2,988 research outputs found

    Non-Linear Stability Analysis of Higher Order Dissipative Partial Differential Equations

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    We extend the invariant manifold method for analyzing the asymptotics of dissipative partial differential equations on unbounded spatial domains to treat equations in which the linear part has order greater than two. One important example of this type of equation which we analyze in some detail is the Cahn-Hilliard equation. We analyze the marginally stable solutions of this equation in some detail. A second context in which such equations arise is in the Ginzburg-Landau equation, or other pattern forming equations, near a codimension-two bifurcation

    Breathers as Metastable States for the Discrete NLS equation

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    We study metastable motions in weakly damped Hamiltonian systems. These are believed to inhibit the transport of energy through Hamiltonian, or nearly Hamiltonian, systems with many degrees of freedom. We investigate this question in a very simple model in which the breather solutions that are thought to be responsible for the metastable states can be computed perturbatively to an arbitrary order. Then, using a modulation hypothesis, we derive estimates for the rate at which the system drifts along this manifold of periodic orbits and verify the optimality of our estimates numerically.Comment: Corrected typos. Added Acknowledgmen

    Scattering Phases and Density of States for Exterior Domain

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    For a bounded open domain Ω∈ℜ2\Omega\in \real^2 with connected complement and piecewise smooth boundary, we consider the Dirichlet Laplacian -\DO on Ω\Omega and the S-matrix on the complement Ωc\Omega^c. Using the restriction AEA_E of (−Δ−E)−1(-\Delta-E)^{-1} to the boundary of Ω\Omega , we establish that AE0−1/2AEAE0−1/2−1A_{E_0}^{-1/2}A_EA_{E_0}^{-1/2}-1 is trace class when E0E_0 is negative and give bounds on the energy dependence of this difference. This allows for precise bounds on the total scattering phase, the definition of a ζ\zeta-function, and a Krein spectral formula, which improve similar results found in the literature.Comment: 15 pages, Postscript, A

    Geometric Stability Analysis for Periodic Solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg Equation

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    In this paper we describe invariant geometrical ~structures in the phase space of the Swift-Hohenberg equation in a neighborhood of its periodic stationary states. We show that in spite of the fact that these states are only marginally stable (i.e., the linearized problem about these states has continuous spectrum extending all the way up to zero), there exist finite dimensional invariant manifolds in the phase space of this equation which determine the long-time behavior of solutions near these stationary solutions. In particular, using this point of view, we obtain a new demonstration of Schneider's recent proof that these states are nonlinearly stable.Comment: 44 pages, plain tex, 0 figure

    Mariner Venus/Mercury 1973 study

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    Mariner Venus/Mercury 1973 flyby mission and description of spacecraft and subsystem

    Lyapunov Mode Dynamics in Hard-Disk Systems

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    The tangent dynamics of the Lyapunov modes and their dynamics as generated numerically - {\it the numerical dynamics} - is considered. We present a new phenomenological description of the numerical dynamical structure that accurately reproduces the experimental data for the quasi-one-dimensional hard-disk system, and shows that the Lyapunov mode numerical dynamics is linear and separate from the rest of the tangent space. Moreover, we propose a new, detailed structure for the Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics, which implies that the Lyapunov modes have well-defined (in)stability in either direction of time. We test this tangent dynamics and its derivative properties numerically with partial success. The phenomenological description involves a time-modal linear combination of all other Lyapunov modes on the same polarization branch and our proposed Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics is based upon the form of the tangent dynamics for the zero modes

    Period Doubling Renormalization for Area-Preserving Maps and Mild Computer Assistance in Contraction Mapping Principle

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    It has been observed that the famous Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser period doubling universality has a counterpart for area-preserving maps of {\fR}^2. A renormalization approach has been used in a "hard" computer-assisted proof of existence of an area-preserving map with orbits of all binary periods in Eckmann et al (1984). As it is the case with all non-trivial universality problems in non-dissipative systems in dimensions more than one, no analytic proof of this period doubling universality exists to date. In this paper we attempt to reduce computer assistance in the argument, and present a mild computer aided proof of the analyticity and compactness of the renormalization operator in a neighborhood of a renormalization fixed point: that is a proof that does not use generalizations of interval arithmetics to functional spaces - but rather relies on interval arithmetics on real numbers only to estimate otherwise explicit expressions. The proof relies on several instance of the Contraction Mapping Principle, which is, again, verified via mild computer assistance

    Memory Effects in Nonequilibrium Transport for Deterministic Hamiltonian Systems

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    We consider nonequilibrium transport in a simple chain of identical mechanical cells in which particles move around. In each cell, there is a rotating disc, with which these particles interact, and this is the only interaction in the model. It was shown in \cite{eckmann-young} that when the cells are weakly coupled, to a good approximation, the jump rates of particles and the energy-exchange rates from cell to cell follow linear profiles. Here, we refine that study by analyzing higher-order effects which are induced by the presence of external gradients for situations in which memory effects, typical of Hamiltonian dynamics, cannot be neglected. For the steady state we propose a set of balance equations for the particle number and energy in terms of the reflection probabilities of the cell and solve it phenomenologically. Using this approximate theory we explain how these asymmetries affect various aspects of heat and particle transport in systems of the general type described above and obtain in the infinite volume limit the deviation from the theory in \cite{eckmann-young} to first-order. We verify our assumptions with extensive numerical simulations.Comment: Several change

    Decay of Correlations in a Topological Glass

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    In this paper we continue the study of a topological glassy system. The state space of the model is given by all triangulations of a sphere with NN nodes, half of which are red and half are blue. Red nodes want to have 5 neighbors while blue ones want 7. Energies of nodes with other numbers of neighbors are supposed to be positive. The dynamics is that of flipping the diagonal between two adjacent triangles, with a temperature dependent probability. We consider the system at very low temperatures. We concentrate on several new aspects of this model: Starting from a detailed description of the stationary state, we conclude that pairs of defects (nodes with the "wrong" degree) move with very high mobility along 1-dimensional paths. As they wander around, they encounter single defects, which they then move "sideways" with a geometrically defined probability. This induces a diffusive motion of the single defects. If they meet, they annihilate, lowering the energy of the system. We both estimate the decay of energy to equilibrium, as well as the correlations. In particular, we find a decay like t−0.4t^{-0.4}
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