2,418 research outputs found

    On the evolution of snow roughness during snow fall

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    The deposition and attachment mechanism of settling snow crystals during snowfall dictates the very initial structure of ice within a natural snowpack. In this letter we apply ballistic deposition as a simple model to study the structural evolution of the growing surface of a snowpack during its formation. The roughness of the snow surface is predicted from the behaviour of the time dependent height correlation function. The predictions are verified by simple measurements of the growing snow surface based on digital photography during snowfall. The measurements are in agreement with the theoretical predictions within the limitations of the model which are discussed. The application of ballistic deposition type growth models illuminates structural aspects of snow from the perspective of formation which has been ignored so far. Implications of this type of growth on the aerodynamic roughness length, density, and the density correlation function of new snow are discusse

    Iron deficiency up-regulates iron absorption from ferrous sulphate but not ferric pyrophosphate and consequently food fortification with ferrous sulphate has relatively greater efficacy in iron-deficient individuals

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    Fe absorption from water-soluble forms of Fe is inversely proportional to Fe status in humans. Whether this is true for poorly soluble Fe compounds is uncertain. Our objectives were therefore (1) to compare the up-regulation of Fe absorption at low Fe status from ferrous sulphate (FS) and ferric pyrophosphate (FPP) and (2) to compare the efficacy of FS with FPP in a fortification trial to increase body Fe stores in Fe-deficient children v. Fe-sufficient children. Using stable isotopes in test meals in young women (n 49) selected for low and high Fe status, we compared the absorption of FPP with FS. We analysed data from previous efficacy trials in children (n 258) to determine whether Fe status at baseline predicted response to FS v. FPP as salt fortificants. Plasma ferritin was a strong negative predictor of Fe bioavailability from FS (P <0·0001) but not from FPP. In the efficacy trials, body Fe at baseline was a negative predictor of the change in body Fe for both FPP and FS, but the effect was significantly greater with FS (P <0·01). Because Fe deficiency up-regulates Fe absorption from FS but not from FPP, food fortification with FS may have relatively greater impact in Fe-deficient children. Thus, more soluble Fe compounds not only demonstrate better overall absorption and can be used at lower fortification levels, but they also have the added advantage that, because their absorption is up-regulated in Fe deficiency, they innately ‘target’ Fe-deficient individuals in a populatio

    Micrometeorological processes driving snow ablation in an Alpine catchment

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    Mountain snow covers typically become patchy over the course of a melting season. The snow pattern during melt is mainly governed by the end of winter snow depth distribution and the local energy balance. The objective of this study is to investigate micrometeorological processes driving snow ablation in an Alpine catchment. For this purpose we combine a meteorological model (ARPS) with a fully distributed energy balance model (Alpine3D). Turbulent fluxes above melting snow are further investigated by using data from eddy-correlation systems. We compare modelled snow ablation to measured ablation rates as obtained from a series of Terrestrial Laser Scanning campaigns covering a complete ablation season. The measured ablation rates indicate that the advection of sensible heat causes locally increased ablation rates at the upwind edges of the snow patches. The effect, however, appears to be active over rather short distances except for very strong wind conditions. Neglecting this effect, the model is able to capture the mean ablation rates for early ablation periods but strongly overestimates snow ablation once the fraction of snow coverage is below a critical value. While radiation dominates snow ablation early in the season, the turbulent flux contribution becomes important late in the season. Simulation results indicate that the air temperatures appear to overestimate the local air temperature above snow patches once the snow coverage is below a critical value. Measured turbulent fluxes support these findings by suggesting a stable internal boundary layer close to the snow surface causing a strong decrease of the sensible heat flux towards the snow cover. Thus, the existence of a stable internal boundary layer above a patchy snow cover exerts a dominant control on the timing and magnitude of snow ablation for patchy snow covers.<br/

    Granularzelltumor des Larynx

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    Zusammenfassung: Granularzelltumoren (GZT) sind subkutan oder submukös gelegene, gutartige Tumoren neurogenen Ursprungs. Sie treten häufig im Kopf-Hals-Bereich auf, insbesondere in der Zunge. Bisher wurden etwa 200 laryngeale GZT beschrieben. Meist sind dabei die Stimmlippen und die posteriore Glottis betroffen. Eine Unterscheidung von einer chronischen Entzündung oder einem Malignom ist nur mittels Biopsie möglich. Als Therapie der Wahl wird die vollständige Exzision empfohlen, wobei Tumorausdehnung und zu erwartende Morbidität die Radikalität des Vorgehens bestimmen. Bei vollständiger Entfernung sind Rezidive selte

    Black carbon contributes to organic matter in young soils in the Morteratsch proglacial area (Switzerland)

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    Most glacier forefields of the European Alps are being progressively exposed since the glaciers reached their maximum expansion in the 1850s. Global warming and climate changes additionally promote the exposure of sediments in previously glaciated areas. In these proglacial areas, initial soils have started to develop so that they may offer a continuous chronosequence from 0 to 150-yr-old soils. The build-up of organic matter is an important factor of soil formation, and not only autochthonous but also distant sources might contribute to its accumulation in young soils and surfaces of glacier forefields. Only little is known about black carbon in soils that develop in glacier forefields, although charred organic matter could be an important component of organic carbon in Alpine soils. The aim of our study was to examine whether black carbon (BC) is present in the initial soils of a proglacial area, and to estimate its relative contribution to soil organic matter. We investigated soil samples from 35 sites distributed over the whole proglacial area of Morteratsch (Upper Engadine, Switzerland), covering a chronosequence from 0 to 150 yr. BC concentrations were determined in fine earth using the benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) marker method. We found that charred organic matter occurred in the whole area, and that it was a main compound of soil organic matter in the youngest soils, where total Corg concentrations were very low. The absolute concentrations of BC in fine earth were generally low but increased in soils that had been exposed for more than 40 yr. Specific initial microbial communities may profit from this additional C source during the first years of soil evolution and potentially promote soil development in its early stage

    Foliar Fertilization of Soybeans

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    Research reported by Iowa State University during the winter of 1975-76 suggested that a means of increasing soybean yields by use of a specific foliar fertilizer had been demonstrated (1976). Theory proposed to explain the reported responses was as follows: Up to the seed filling period in soybean growth, soybean roots and activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria contained in root nodules are capable of supplying the necessary nutrients to meet the plants demands. However, as seed filling begins root growth stops and nodule activity declines. This results in nutrients being redistributed from leaves to seeds and a reduction in rate of photosynthesis. Consequently, studies were conducted to evaluate methods of foliar fertilization in an attempt to maintain photosynthetic rate and nutrient supply during seed filling, the objective being to increase yields

    Predicting the transition from acute to persistent low back pain

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    Background Most people experience low back pain (LBP) at least once in their lifetime. Only a minority of them go on to develop persistent LBP. However, the socioeconomic costs of persistent LBP significantly exceed the costs of the initial acute LBP episode. Aims To identify factors that influence the progression of acute LBP to the persistent state at an early stage. Methods Prospective inception cohort study of patients attending a health practitioner for their first episode of acute LBP or recurrent LBP after a pain free period of at least 6 months. Patients were assessed at baseline addressing occupational and psychological factors as well as pain, disability, quality of life and physical activity and followed up at 3, 6, 12 weeks and 6 months. Variables were combined to the three indices ‘working condition', ‘depression and maladaptive cognitions' and ‘pain and quality of life'. Results The index ‘depression and maladaptive cognitions' was found to be a significant baseline predictor for persistent LBP up to 6 months (OR 5.1; 95% CI: 1.04-25.1). Overall predictive accuracy of the model was 81%. Conclusions In this study of patients with acute LBP in a primary care setting psychological factors at baseline correlated with a progression to persistent LBP up to 6 months. The benefit of including factors such as ‘depression and maladaptive cognition' in screening tools is that these factors can be addressed in primary and secondary preventio

    The robustness of glenohumeral centering measurements in dependence of shoulder rotation and their predictive value in shoulders with rotator cuff tears.

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    OBJECTIVE De-centering of the shoulder joint on radiographs is used as indicator for severity of rotator cuff tears and as predictor for clinical outcome after surgery. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of malrotation on glenohumeral centering on radiographs and to identify the most reliable parameter for its quantification. SUBJECTS AND METHODS In this retrospective study (2014-2018), 249 shoulders were included: 92 with imaging-confirmed supra- and infraspinatus tears (rupture; 65.2 ± 9.9 years) and 157 without tears (control; 41.1 ± 13.0 years). On radiographs in neutral position and external rotation, we assessed three radiographic parameters to quantify glenohumeral centering: acromiohumeral distance (ACHD), craniocaudal distance of the humeral head and glenoid center (Deutsch), and scapulohumeral arch congruity (Moloney). Non-parametric statistics was performed. RESULTS In both positions, only the distance parameters ACHD (< 0.5 mm) and Deutsch (< 1 mm) were comparable in the two study groups rupture and control. Comparing the parameters between the study groups revealed only ACHD to be significantly different with a reduction of more than 2 mm in the rupture group. Among the parameters, ACHD ≤ 6 mm was the only cut-off discriminating rupture (12-21% of the shoulders with ACHD ≤ 6 mm) and control (none of the shoulders with ACHD ≤ 6 mm). Ninety percent of shoulders with ACHD ≤ 6 mm presented with a massive rotator cuff tear (defined as ≥ 67% of the greater tuberosity exposed). CONCLUSION Glenohumeral centering assessed by ACHD and Deutsch is not affected by rotation in shoulders with and without rotator cuff tear. An ACHD ≤ 6 mm has a positive predictive value of 90% for a massive rotator cuff tear

    Conditions currently associated with erythema nodosum in Swiss children

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    A review was made of the 36 paediatric patients in whom the diagnosis of erythema nodosum had been established between 1977 and 1996 at the Department of Paediatrics, University of Bern, Switzerland. Infectious diseases were associated with erythema nodosum in 20 (including 10 streptococcal infections) and non-infectious inflammatory diseases in 8 patients. None of the 36 patients had tuberculosis or had been exposed to sulphonamides, phenytoin or hormonal contraceptives. There were eight patients in whom either the associated disease was not diagnosed, or there was no other disease. Conclusion Most cases of erythema nodosum are nowadays caused by non-mycobacterial infectious diseases or by non-infectious inflammatory disease