385 research outputs found

    Metabolic Syndrome and Onset of Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly: Findings from the Three-City Study

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    OBJECTIVE-Given the increasing prevalence of both metabolic syndrome (MetS) and depressive symptoms during old age, we aimed to examine prospectively the association between MetS and the onset of depressive symptoms according to different age-groups in a large, general elderly population.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-This was a prospective cohort study of 4,446 men and women aged 65-91 years who were free of depression or depressive symptoms at baseline (the Three-City Study, France). MetS was defined using the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. New onset of depressive symptoms (the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale score >= 16 and use of antidepressant treatment) was assessed at 2- and 4-year follow-ups.RESULTS-After adjusting for a large range of potential confounders, we observed MetS to be associated with 1.73-fold (95% CI 1.02-2.95) odds for new-onset depressive symptoms in the youngest age-group (65-70 years at baseline), independently of cardiovascular diseases. No such association was seen in older age-groups.CONCLUSIONS-Our findings suggest that the link between MetS and depressive symptoms evidenced until now in middle-aged people can be extended to older adults but not to the oldest ones. Additional research is needed to examine if a better management of MetS prevents depressive symptoms in people aged 65-70 years. Diabetes Care 34:904-909, 201

    Usefulness of data from magnetic resonance imaging to improve prediction of dementia: population based cohort study

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    © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2015. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of data derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain to a model incorporating conventional risk variables improves prediction of dementia over 10 years of follow-up. DESIGN: Population based cohort study of individuals aged ≥65. SETTING: The Dijon magnetic resonance imaging study cohort from the Three-City Study, France. PARTICIPANTS: 1721 people without dementia who underwent an MRI scan at baseline and with known dementia status over 10 years' follow-up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Incident dementia (all cause and Alzheimer's disease). RESULTS: During 10 years of follow-up, there were 119 confirmed cases of dementia, 84 of which were Alzheimer's disease. The conventional risk model incorporated age, sex, education, cognition, physical function, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol use), health (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, systolic blood pressure), and the apolipoprotein genotype (C statistic for discrimination performance was 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.71 to 0.82). No significant differences were observed in the discrimination performance of the conventional risk model compared with models incorporating data from MRI including white matter lesion volume (C statistic 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.72 to 0.82; P=0.48 for difference of C statistics), brain volume (0.77, 0.72 to 0.82; P=0.60), hippocampal volume (0.79, 0.74 to 0.84; P=0.07), or all three variables combined (0.79, 0.75 to 0.84; P=0.05). Inclusion of hippocampal volume or all three MRI variables combined in the conventional model did, however, lead to significant improvement in reclassification measured by using the integrated discrimination improvement index (P=0.03 and P=0.04) and showed increased net benefit in decision curve analysis. Similar results were observed when the outcome was restricted to Alzheimer's disease. CONCLUSIONS: Data from MRI do not significantly improve discrimination performance in prediction of all cause dementia beyond a model incorporating demographic, cognitive, health, lifestyle, physical function, and genetic data. There were, however, statistical improvements in reclassification, prognostic separation, and some evidence of clinical utility

    Inunditos como análogos de reservatórios: um exemplo nos depósitos gonduânicos triássicos do Gráben Arroio Moirão, RS

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    O estudo de reservatórios de óleo e gás de sistemas continentais tem enfatizado, na última década, arenitos associados a inunditos, provenientes de fluxos hiperpicnais. Contudo, há poucos estudos para entender sua arquitetura e heterogeneidade, resultando em dificuldades de reconhecimento e de exploração. O presente trabalho visa à análise de pacotes triássicos da Bacia do Paraná pertencentes à Formação Santa Maria, que ocorrem como fragmentos isolados sobre o Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense na região do Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS). Para tanto, fez-se uso de mapeamento sistemático, análise de heterogeneidade de fácies e estratigrafia de sequências, que incluem levantamento de perfis colunares, identificação de associações e sucessões de fácies e superfícies-chave. Além disso, classificaram-se os arenitos e qualificou-se a porosidade com base na análise petrográfica. Foi possível delimitar os principais depósitos de arenitos, no quais predomina geometria tabular, grãos mal selecionados e matriz argilosa. Distinguiram-se cinco ciclos deposicionais granodecrescentes ascendentes, limitados na base e no topo por superfícies erosivas, que marcam heterogeneidades recorrentes. As fácies-reservatório foram classificadas como subarcósios, de matriz argilosa oxidada, com agregados de caulinita, e porosidade intergranular do tipo shrinkage. A integração dos dados resultou na elaboração de um modelo de variação lateral e vertical de fácies de depósitos de inunditos. Nele, identificaram-se fácies constituídas por arenitos grossos a conglomeráticos, com estratificações cruzada tangencial e plano-paralela, como potenciais modelos análogos de reservatórios. Esses resultados possibilitam prospectar outros depósitos arenosos dessa unidade estratigráfica da Bacia do Paraná, para fins de dimensionar regionalmente o análogo de reservatório.The study of oil and gas reservoirs in continental systems has emphasized, in the last decade, sandstones associated with inundites, coming from hyperpicnal flows. However, there are few studies to understand its architecture and heterogeneity, resulting in difficulties for exploration and exploitation. The current work aims at the analysis of Triassic strata from the Paraná Basin belonging to the Santa Maria Formation, which occur as isolated fragments on the Sul-rio-grandense Shield in Arroio Moirão Graben (RS). For this, systematic mapping, facies heterogeneity analysis and sequence stratigraphy were used, including columnar profiles, identification of associations and sequences of facies and key surfaces. In addition, the sandstones were classified and the porosity was qualified based on the petrographic analysis. It was possible to define the main deposits of sandstones, in which predominate tabular geometry, poorly selected grains and clayey matrix. Five ascending granodecrescent depositional cycles were distinguished, limited at the base and at the top by erosive surfaces, which marked recurrent heterogeneities. The reservoir facies were classified as subarcósios, of oxidized clay matrix, with aggregates of kaolinite, and intergranular porosity of the shrinkage type. The integration of the data resulted in the elaboration of a model of lateral and vertical variation inundites deposits facies. In it, facies composed of conglomeratic thick sandstones were identified, with tangential cross stratification and planar stratification, as potential analog models of reservoirs. These results allow the prospection of other sandy deposits from this stratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, in order to size the reservoir analogue regionally

    Evaluating the harmonisation potential of diverse cohort datasets

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    Data discovery, the ability to find datasets relevant to an analysis, increases scientific opportunity, improves rigour and accelerates activity. Rapid growth in the depth, breadth, quantity and availability of data provides unprecedented opportunities and challenges for data discovery. A potential tool for increasing the efficiency of data discovery, particularly across multiple datasets is data harmonisation.A set of 124 variables, identified as being of broad interest to neurodegeneration, were harmonised using the C-Surv data model. Harmonisation strategies used were simple calibration, algorithmic transformation and standardisation to the Z-distribution. Widely used data conventions, optimised for inclusiveness rather than aetiological precision, were used as harmonisation rules. The harmonisation scheme was applied to data from four diverse population cohorts.Of the 120 variables that were found in the datasets, correspondence between the harmonised data schema and cohort-specific data models was complete or close for 111 (93%). For the remainder, harmonisation was possible with a marginal a loss of granularity.Although harmonisation is not an exact science, sufficient comparability across datasets was achieved to enable data discovery with relatively little loss of informativeness. This provides a basis for further work extending harmonisation to a larger variable list, applying the harmonisation to further datasets, and incentivising the development of data discovery tools

    Association of Blood Lead (Pb) and Plasma Homocysteine: A Cross Sectional Survey in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Background: High blood lead (Pb) and hyperhomocysteinemia have been found to be associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Mean blood Pb and mean plasma homocysteine levels have been reported to be high in Pakistani population. The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship of blood Pb to the risk of hyperhomocysteinemia in a low income urban population of Karachi, Pakistan. Methodology/Principal Findings: In a cross sectional survey, 872 healthy adults (355 males, 517 females, age 18-60 years) were recruited from a low income urban population of Karachi. Fasting venous blood was obtained and assessed for blood Pb and plasma/serum homocysteine, folate, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP, a coenzymic form of vitamin B6) and vitamin B12. The study population had median (IQR) blood Pb of 10.82 microg/dL (8.29-13.60). Prevalence of high blood Pb (levels\u3e10 microg/dL) was higher in males compared to females (62.5% males vs 56% females, p value=0.05). Mean+/-SD/median (IQR) value of plasma homocysteine was significantly higher in the highest quartile of blood Pb compared to the lowest quartile 16.13+/-11.2 micromol/L vs 13.28+/-9.7micromol/L/13.15 (10.33-17.81) micromol/L vs 11.09 (8.65 14.31) micromol/L (p valu

    Probucol Suppresses Enterocytic Accumulation of Amyloid-β Induced by Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Feeding

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    Amyloid-β (Aβ) is secreted from lipogenic organs such as intestine and liver as an apolipoprotein of nascent triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins. Chronically elevated plasma Aβ may compromise cerebrovascular integrity and exacerbate amyloidosis—a hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Probucol is a hypocholesterolemic agent that reduces amyloid burden in transgenic amyloid mice, but the mechanisms for this effect are presently unclear. In this study, the effect of Probucol on intestinal lipoprotein-Aβ homeostasis was explored. Wild-type mice were fed a control low-fat diet and enterocytic Aβ was stimulated by high-fat (HF) diet enriched in 10% (w/w) saturated fat and 1% (w/w) cholesterol for the duration of 1 month. Mice treated with Probucol had the drug incorporated into the chow at 1% (w/w). Quantitative immunofluorescence was utilised to determine intestinal apolipoprotein B (apo B) and Aβ abundance. We found apo B in both the perinuclear region of the enterocytes and the lacteals in all groups. However, HF feeding and Probucol treatment increased secretion of apo B into the lacteals without any change in net villi abundance. On the other hand, HF-induced enterocytic perinuclear Aβ was significantly attenuated by Probucol. No significant changes in Aβ were observed within the lacteals. The findings of this study support the notion that Probucol suppresses dietary fat induced stimulation of Aβ biosynthesis and attenuate availability of apo B lipoprotein-Aβ for secretion

    Antihypertensives for combating dementia? A perspective on candidate molecular mechanisms and population-based prevention

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    Age-related increases in prevalent dementia over the next 30–40 years risk collapsing medical resources or radically altering the way we treat patients. Better prevention of dementia therefore needs to be one of our highest medical priorities. We propose a perspective on the pathological basis of dementia based on a cerebrovascular-Alzheimer disease spectrum that provides a more powerful explanatory framework when considering the impact of possible public health interventions. With this in mind, a synthesis of evidence from basic, clinical and epidemiological studies indeed suggests that the enhanced treatment of hypertension could be effective for the primary prevention of dementia of either Alzheimer or vascular etiology. In particular, we focus on candidate preventative mechanisms, including reduced cerebrovascular disease, disruption of hypoxia-dependent amyloidogenesis and the potential neuroprotective properties of calcium channel blockers. Following the successful translation of large, long-term and resource-intense trials in cardiology into improved vascular health outcomes in many countries, new multinational prevention trials with dementia-related primary outcomes are now urgently required

    Attrition and bias in the MRC cognitive function and ageing study: an epidemiological investigation

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    BACKGROUND: Any hypothesis in longitudinal studies may be affected by attrition and poor response rates. The MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing study (MRC CFAS) is a population based longitudinal study in five centres with identical methodology in England and Wales each recruiting approximately 2,500 individuals. This paper aims to identify potential biases in the two-year follow-up interviews. METHODS: Initial non-response: Those not in the baseline interviews were compared in terms of mortality to those who were in the baseline interviews at the time of the second wave interviews (1993–1996). Longitudinal attrition: Logistic regression analysis was used to examine baseline differences between individuals who took part in the two-year longitudinal wave compared with those who did not. RESULTS: Initial non-response: Individuals who moved away after sampling but before baseline interview were 1.8 times more likely to die by two years (95% Confidence interval(CI) 1.3–2.4) compared to respondents, after adjusting for age. The refusers had a slightly higher, but similar mortality pattern to responders (Odds ratio 1.2, 95%CI 1.1–1.4). Longitudinal attrition: Predictors for drop out due to death were being older, male, having impaired activities of daily living, poor self-perceived health, poor cognitive ability and smoking. Similarly individuals who refused were more likely to have poor cognitive ability, but had less years of full-time education and were more often living in their own home though less likely to be living alone. There was a higher refusal rate in the rural centres. Individuals who moved away or were uncontactable were more likely to be single, smokers, demented or depressed and were less likely to have moved if in warden-controlled accommodation at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal estimation of factors mentioned above could be biased, particularly cognitive ability and estimates of movements from own home to residential homes. However, these differences could also affect other investigations, particularly the estimates of incidence and longitudinal effects of health and psychiatric diseases, where the factors shown here to be associated with attrition are risk factors for the diseases. All longitudinal studies should investigate attrition and this may help with aspects of design and with the analysis of specific hypotheses