899 research outputs found

    Application of molecular dynamics techniques and luminescent probes to the study of glass structure: the SiO2–GeO2 case

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    In this paper, we report on the results obtained from molecular dynamic simulation of a Eu3+-doped germanosilicate glass. This simulation provides further information on the structure. In particular it reveals a homogeneous distribution of SiO4 and GeO4 units, a decrease of defects compared to SiO2 and GeO2 glasses, and a trend to clustering of the doping ions. Using the modified crystal-field theory, the luminescence spectroscopic properties have been computed and comparison with experimental data has allowed a correlation of the spectral features with two main types of local environment depending on the coordination number and on the medium-range arrangement around the doping ions

    Girls’ and women’s education within Unesco and the World Bank, 1945–2000

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    By 2000, girls’ and women’s education was a priority for international development organisations. While studies have examined the impact of recent campaigns and programmes, there has been less exploration of ideas about girls’ and women’s education within development thought in the immediate post?colonial period, and the political mechanisms through which this came to be a global concern. Through a study of policy documents, this paper investigates how the education of girls and women came to be prioritised within the two principle UN agencies involved with education since 1945, the World Bank and Unesco. A shift in priorities is evident, from ensuring formal rights and improving the status of women, to expanding the productive capacities of women, fertility control and poverty reduction. While the ascendance of human capital theory provided a space for a new perception of the role of women’s education in development, in other policy arenas women’s education was central to exploring more substantive, rights?based notions of gender equality. Ultimately, the goal of improving girls’ and women’s education fitted into diverse development agendas, paving the way for it to become a global development priority

    Modelo econométrico para la toma de decisiones aplicado al cultivo del café

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    Se estudió mediante modelos econométricos el efecto (físico y económico), en los rendimientos del café, de cuatro variables manejables: atenciones culturales, edad del cultivo, plagas y enfermedades, y porcentaje de población; además de una variable no manejable: la lluvia. Se construyó un modelo econométrico de los cinco factores— considerados fundamentales por los expertos— para medir el impacto de cada uno de ellos en el crecimiento de la producción y de los ingresos. Se obtuvo que todos los factores aumentan el rendimiento, pero el único que tiene un efecto progresivo es atenciones culturales y se comprobó que el incremento en las ganancias inducido por este factor es el más elevado. Se propuso un orden de prioridad para la asignación de los escasos recursos laborales y financieros, entre los diferentes factores, que permite alcanzar mejores resultados que en otros lugares; u otros años anteriores en el mismo lugar

    Declining partisan representation at the sub-national level: assessing and explaining the strengthening of local lists in Italian municipalities (1995–2014)

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    In Western democracies political representation at the national level is still dominated by (old and new) political parties. This article shows that, instead, the representative role of parties may have declined at the local level. In Italy, for instance, the average share of municipal seats held by non-partisan councillors has almost tripled in the last 20 years. By using an original data set, this article classifies different types of Italian local lists, assesses their relationship with traditional parties and explains territorial variation in their success. The results suggest that local lists have become substantially stronger in small municipalities, in regions characterised by weak or declining political subcultures and where regionalist parties are absent or irrelevant. Finally, contrary to the expectation that declining partisanship is linked to modernisation processes and direct civic engagement, local lists have achieved their best results in the less developed areas of the country

    Recognition of emotional and non-emotional biological motion in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders

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    This study aimed to explore the perception of different components of biological movement in individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome. The ability to recognize a person’s actions, subjective states, emo-tions, and objects conveyed by moving point-light displays was assessed in 19 participants with autism and 19 comparable typical control participants. Results showed that the participants with autism were as able as controls to name point-light displays of non-human objects and human actions. In contrast, they were significantly poorer at labeling emotional displays, suggesting that they are specifically impaired in attending to emotional states. Most studies have highlighted an emotional deficit in facial expression perception; our results extend this hypothesized deficit to the perception and interpretation of whole-body biological movements

    Protocole de fabrication par voie colloïdalede cristaux photoniques 3D

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    session 7 " Cristaux photoniques "National audienceNous présentons ici les détails d'un processus sol-gel utilisé pour synthétiser des sphères de silice, en portant une attention particulière aux conditions expérimentales permettant de contrôler leur taille. Nous avons élaboré un protocole dans le but d'obtenir des microsphères avec une faible dispersion, et démontré que de larges domaines cristallins ordonnés d'opale synthétique montrant une " stop band " peuvent être produits en quelques jours par déposition verticale et sédimentation assistée par évaporation. La microscopie électronique à balayage a été employée pour caractériser les échantillons. Des mesures de réflexion et transmission ont été effectuées pour mettre en évidence la haute qualité des opales réalisées

    Update on the seismogenic potential of the Upper Rhine Graben southern region

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    The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), located in France and Germany, is bordered by north–south-trending faults, some of which are considered active, posing a potential threat to the dense population and infrastructures on the Alsace plain. The largest historical earthquake in the region was the M6.5±0.5 Basel earthquake in 1356. Current seismicity (M&gt;2.5 since 1960) is mostly diffuse and located within the graben. We build upon previous seismic hazard studies of the URG by exploring uncertainties in greater detail and revisiting a number of assumptions. We first take into account the limited evidence of neotectonic activity and then explore tectonic scenarios that have not been taken into account previously, exploring uncertainties for Mmax, its recurrence time, the b value, and the moment released aseismically or through aftershocks. Uncertainties in faults' moment deficit rates, on the observed seismic events' magnitude–frequency distribution and on the moment–area scaling law of earthquakes, are also explored. Assuming a purely dip-slip normal faulting mechanism associated with a simplified model with three main faults, Mmax maximum probability is estimated at Mw 6.1. Considering this scenario, there would be a 99 % probability that Mmax is less than 7.3. In contrast, with a strike-slip assumption associated with a four-main-fault model, consistent with recent paleoseismological studies and the present-day stress field, Mmax is estimated at Mw 6.8. Based on this scenario, there would be a 99 % probability that Mmax is less than 7.6.</p
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