sub T approx. -13.5 are concentrated toward the centers of clusters like the giant E and S0 galaxies. In contrast, non-nucleated dE's brighter than M sub B sub T approx. -14.5 are distributed like the spirals and irregulars. The intrinsic shapes of the bright non-nucleated dE's are similar to those of the dwarf irregulars, suggesting a possible evolutionary connection between these two classes of galaxies

    NGC 3312: A victim of ram pressure sweeping

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    Researchers are undertaking a volume limited survey of the Hydra I cluster in neutral hydrogen using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Large Array (VLA). The main purpose is to study the effects of a dense environment on the gaseous component of the galaxies. Observational evidence has been accumulating recently that ram pressure sweeping does occur in the centers of clusters, but it is possible that tidal interactions play a role as well. Results of high resolution HI imaging of NGC 3312, the large peculiar spiral near the cluster center are presented. Hydra I (= A1060) is the nearest rich cluster beyond Virgo and, as such, presents a unique opportunity to do a complete survey of a cluster. It is similar to the Virgo cluster in many of its general physical characteristics, such as size, x ray luminosity, velocity dispersion, and galaxy content (high spiral fraction). However, Hydra I appears to be more regular and relaxed. This is evident in the x ray distribution in its central region, which is radially symmetric and centered on the dominant galaxy, NGC 3311, a cD-like elliptical. The observed x ray luminosity implies a central gas density of 4.5 x 10 to the 3rd power cm(-3). Gallagher (1978) argued from optical images of NGC 3312 that this galaxy might be an ideal candidate to directly study effects of the ram pressure process; it might currently be undergoing stripping of its interstellar medium. The researchers' data are consistent with this suggestion, but other origins of the peculiar appearance cannot yet be ruled out

    Visual Search for Galaxies near the Northern Crossing of the Supergalactic plane by the Milky Way

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    We have visually examined twelve Palomar red Plates for galaxies at low Galactic latitude b, where the Supergalactic Plane (SGP) is crossed by the Galactic Plane (GP), at Galactic longitude l ~135 degrees. The catalogue consists of 2575 galaxy candidates, of which 462 have major axis diameters d >= 0.8 arc min (uncorrected for extinction). Galaxy candidates can be identified down to |b| ~ 0 degrees. One of our galaxy candidates (J24 = Dwingeloo 1) has recently been discovered independently in 21cm by Kraan-Korteweg et al. (1994) as a nearby galaxy. Comparisons with the structures seen in the IRAS and UGC catalogues are made. We compare the success rate of identifying galaxies using the IRAS Point Source Catalogue under different colour selection criteria. The criteria that require both the 60 micron and 100 micron fluxes to be of high quality, have the highest probability of selecting a galaxy (with d >= 0.6 arc min), but at the expense of selecting a smaller number of galaxies in total.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript, without figures. The figures are available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    Food Preservation by Freezing

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    Impulse distributions in dense granular flows: signatures of large-scale spatial structures

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    In this paper we report the results of simulations of a 2D gravity driven, dissipative granular flow through a hopper system. Measurements of impulse distributions P(I) on the simulated system show flow-velocity-invariant behavior of the distribution for impulses larger than the average impulse . For small impulses, however, P(I) decreases significantly with flow velocity, a phenomenon which can be attributed exclusively to collisions between grains undergoing frequent collisions. Visualizations of the system also show that these frequently colliding particles tend to form increasingly large linear clusters as the flow velocity decreases. A model is proposed for the form of P(I), given distributions of cluster size and velocity, which accurately predicts the observed form of the distribution. Thus the impulse distribution provides some insight into the formation and properties of these ``dynamic'' force chains.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure