1,098 research outputs found

    Could time detect a faking-good attitude? A study with the MMPI-2-RF

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    Background and Purpose: Research on the relationship between response latency (RL) and faking in self-administered testing scenarios have generated contradictory findings. We explored this relationship further, aiming to add further insight into the reliability of self-report measures. We compared RLs and T-scores on the MMPI-2-RF (validity and restructured clinical [RC] scales) in four experimental groups. Our hypotheses were that: the Fake-Good Speeded group would obtain a different completion time; show higher RLs than the Honesty Speeded Group in the validity scales; show higher T-Scores in the L-r and K-r scales and lower T-scores in the F-r and RC scales; and show higher levels of tension and fatigue. Finally, the impact of the speeded condition in malingering was assessed. Materials and Methods: The sample was comprised of 135 subjects (M = 26.64; SD = 1.88 years old), all of whom were graduates (having completed at least 17 years of instruction), male, and Caucasian. Subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: Honesty Speeded, Fake-Good Speeded, Honesty Un-Speeded, and Fake-Good Un-Speeded. A software version of the MMPI-2-RF and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were administered. To test the hypotheses, MANOVAs and binomial logistic regressions were run. Results: Significant differences were found between the four groups, and particularly between the Honest and Fake-Good groups in terms of test completion time and the L-r and K-r scales. The speeded condition increased T-scores in the L-r and K-r scales but decreased T-scores in some of the RC scales. The Fake groups also scored higher on the VAS Tension subscale. Completion times for the first and second parts of the MMPI-2-RF and T-scores for the K-r scale seemed to predict malingering. Conclusion: The speeded condition seemed to bring out the malingerers. Limitations include the sample size and gender bias

    Validation of an optical, computer-assisted technique for intraoperative tracking of 3-dimensional canine stifle joint motion

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    Background: Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture is the most common orthopedic pathology in dog and in men. In human, optical computer-assisted technique is considered as a repeatable and reliable method for the biomechanical assessment of joint kinematics and laxity in case of CCL surgery. Aim: To evaluate the repeatability and reliability afforded by clinical tests in terms of laxity measured by means of a computer-assisted tracking system in two canine CCL conditions: CCL-Intact, CCL-Deficient. Methods: Fourteen fresh frozen canine stifles were passively subjected to Internal/External (IE) rotation at 120\ub0 of flexion and Cranial drawer test (CC). To quantify the repeatability and the reliability, intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and the mean percent error were evaluated (\u394 r %). Results: The study showed a very good intra-class correlation, before and after CCL resection for kinematics tests. It was found a minimum ICC = 0.73 during the IE rotation in CCL-Intact and a maximum value of ICC = 0.97 for the CC displacement in CC-Deficient. IE rotation with CCL-Intact is the condition with the greatest \u394 r % = 14%, while the lowest \u394 r % = 6% was obtained for CC displacement in CCL-Deficient. Conclusion: The presented work underlined the possibility of using a computer-assisted method also for biomechanical studies concerning stifle kinematics and laxity

    Characterization of active fault scarps from LiDAR data: a case 1 study from Central 2 Apennines (Italy)

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    A high resolution DEM (1 ms spacing) derived from an airborne LiDAR campaign was 11 used in an attempt to characterize the structural and erosive elements of the geometry of the Pettino 12 fault, a seismogenic normal fault in Central Apennines (Italy). Four 90- to 280 m -long fault scarp 13 segments were selected and the surface between the base and the top of the scarps was analyzed 14 through the statistical analysis of the following DEM-derived parameters: altitude, height of the 15 fault scarp, distance along strike, slope and aspect. The results identify slopes of up to 40° in faults 16 lower reaches interpreted as fresh faces, 34° up the faces. The Pettino fault maximum long slipe17 rate (0.6-1.1 mm/yr) was estimated from the scarp heights, which are up to 12 and 19 m in the 18 selected four segments, and the age (ca. 18 ka) of the last glacial erosional phase in the area. The 19 combined analysis of the DEM-derived parameters allow us to (a) define aspects of 3D scarp 20 geometry, (b) decipher its geomorphological significance, and (c) estimate the long-term slip rate

    Application of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells in Cement Plants for CO2 Capture and Clean Power Generation

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    Abstract Cement production process features intrinsically large CO 2 emission due to the decomposition of limestone by calcination reaction and to fuel combustion, necessary for sustaining the endothermic calcination process and the formation of clinker. Conventional approaches to CO 2 emission reduction in cement plants are based on post-combustion capture with chemical solvents, requiring a substantial energy consumption for regeneration, or oxycombustion in the cement kiln, involving a deep redesign of the plant. The aim of this work is investigating the application of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells in cement plants for CO 2 capture from the plant exhaust gases, using the fuel cells as active CO 2 concentrators of combustion flue gases and eventually obtaining a purified CO 2 stream through a cryogenic process. A novel configuration with MCFCs added along the exhaust line has been assessed by means of process simulations. The results show a remarkable potential in terms of equivalent avoided CO 2 emissions (exceeding 1000 g/kWh), high share of CO 2 avoided (up to about 70%) and low energy penalties

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Small Intestine Mucosa in Children with Celiac Disease After Long-Term Dietary Treatment

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    Jejunal mucosal specimens from twenty children with celiac disease were studied by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after one year of dietary treatment. An ultrastructural morphometric study was performed in five patients who had an intestinal permeability (IP) test. Seventeen patients were tested for serum antigliadin antibodies (AGA). In ten children, in whom LM showed partial villous atrophy, SEM and TEM examination confirmed the lesion. In the second group (10 children) with normal morphology at routine LM, SEM showed lesions of variable degree in 70% of cases. The morphological ultrastructural investigation showed good correlation with the immunological and functional data (IP test): ultrastructural damage of the jejunal mucosa after one year of a gluten-free diet was found in patients with positive serum AGA and an abnormal IP test. Furthermore, the morphometric study of the ultrastructural alterations allowed a quantitative, closer correlation between morphological and functional data. Our results suggest: 1) SEM and TEM investigations offer additional and more complete information on celiac patients, over LM alone. 2) The morphometric evaluation of the ultrastructural alterations highlights quantitative and reproducible correlations between morphological and clinical data, not strengthened by the subjective, qualitative study

    The behaviour of nuclear domains in the course of apoptosis.

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    none9Programmed cell death is activated, by different stimuli and in many cell types, to regulate cell population balance during tissue proliferation and embryogenesis. Its initial event seems to be, in most cases, the activation of a Ca2+-dependent endonuclease, causing DNA cleavage into nucleosomic fragments. Its morphological expression is characterized by deep nuclear changes, consisting of typical cap-shaped chromatin marginations, followed by nuclear fragmentation and final formation of numerous micronuclei. Cytoplasmic damage appears in a very late stage of the process and the greatest part of the phenomenon appears to take place despite good preservation of the plasma membrane and organellar component. In the present study we analyzed apoptosis in camptothecin-treated HL60 leukaemia cells, and in freshly isolated mouse thymocytes treated with dexamethasone. The process was first quantified and time monitored by flow cytometry. Subsequently the specimens were processed for morphological examination in order to investigate the behaviour of the different nuclear domains. To follow DNA and RNA localization, we utilized osmium ammine and DNase-colloidal gold cytochemical reactions. The concentration of most DNA in the cap-shaped structures was demonstrated by these reactions. Confocal microscopy of cells processed by in situ nick-translation suggested that DNA was firstly cleaved and subsequently condensed in cup-shaped structures. Despite the strong nuclear modifications, nucleoli could be clearly recognized until the late apoptotic stages.openFALCIERI E; ZAMAI L; SANTI S; CINTI C; GOBBI P.; BOSCO D; CATALDI A; BETTS C; VITALE MFalcieri, Elisabetta; Zamai, Loris; Santi, S; Cinti, C; Gobbi, Pietro; Bosco, D; Cataldi, A; Betts, C; Vitale, M

    The Calcium Looping Process for Low CO2 Emission Cement and Power

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    Abstract Calcium looping appears as one of the most promising technologies for CO2 capture in short-medium term plants featuring the combustion of fossil fuels. Ca-looping (CaL) is a regenerative process which takes advantage of the capacity of Calcium Oxide-based sorbents in capturing the CO2 from combustion gases by means of sequential carbonation-calcination cycles. CaL technology appears very promising for CO2 capture from cement plants, since the CaO-rich purge stream which must be extracted from the process can be a valuable raw material for clinker production. The aim of this study is to investigate from the technical and economic side the benefits arising from the integration between a coal-fired power plant with CaL process for CO2 capture and a cement plant using the CaL purge to substitute part of the raw meal. The main parameters affecting the CaL process are varied and the effects on both the plant performance and the final cost of clinker and electricityare discussed

    The Adipose Organ Is a Unitary Structure in Mice and Humans

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    Obesity is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide. In mice and humans with obesity, the adipose organ undergoes remarkable morpho-functional alterations. The comprehension of the adipose organ function and organization is of paramount importance to understand its pathology and formulate future therapeutic strategies. In the present study, we performed anatomical dissections, magnetic resonance imaging, computed axial tomography and histological and immunohistochemical assessments of humans and mouse adipose tissues. We demonstrate that most of the two types of adipose tissues (white, WAT and brown, BAT) form a large unitary structure fulfilling all the requirements necessary to be considered as a true organ in both species. A detailed analysis of the gross anatomy of mouse adipose organs in different pathophysiological conditions (normal, cold, pregnancy, obesity) shows that the organ consists of a unitary structure composed of different tissues: WAT, BAT, and glands (pregnancy). Data from autoptic dissection of 8 cadavers, 2 females and 6 males (Age: 37.5 ± 9.7, BMI: 23 ± 2.7 kg/m2) and from detailed digital dissection of 4 digitalized cadavers, 2 females and 2 males (Age: 39 ± 14.2 years, BMI: 22.8 ± 4.3 kg/m2) confirmed the mixed (WAT and BAT) composition and the unitary structure of the adipose organ also in humans. Considering the remarkable endocrine roles of WAT and BAT, the definition of the endocrine adipose organ would be even more appropriate in mice and humans

    IMP dehydrogenase inhibitor, tiazofurin, induces apoptosis in K562 human erythroleukemia cells.

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    none8Tiazofurin, an anticancer drug which inhibits IMP dehydrogenase, decreases cellular GTP concentration, induces differentiation and down-regulates ras and myc oncogene expression, caused apoptosis of K562 cells in a time- and dose-dependent fashion. Apoptotic cells were detected by (1) flow cytometry, (2) electron microscopy, and (3) fluorescence in situ nick translation and confocal microscopy, while the DNA ladder was not detectable. The induced apoptosis was abrogated by guanosine which replenishes GTP pools through the guanosine salvage pathways, while it was enhanced by hypoxanthine, a competitive inhibitor of GPRT. The tiazofurin-mediated apoptosis may therefore be linked with the decrease of GTP and the consequent impairment of specific signal transduction pathways. Tiazofurin induced apoptosis also in lymphoblastic MOLT-4 cells, suggesting that this action is not confined to cells of the myeloid lineage, where the differentiating effects of the drug are more pronounced.openVITALE M; ZAMAI L; FALCIERI E; ZAULI G; GOBBI P.; SANTI S; CINTI C; WEBER GVitale, M; Zamai, Loris; Falcieri, Elisabetta; Zauli, G; Gobbi, Pietro; Santi, S; Cinti, C; Weber, G

    The Tor Caldara CO2 Diffuse Degassing Structure (DDS): 222Rn/220Rn output before and after the August, 22, 2005 Anzio Earthquake (Mw=4.6).

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    Soon after a 222Rn and 220Rn survey in soil gases, performed (June 2005) in the frame of the Diffuse Degassing in Italy risk assessment project, a moderate earthquake (Mw=4.6) occurred in the Anzio offshore, on August, 22, 2005, only 5 miles from the Tor Caldara Diffuse Degassing Structure (DDS onward). Having available the pre-earthquake 222Rn and 220Rn grid-map on around 50 soil-gas points and being 222Rn both a stress-pathfinder and a discriminative component of activated-faults, a mirrorlike survey was repeated on the same 50 sites, soon after the close earthquake. Later, during a quiescent-aseismic period (December, 2005), a CO2 flux survey was performed for the same 50 sites, adding detailed measurements (more than 100 sites) for the highest flux sectors. The aim of this survey was both to have an overall picture of the background CO2 flux and to calculate the total budget of CO2 flux throughout the DDS, to better interpret the 222Rn and 220Rn areal surveys before and after the seismic event. Herewith, we distinguish the contribution of organic, diffusive and advective CO2 flux. Hints of convection and strong degassing linked to the fracture field, inside the DDS, have been envisaged on selected points, where continuous monitoring stations could be strategic, for seismic, volcanic and NGH surveillance. Despite we found higher 222Rn values in soils after the earthquake, suggesting an enhanced local degassing probably linked to a stress signal throughout the DDS as a whole, the results highlight an unmodified shape and location of the 222Rn anomalies before and after the earthquake. This evidence excludes both that the activated seismogenic segment has affected in some ways both the DDS degassing patterns and that fracture field changed. A similar result could be expected if the activated fault was oriented along the DDS itself and reached the surface. This evidence is well correlated with the reconstructed focal mechanism of the earthquake, pertaining to the transfer structure of the Ardea Graben , located along a peripheral sector of the degassing Alban Hills volcano and intersecting the DDS Tor Caldara itself. The shape and location of 222Rn anomalies inside the DDS for both the surveys are strictly inversely correlated with the areal CO2 flux data. The geometry of the degassing pathways is probably linked to the barrier action (sealing power) of the clays cropping out in the study area. These clays are generated by the strong leaching of the outcropping sedimentary Pleistocene rocks due to the huge flux of volcanic gas -rich fluids
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