1,243 research outputs found

    Analysis of a carbon dimer bound to a vacancy in iron using density functional theory and a new tight binding model

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    Recent density functional theory (DFT) calculations by Foerst et al. have predicted that vacancies in both low and high carbon steels have a carbon dimer bound to them. This is likely to change the thinking of metallurgists in the kinetics of the development of microstructures. While the notion of a C2 molecule bound to a vacancy in Fe will potentially assume a central importance in the atomistic modeling of steels, neither a recent tight binding (TB) model nor existing classical interatomic potentials can account for it. Here we present a new TB model for C in Fe, based on our earlier work for H in Fe, which correctly predicts the structure and energetics of the carbon dimer at a vacancy in Fe. Moreover the model is capable of dealing with both concentrated and dilute limits of carbon in both bcc-Fe and fcc-Fe as comparisons with DFT show. We use both DFT and TB to make a detailed analysis of the dimer and to come to an understanding as to what governs the choice of its curious orientation within the vacancy

    Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission

    Time resolved X ray absorption spectroscopy of infrared laser induced temperature jumps in liquid water

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    A time resolved X ray absorption study of the structural dynamics of liquid water on a picosecond timescale is presented. We apply femtosecond midinfrared pulses to resonantly excite the intramolecular O H stretching band of liquid water and monitor the transient response in the oxygen K edge absorption spectrum with picosecond X ray pulses. In this way, structural changes in the hydrogen bond network of liquid water upon an ultrafast temperature jump of approximately 20 K are investigated. The changes of the X ray absorption as induced by such a temperature jump are about 3.2 . This demonstrates that our method serves as a sensitive probe of transient structural changes in liquid water and that combined infrared laser synchrotron experiments with substantially shorter X ray pulses, such as generated with a femtosecond slicing scheme, are possibl

    SN 1995ah-the first supernova observed in a Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy

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    We present the properties of the supernova SN 1995ah discovered in a Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy (BCD) around 10 days after the maximum. This is the first supernova event observed in a BCD. The photometric and spectroscopic data suggest that SN 1995ah is a Type II supernova and could belong to the rare Bright SNII Linear subclass, for which ~=-18.9+-0.6 at maximum light.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Coherent oscillations of electrons in tunnel-coupled wells under ultrafast intersubband excitation

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    Ultrafast intersubband excitation of electrons in tunnell-coupled wells is studied depending on the structure parameters, the duration of the infrared pump and the detuning frequency. The temporal dependencies of the photoinduced concentration and dipole moment are obtained for two cases of transitions: from the single ground state to the tunnel-coupled excited states and from the tunnel-coupled states to the single excited state. The peculiarities of dephasing and population relaxation processes are also taken into account. The nonlinear regime of the response is also considered when the splitting energy between the tunnel-coupled levels is renormalized by the photoexcited electron concentration. The dependencies of the period and the amplitude of oscillations on the excitation pulse are presented with a description of the nonlinear oscillations damping.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses (OOREOS) Satellite: Radiation Exposure in LEO and Supporting Laboratory Studies

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    We will present the results from the exposure of the metalloporphyrin iron tetraphenylporphyrin chloride (FeTPPCI), anthraufin (C(sub 14)H(sub 8)(O sub 4) (Anth) and Isoviolanthrene (C(sub 34H sub 18) (IVA) to the outher space environment, measured in situ aboard the Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses nanosatellite. The compounds were exposed for a period of 17 months (3700 hours of direct solar exposure) including broad-spectrum solar radiation (approx. 122 nm to the near infrared). The organic films are enclosed in hermetically sealed sample cells that contain one of four astrobiologically relevant microenvironments. Transmission spectra (200-1000 nm) were recorded for each film, at first daily and subsequently every 15 days, along with a solar spectrum and the dark response of the detector array. In addition to analysis via UV-Vis spectroscopy, the laboratory controls were also monitored via infrared and far-UV spectroscopy. The results presented will include the finding that the FeTPPCI and IVA organic films in contact with a humid headspace gas (0.8-2.3%) exhibit faster degradation times, upon irradiation, in comparison with identical films under dry headspaces gases, whereas the Anth thin film exhibited a higher degree of photostability. In the companion laboratory experiments, simulated solar exposure of FeTPI films in contact with either Ar or CO(sub -2):O(sub -2):Ar (10:0.01:1000) headspace gas results in growth of a band in the films infrared spectra at 1961 cm(sup 1). Our assignment of this new spectral feature and the corresponding rational will be presented. The relevance of O/OREOS findings to planetary science, biomarker research, and the photostability of organic materials in astrobiologically relevant environments will also be discussed
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