101 research outputs found

    TAS2R38 is a novel modifer gene in patients with cystic fbrosis

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    The clinical manifestation of cystic fbrosis (CF) is heterogeneous also in patients with the same cystic fbrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) genotype and in afected sibling pairs. Other genes, inherited independently of CFTR, may modulate the clinical manifestation and complications of patients with CF, including the severity of chronic sinonasal disease and the occurrence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization. The T2R38 gene encodes a taste receptor and recently its functionality was related to the occurrence of sinonasal diseases and upper respiratory infections. We assessed the T2R38 genotype in 210 patients with CF and in 95 controls, relating the genotype to the severity of sinonasal disease and to the occurrence of P. aeruginosa pulmonary colonization. The frequency of the PAV allele i.e., the allele associated with the high functionality of the T2R38 protein, was signifcantly lower in i) CF patients with nasal polyposis requiring surgery, especially in patients who developed the complication before 14 years of age; and ii) in CF patients with chronic pulmonary colonization by P. aeruginosa, especially in patients who were colonized before 14 years of age, than in control subjects. These data suggest a role for T2R38 as a novel modifer gene of sinonasal disease severity and of pulmonary P. aeruginosa colonization in patients with CF

    Nutritional factors and cardiovascular disease risk in Black African and Black Caribbean women: a cross-sectional study

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    People of Black African (BA) and Caribbean (BC) heritage form the third largest ethnic group in England and Wales. Evidence shows they experience higher rates of overweight/obesity, stroke and type 2 diabetes compared to the general population but lower risk of heart disease, which may be explained by the favourable lipid profile they exhibit (2,3). There are limited UK studies on their dietary habits and health. The aim of the current study was to assess nutritional intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in UK BA and BC women. A convenience sample of self-ascribed BA and BC women, aged 19-64 years, were recruited (n = 44) from the ATTITUdinal DEterminants of diet and lifestyle (ATTITUDE) study. Cholesterol was measured using a portable CardioChek Blood Analyser, blood pressure using a digital blood pressure monitor and dietary intake via triple pass 24hr recall. Ethical approval was obtained from London Metropolitan University, King’s College London and Westminster University. Percentage energy, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, and fibre and salt intake were calculated and under-reporting was assessed using the Goldberg equation. A sensitivity analysis conducted on nutrient intakes with under-reporters removed. Nutritional intake and CVD risk factors are shown in Table 1. Sixty three percent of participants were overweight or obese. Analysis of the dietary data revealed higher intakes salt, free sugars, fat and saturated fat than recommendations and lower intake of carbohydrate. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of under-reporting (n = 22). Reported data remained unchanged except for fibre intake, which was lower in the under-reporters (14.9g compared to 21.0g) (P = 0.004). Blood lipid profiles and blood pressure data were within recommendations. In conclusion, the anthropometric and certain dietary measures would indicate increased risk for developing CVD in BA and BC women, however, blood lipid profile and blood pressure measures were within healthy ranges

    Impact of zeolite from coal fly ash on soil hydrophysical properties and plant growth

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    Zeolites can be extensively employed in agricultural activities because they improve soil properties such as infiltration rates, saturated hydraulic conductivity, water holding capacity, and cation exchange capacity. Natural and synthetic zeolites can efficiently hold water. Zeolites are also believed to have the ability to lose and gain water reversibly, without changing their crystal structure. In the present study, several laboratory tests were carried out using: (i) zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash (a waste product from burning coal in thermoelectric power plants), (ii) a silty loam soil, typically found in Southern Italy, and (iii) sunflower as a reference plant. The selected soil was amended with different percentages of zeolite (1, 2, 5, and 10%) and the effects of the synthetic mineral addition on the hydrophysical properties of the soil and plant growth were evaluated. The results indicated that soil–zeolite mixtures retained water more efficiently by pore radius modification. However, this causes a variation in the range of plant-available water towards higher soil humidity values, as the amount of added zeolite increases. These data confirm that zeolite addition modifies the selected hydrophysical properties of the soil with the effect of decreasing the soil drainage capacity, making the soil less habitable for plant growt

    Comparing the use of ERA5 reanalysis dataset and ground-based agrometeorological data under different climates and topography in Italy

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    Study region: The study region is represented by seven irrigation districts distributed under different climate and topography conditions in Italy. Study focus: This study explores the reliability and consistency of the global ERA5 single levels and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets in predicting the main agrometeorological estimates commonly used for crop water requirements calculation. In particular, the reanalysis data was compared, variable-by-variable (e.g., solar radiation, R-s; air temperature, T-air; relative humidity, RH; wind speed, u(10); reference evapotranspiration, ET0), with in situ agrometeorological obser-vations obtained from 66 automatic weather stations (2008-2020). In addition, the presence of a climate-dependency on their accuracy was assessed at the different irrigation districts. New hydrological insights for the region: A general good agreement was obtained between observed and reanalysis agrometeorological variables at both daily and seasonal scales. The best perfor-mance was obtained for T-air, followed by RH, R-s, and u(10) for both reanalysis datasets, especially under temperate climate conditions. These performances were translated into slightly higher accuracy of ET0 estimates by ERA5-Land product, confirming the potential of using reanalysis datasets as an alternative data source for retrieving the ET0 and overcoming the unavailability of observed agrometeorological data

    Long-chain polyphosphates impair SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication

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    Inorganic polyphosphates (polyPs) are linear polymers composed of repeated phosphate (PO43−) units linked together by multiple high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds. In addition to being a source of energy, polyPs have cytoprotective and antiviral activities. Here, we investigated the antiviral activities of long-chain polyPs against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. In molecular docking analyses, polyPs interacted with several conserved amino acid residues in angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the host receptor that facilitates virus entry, and in viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). ELISA and limited proteolysis assays using nano– LC-MS/MS mapped polyP120 binding to ACE2, and site-directed mutagenesis confirmed interactions between ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 RdRp and identified the specific amino acid residues involved. PolyP120 enhanced the proteasomal degradation of both ACE2 and RdRp, thus impairing replication of the British B.1.1.7 SARS-CoV-2 variant. We thus tested polyPs for functional interactions with the virus in SARS-CoV-2–infected Vero E6 and Caco2 cells and in primary human nasal epithelial cells. Delivery of a nebulized form of polyP120 reduced the amounts of viral positive-sense genomic and subgenomic RNAs, of RNA transcripts encoding proinflammatory cytokines, and of viral structural proteins, thereby presenting SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells in vitro

    Genotype-phenotype correlation and functional studies in patients with cystic fibrosis bearing CFTR complex alleles

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    Background The effect of complex alleles in cystic fibrosis (CF) is poorly defined for the lack of functional studies. Objectives To describe the genotype-phenotype correlation and the results of either in vitro and ex vivo studies performed on nasal epithelial cells (NEC) in a cohort of patients with CF carrying cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) complex alleles. Methods We studied 70 homozygous, compound heterozygous or heterozygous for CFTR mutations: p. [Arg74Trp;Val201Met;Asp1270Asn], n=8; p.[Ile148Thr; Ile1023_Val1024del], n=5; p.[Arg117Leu;Leu997Phe], n=6; c.[1210-34TG[12];1210-12T[5];2930C>T], n=3; p. [Arg74Trp;Asp1270Asn], n=4; p.Asp1270Asn, n=2; p. Ile148Thr, n=6; p.Leu997Phe, n=36. In 39 patients, we analysed the CFTR gating activity on NEC in comparison with patients with CF (n=8) and carriers (n=4). Finally, we analysed in vitro the p.[Arg74Trp;Val201Met;Asp1270Asn] complex allele. Results The p.[Ile148Thr;Ile1023_Val1024del] caused severe CF in five compound heterozygous with a class I-II mutation. Their CFTR activity on NEC was comparable with patients with two class I-II mutations (mean 7.3% vs 6.9%). The p.[Arg74Trp;Asp1270Asn] and the p. Asp1270Asn have scarce functional effects, while p. [Arg74Trp;Val201Met;Asp1270Asn] caused mild CF in four of five subjects carrying a class I-II mutation in trans, or CFTR-related disorders (CFTR-RD) in three having in trans a class IV-V mutation. The p.[Arg74Trp;Val201Met; Asp1270Asn] causes significantly (pT] and a class I-II mutation had mild CF or CFTR-RD (gating activity: 18.5-19.0%). Conclusions The effect of complex alleles partially depends on the mutation in trans. Although larger studies are necessary, the CFTR activity on NEC is a rapid contributory tool to classify patients with CFTR dysfunction
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