1,166 research outputs found

    Covalently Binding the Photosystem I to Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present a chemical route to covalently couple the photosystem I (PS I) to carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Small linker molecules are used to connect the PS I to the CNTs. Hybrid systems, consisting of CNTs and the PS I, promise new photo-induced transport phenomena due to the outstanding optoelectronic properties of the robust cyanobacteria membrane protein PS I

    The local functors of points of Supermanifolds

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    We study the local functor of points (which we call the Weil-Berezin functor) for smooth supermanifolds, providing a characterization, representability theorems and applications to differential calculus

    Highest weight Harish-Chandra supermodules and their geometric realizations

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    In this paper we discuss the highest weight kr\frak k_r-finite representations of the pair (gr,kr)(\frak g_r,\frak k_r) consisting of gr\frak g_r, a real form of a complex basic Lie superalgebra of classical type g\frak g (gA(n,n){\frak g}\neq A(n,n)), and the maximal compact subalgebra kr\frak k_r of gr,0\frak g_{r,0}, together with their geometric global realizations. These representations occur, as in the ordinary setting, in the superspaces of sections of holomorphic super vector bundles on the associated Hermitian superspaces Gr/KrG_r/K_r.Comment: This article contains of part of the material originally posted as arXiv:1503.03828 and arXiv:1511.01420. The rest of the material was posted as arXiv:1801.07181 and will also appear in an enlarged version as subsequent postin

    SUSY structures, representations and Peter-Weyl theorem for S11S^{1|1}

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    The real compact supergroup S11S^{1|1} is analized from different perspectives and its representation theory is studied. We prove it is the only (up to isomorphism) supergroup, which is a real form of (C11)×({\mathbf C}^{1|1})^\times with reduced Lie group S1S^1, and a link with SUSY structures on C11{\mathbf C}^{1|1} is established. We describe a large family of complex semisimple representations of S11S^{1|1} and we show that any S11S^{1|1}-representation whose weights are all nonzero is a direct sum of members of our family. We also compute the matrix elements of the members of this family and we give a proof of the Peter-Weyl theorem for S11S^{1|1}

    Unitary representations of super Lie groups and applications to the classification and multiplet structure of super particles

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    It is well known that the category of super Lie groups (SLG) is equivalent to the category of super Harish-Chandra pairs (SHCP). Using this equivalence, we define the category of unitary representations (UR's) of a super Lie group. We give an extension of the classical inducing construction and Mackey imprimitivity theorem to this setting. We use our results to classify the irreducible unitary representations of semidirect products of super translation groups by classical Lie groups, in particular of the super Poincar\'e groups in arbitrary dimension. Finally we compare our results with those in the physical literature on the structure and classification of super multiplets.Comment: 55 pages LaTeX, some corrections added after comments by Prof. Pierre Delign

    Super Distributions, Analytic and Algebraic Super Harish-Chandra pairs

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    The purpose of this paper is to extend the theory of Super Harish-Chandra pairs, originally developed by Koszul for Lie supergroups, to analytic and algebraic supergroups, in order to obtain information also about their representations. We also define the distribution superalgebra for algebraic and analytic supergroups and study its relation with the universal enveloping superalgebr

    Constructing Extremal Compatible Quantum Observables by Means of Two Mutually Unbiased Bases

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    We describe a particular class of pairs of quantum observables which are extremal in the convex set of all pairs of compatible quantum observables. The pairs in this class are constructed as uniformly noisy versions of two mutually unbiased bases (MUB) with possibly different noise intensities affecting each basis. We show that not all pairs of MUB can be used in this construction, and we provide a criterion for determining those MUB that actually do yield extremal compatible observables. We apply our criterion to all pairs of Fourier conjugate MUB, and we prove that in this case extremality is achieved if and only if the quantum system Hilbert space is odd-dimensional. Remarkably, this fact is no longer true for general non-Fourier conjugate MUB, as we show in an example. Therefore, the presence or the absence of extremality is a concrete geometric manifestation of MUB inequivalence, that already materializes by comparing sets of no more than two bases at a time