9,886 research outputs found

    Modeling field evaporation degradation of metallic surfaces by first principles calculations: A case study for Al, Au, Ag, and Pd

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    Indexación: Scopus.Under the effects of an extreme electric field, the atoms on a metallic surface evaporate by breaking their bonds with the surface. In this work, we present the effects of a high electric field, by the use of computational simulations, for different metallic surface chemistries: Al, Au, Ag, and Pd. To model this bond breaking procedrure (i.e. field evaporation), we use density functional theory through the Quantum-Espresso (QE) simulation package, which incorporates the electric fields by adding a saw-like funcion into the Hamiltonian. This approach, known as dipole correction, was applied to all simulations as is implemented in the QE package. In this work, we calculate the evaporation field (Fe ) for all metallic species, which corresponds to the mean field at which atoms can break their bonds from the surface and evaporate. This result is compared with experimantal data from Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and computational data from prior simulations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación 11130501. JP Also acknowledges partial support from Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1140514 and Proyecto UAB-775. CL acknowledges support from Proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación 11150279, Proyecto PAI-79140025, and Proyecto DI-1350-16/R.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1043/1/01203

    Dialectical Justification of Eleatism's Refutation in Physics I, 2-3

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Este trabajo tiene por objetivo mostrar el carácter dialéctico de la refutación al eleatismo en Física I, 2-3. En primer lugar, se argumenta que la dialéctica aristotélica puede llegar a constituir un método de investigación científica, ya que permite esclarecer los principios de una ciencia particular. En segundo lugar, se muestra que la refutación al eleatismo en Física I 2-3 solo se justifica en el marco de una argumentación dialéctica, ya que esta refutación constituye un método de esclarecimiento de los principios de la física.This paper aims at expounding the dialectical character of Eleatism’s refutation in Physics I 2-3. First, it will be argued that the Aristotelian dialectic can constitute a method of scientific investigation. Secondly, it will be shown that the refutation of Eleatism in Physics I 2-3 can be justified onlywithin the framework of a dialectical argumentation, since this refutation constitutes a method of clarification of physical principleshttps://revistafilosofia.uchile.cl/index.php/RDF/article/view/47644/5001

    Big Data on Decision Making in Energetic Management of Copper Mining

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    Indexado en: Web of Science; Scopus.It is proposed an analysis of the related variables with the energetic consumption in the process of concentrate of copper; specifically ball mills and SAG. The methodology considers the analysis of great volumes of data, which allows to identify the variables of interest (tonnage, temperature and power) to reach to an improvement plan in the energetic efficiency. The correct processing of the great volumen of data, previous imputation to the null data, not informed and out of range, coming from the milling process of copper, a decision support systems integrated, it allows to obtain clear and on line information for the decision making. As results it is establish that exist correlation between the energetic consumption of the Ball and SAG Mills, regarding the East, West temperature and winding. Nevertheless, it is not observed correlation between the energetic consumption of the Ball Mills and the SAG Mills, regarding to the tonnages of feed of SAG Mill. In consequence, From the experimental design, a similarity of behavior between two groups of different mills was determined in lines process. In addition, it was determined that there is a difference in energy consumption between the mills of the same group. This approach modifies the method presented in [1].(a)http://www.univagora.ro/jour/index.php/ijccc/article/view/2784/106

    Intelligent Packaging Systems: Sensors and Nanosensors to Monitor Food Quality and Safety

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    Indexación: Web of Science y Scopus.The application of nanotechnology in different areas of food packaging is an emerging field that will grow rapidly in the coming years. Advances in food safety have yielded promising results leading to the development of intelligent packaging (IP). By these containers, it is possible to monitor and provide information of the condition of food, packaging, or the environment. This article describes the role of the different concepts of intelligent packaging. It is possible that this new technology could reach enhancing food safety, improving pathogen detection time, and controlling the quality of food and packaging throughout the supply chain.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2016/4046061/cta

    Momentum-driven outflow emission from an O-type YSO: Comparing the radio jet with the molecular outflow

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    Aims: We want to study the physical properties of the ionized jet emission in the vicinity of an O-type young stellar object (YSO), and estimate how efficient is the transfer of energy and momentum from small- to large-scale outflows. Methods: We conducted Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations, at both 22 and 45 GHz, of the compact and faint radio continuum emission in the high-mass star-forming region G023.01-00.41, with an angular resolution between 0.3" and 0.1", and a thermal rms of the order of 10 uJy/beam. Results: We discovered a collimated thermal (bremsstrahlung) jet emission, with a radio luminosity (L_rad) of 24 mJy kpc^2 at 45 GHz, in the inner 1000 AU from an O-type YSO. The radio thermal jet has an opening angle of 44 degrees and brings a momentum rate of 8 10^-3 M_sun yr^-1 km/s. By combining the new data with previous observations of the molecular outflow and water maser shocks, we can trace the outflow emission from its driving source through the molecular clump, across more than two order of magnitude in length (500 AU-0.2 pc). We find that the momentum-transfer efficiency, between the inner jet emission and the extended outflow of entrained ambient gas, is near unity. This result suggests that the large-scale flow is swept-up by the mechanical force of the radio jet emission, which originates in the inner 1000 AU from the high-mass YSO.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
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