7,093 research outputs found

    On resonance line profiles predicted by radiation driven disk wind models

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    We report on resonance line profiles predicted by radiation driven disk wind models which extend radially one order of magnitude farther out than our previous models. Our main result is that the inclusion of a disk wind at larger radii changes qualitatively and quantitatively the line profiles predicted by the models. Our new models predict line absorption that is significantly stronger than those predicted by old models. Some of the previous line profiles exhibit a doubled-humped structure near the line center which is now replaced by a more plausible single, blueshifted minimum. We emphasize that the improvements in the shape as well as the strength of the absorption were achieved without changing the gross properties of the wind. In particular, our new models do not predict a higher mass-loss rate than the previous models. The main changes in the line profiles are due to the fact that the ratio between the rotational velocity and poloidal velocity of the wind decreases downstream. The new line profiles reproduce well the line absorption of the nova-like variable, IX~Vel, and promise to reproduce observations of other cataclysmic variables. This success of the radiation driven disk wind model provides an important link between outflows in OB stars and outflows in active galactic nuclei.Comment: to appear in ApJ Lette

    Uniform approximation of barrier penetration in phase space

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    A method to approximate transmission probabilities for a nonseparable multidimensional barrier is applied to a waveguide model. The method uses complex barrier-crossing orbits to represent reaction probabilities in phase space and is uniform in the sense that it applies at and above a threshold energy at which classical reaction switches on. Above this threshold the geometry of the classically reacting region of phase space is clearly reflected in the quantum representation. Two versions of the approximation are applied. A harmonic version which uses dynamics linearised around an instanton orbit is valid only near threshold but is easy to use. A more accurate and more widely applicable version using nonlinear dynamics is also described

    Resonance line-profile calculations based on hydrodynamical models of cataclysmic variable winds

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    We present synthetic line profiles as predicted by the models of 2-D line- driven disk winds due to Proga, Stone & Drew. We compare the model line profiles with HST observations of the cataclysmic variable IX Vel. The model wind consists of a slow outflow that is bounded on the polar side by a fast stream. We find that these two components of the wind produce distinct spectral features. The fast stream produces profiles which show features consistent with observations. These include the appearance of the P-Cygni shape for a range of inclinations, the location of the maximum depth of the absorption component at velocities less than the terminal velocity, and the transition from absorption to emission with increasing inclination. However the model profiles have too little absorption or emission equivalent width. This quantitative difference between our models and observations is not a surprise because the line-driven wind models predict a mass loss rate that is lower than the rate required by the observations. We note that the model profiles exhibit a double-humped structure near the line center which is not echoed in observations. We identify this structure with a non-negligible redshifted absorption which is formed in the slow component of the wind where the rotational velocity dominates over expansion velocity. We conclude that the next generation of disk wind models, developed for application to CVs, needs to yield stronger wind driving out to larger disk radii than do the present models.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, to appear in Ap

    Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface since the 1957 International Geophysical Year

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    Assessments of Antarctic temperature change have emphasized the contrast between strong warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and slight cooling of the Antarctic continental interior in recent decades. This pattern of temperature change has been attributed to the increased strength of the circumpolar westerlies, largely in response to changes in stratospheric ozone. This picture, however, is substantially incomplete owing to the sparseness and short duration of the observations. Here we show that significant warming extends well beyond the Antarctic Peninsula to cover most of West Antarctica, an area of warming much larger than previously reported. West Antarctic warming exceeds 0.1 °C per decade over the past 50 years, and is strongest in winter and spring. Although this is partly offset by autumn cooling in East Antarctica, the continent-wide average near-surface temperature trend is positive. Simulations using a general circulation model reproduce the essential features of the spatial pattern and the long-term trend, and we suggest that neither can be attributed directly to increases in the strength of the westerlies. Instead, regional changes in atmospheric circulation and associated changes in sea surface temperature and sea ice are required to explain the enhanced warming in West Antarctica

    Multi-Objective Gust Load Alleviation Control Designs for an Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Demonstration Wing

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    This paper presents several control and gust disturbance estimation techniques applied to a mathematical model of a physical flexible wing wind tunnel model used in ongoing tests at the University of Washington Aeronautical Laboratory's Kirsten Wind Tunnel. Three methods of gust disturbance estimation are presented, followed by three control methods: LQG, Basic Multi-Objective (BMO), and a novel Multi-Objective Prediction Correction (MOPC) controller. The latter of which augments a multi-objective controller, and attempts to correct for errors in the disturbance estimate. A simplified linear simulation of the three controllers is performed and a simple MIMO stability and robustness assessment is performed. Then, the same controllers are simulated in a higher fidelity Simulink environment that captures sampling, saturation and noise effects. This preliminary analysis indicates that the BMO controller provides the best performance and largest stability margins

    How should we interpret the two transport relaxation times in the cuprates ?

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    We observe that the appearance of two transport relaxation times in the various transport coefficients of cuprate metals may be understood in terms of scattering processes that discriminate between currents that are even, or odd under the charge conjugation operator. We develop a transport equation that illustrates these ideas and discuss its experimental and theoretical consequences.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX with 8 postscript figures included. To appear in ``Non Fermi Liquid Physics'', J. Phys:Cond. Matt. (1997

    An equatorial wind from the massive young stellar object S140 IRS 1

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    The discovery of the second equatorial ionized stellar wind from a massive young stellar object is reported. High resolution radio continuum maps of S140 IRS 1 reveal a highly elongated source that is perpendicular to the larger scale bipolar molecular outflow. This picture is confirmed by location of a small scale monopolar near-IR reflection nebula at the base of the blueshifted lobe. A second epoch of observations over a five year baseline show little ordered outward proper motion of clumps as would have been expected for a jet. A third epoch, taken only 50 days after the second, did show significant changes in the radio morphology. These radio properties can all be understood in the context of an equatorial wind driven by radiation pressure from the central star and inner disc acting on the gas in the surface layers of the disc as proposed by Drew et al. (1998). This equatorial wind system is briefly compared with the one in S106IR, and contrasted with other massive young stellar objects that drive ionized jets.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ, minor changes in light of referees repor

    Interaction between clients and physiotherapists in group exercise classes in geriatric rehabilitation

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    The aim of this paper is to explore how older people construct their interaction in group exercise classes in geriatric rehabilitation and what is their contribution to the interaction. Discourse analysis was employed and data, consisting of seven videotaped group-based exercise sessions, were collected from 52 older people (aged 66–93 years) and nine rehabilitation professionals in seven rehabilitation centres. Four discourse categories were found. In “taciturn exercising”, older people remained verbally silent but physically active. In “submissive disagreeing”, older people opposed the professionals’ agenda by displaying reluctant consent to proposals. In “resilient endeavouring”, older adults persisted on their course of action, regardless of the disapproval of the professionals. In “lay helping”, older people initiated spontaneous encouragement, but also gave verbal and physical assistance to their peers. Older people's meaningful contribution to interaction, whilst it may challenge the institutional flow of activities, can constitute an integral part of the re-ablement process of rehabilitation
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