418 research outputs found

    The side chain of glutamine 13 is the acyl-donor amino acid modified by type 2 transglutaminase in subunit T of the native rabbit skeletal muscle troponin complex.

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    Subunit T of the native muscle troponin complex is a recognised substrate of transglutaminase both in vitro and in situ with formation of isopeptide bonds. Using a proteomic approach, we have now determined the precise site of in vitro labelling of the protein. A preparation of troponin purified from ether powder from mixed rabbit skeletal muscles was employed as transglutaminase substrate. The only isoform TnT2F present in our preparation was recognised as acyl-substrate by human type 2 transglutaminase which specifically modified glutamine 13 in the N-terminal region. During the reaction, the troponin protein complex was polymerized. Results are discussed in relation to the structure of the troponin T subunit, in the light of the role of troponins in skeletal and cardiac muscle diseases, and to the rules governing glutamine side chain selection by tissue transglutaminase

    Comparison of Cytogenetic and Static Cytometry Procedures in the Evaluation of Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions

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    Gross genomic damage or specific chromosomal alterations have been revealed by different laboratory procedures in potentially malignant oral lesions, but two or more procedures have never been applied at the same time to the same cell population. In the present study we considered cell suspensions obtained from 34 oral lesions at risk of malignancy to see whether they might harbour genetic alterations and whether a correlation exists between the results obtained by two different methods of assessing DNA aberrations. Each suspension underwent DNA-content assessment by static cytometry, and cytogenetic G-banding analysis of short-term primary cultures. DNA content was determined in a minimum of 1000 cells on a Fairfield ploidy analyser and results expressed as percent of aneuploid cells in the S-phase; cytogenetic analysis was carried out according to standard procedures on in situ G-banding metaphases, and results expressed as percent of metaphases with chromosomal alterations. The results showed that the percentage of metaphases with chromosomal alterations was significantly correlated with the percentage of aneuploid cells in the S-phase. In conclusion, genetic alterations can be revealed in the same oral specimen either by procedures studying DNA content in fixed cells or by procedures investigating chromosomal alterations in cultured and proliferating cells

    Predictive Role of p53 Protein as a Single Marker or Associated to Ki67 Antigen in Oral Carcinogenesis

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    p53 over-expression has been proposed as a reliable marker associated to oral carcinogenesis, although only about 50% of oral carcinomas (OSCC) are associated with p53 over-expression and even p53-negative lesions can progress to OSCC. The aim of the study was to determine whether the combination of p53 over-expression and p53 low-expression associated with Ki67 over-expression (high Ki67/p53 ratio) could lead to a more sensitive parameter. Immunohistochemical expression of Ki67 and p53 was measured in 54 specimens from OSCC; 27 specimens from moderate/severe epithelial dysplasia; 32 specimens from oral leukoplakias without epithelial dysplasia, and 13 specimens with normal epithelium. p53 over-expression was found in 31 (53%) samples from OSCC, in 10 (37%) samples from severe dysplasias, and in 5 (15%) samples from non-dysplastic lesions, while the combination of high p53 values with high Ki67/p53 ratio was observed in 93% of OSCC, in 81% of dysplastic lesions, and in 50% of non-dysplastic lesions. This parameter may have a clinical implication to detect early lesions with an impairment of p53 pathway, and probably at risk of progress to OSCC

    Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) Arylesterase Activity Levels in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Meta-Analysis

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    Aim: To review and compare the PON-1 arylesterase activity between coronary artery disease (CAD) and non-CAD patients. Methods: Data were obtained by searching MEDLINE and Scopus for all investigations published between January 1, 2000 and March 1, 2021 comparing PON-1 arylesterase activity between CAD and controls. Results: Twenty studies, based on 5417 patients, met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. A random effect model revealed that PON-1 arylesterase activity was significantly lower in the CAD group compared to controls (SMD = -0.587, 95%CI = -0.776 to -0.339, p < 0.0001, I2 = 92.3%). In CAD patients, the PON-1 arylesterase activity was significantly higher among CAD patients without diabetes mellitus (DM) compared to those with diabetes (SMD: 0.235, 95% CI: 0.014 to 0.456, p = 0.03, I2 = 0%). Conclusions: PON-1 activity is significantly lower in CAD patients, and those without DM presented a significantly higher PON-1 arylesterase activity

    TRAIL, OPG, and TWEAK in kidney disease: biomarkers or therapeutic targets?

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    Ligands and receptors of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily regulate immune responses and homeostatic functions with potential diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Kidney disease represents a global public health problem, whose prevalence is rising worldwide, due to the aging of the population and the increasing prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and immune disorders. In addition, chronic kidney disease is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, which further increases kidney-related morbidity and mortality. Recently, it has been shown that some TNF superfamily members are actively implicated in renal pathophysiology. These members include TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), its decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG), and TNF-like weaker inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK). All of them have shown the ability to activate crucial pathways involved in kidney disease development and progression (e.g. canonical and non-canonical pathways of the transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B), as well as the ability to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, necrosis, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis with double-edged effects depending on the type and stage of kidney injury. Here we will review the actions of TRAIL, OPG, and TWEAK on diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease, in order to provide insights into their full clinical potential as biomarkers and/or therapeutic options against kidney disease

    HelixComplex snail mucus as a potential technology against O3 induced skin damage

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    Mucus form H. aspersa muller has been reported to have several therapeutic proprieties, such as antimicrobial activity, skin protection and wound repair. In this study, we have analyzed H. aspersa mucus (Helixcomplex) bio-adhesive efficacy and its defensive properties against the ozone (O3) (0.5 ppm for 2 hours) exposure in human keratinocytes and reconstructed human epidermis models. Cytotoxicity, tissue morphology and cytokine levels were determined. We confirmed HelixComplex regenerative and bio-adhesive properties, the latter possibly via the characteristic mucopolysaccharide composition. In addition, HelixComplex was able to protect from O3 exposure by preventing oxidative damage and the consequent pro-inflammatory response in both 2D and 3D models. Based on this study, it is possible to suggest HelixComplex as a potentially new protective technology against pollution induced skin damage

    Vaginal Lactoferrin Modulates PGE 2

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    Inflammation plays an important role in pregnancy, and cytokine and matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) imbalance has been associated with premature rupture of membranes and increased risk of preterm delivery. Previous studies have demonstrated that lactoferrin (LF), an iron-binding protein with anti-inflammatory properties, is able to decrease amniotic fluid (AF) levels of IL-6. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effect of vaginal LF administration on amniotic fluid PGE2 level and MMP-TIMP system in women undergoing genetic amniocentesis. One hundred and eleven women were randomly divided into controls (n = 57) or treated with LF 4 hours before amniocentesis (n = 54). Amniotic fluid PGE2, active MMP-9 and MMP-2, and TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 concentrations were determined by commercially available assays and the values were normalized by AF creatinine concentration. PGE2, active MMP-9, and its inhibitor TIMP-1 were lower in LF-treated group than in controls (p < 0.01, p < 0.005, and p < 0.001, resp.). Conversely, active MMP-2 (p < 0.0001) and MMP-2/TIMP-2 molar ratio (p < 0.001) were increased, whilst TIMP-2 was unchanged. Our data suggest that LF administration is able to modulate the inflammatory response following amniocentesis, which may counteract cytokine and prostanoid imbalance that leads to abortion. This trial is registered with Clinical Trial number NCT02695563