621 research outputs found

    Analytical results for a Bessel function times Legendre polynomials class integrals

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    When treating problems of vector diffraction in electromagnetic theory, the evaluation of the integral involving Bessel and associated Legendre functions is necessary. Here we present the analytical result for this integral that will make unnecessary numerical quadrature techniques or localized approximations. The solution is presented using the properties of the Bessel and associated Legendre functions.Comment: 4 page

    Influência do ácido abscísico na atividade enzimática antioxidante,nos parâmetros hídricos e na tolerância à seca em híbridos de milho

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    Estudos relacionados à tolerância à seca estão sendo cada vez mais estratégicos para o Brasil, já que este é o estresse abiótico mais complexo e de maior efeito sobre as culturas. A prática de aplicação de substâncias em plantas com intuito de aumentar a tolerância vem ganhando espaço na pesquisa. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação do ácido abscísico (ABA) no aumento à tolerância à seca em híbridos de milho contrastantes à seca: DKB 390 (tolerante) e BRS 1030 (sensível). Para isso, foi realizada em casa de vegetação a caracterização do status hídrico (potencial hídrico de base wpd; médio wmd e do caule wst) e da atividade antioxidante enzimática. Os teores de ABA, de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e de malonaldeído (MDA) também foram analisados. A deficiência hídrica foi imposta por 10 dias no estádio de florescimento e uma dose de 100 wM de ABA foi aplicada na parte aérea. As avaliações também foram feitas durante 10 dias após a recuperação hídrica. Com 5 dias de estresse, o híbrido tolerante em relação ao sensível apresentou menor teor de MDA, menor redução do status hídrico e maior atividade das enzimas superoxidodismutase, catalase, peroxidase do ascorbato e do guaiacol, glutationaredutase, deidroascorbatoredutase, polifenoloxidade e L-fenilalanina amonialiase. Com 10 dias de estresse, o DKB 390 diminuiu a atividade das enzimas e o BRS 1030 apresentou maior atividade, porém, este teve grandes quantidades de H2O2 e MDA. A aplicação de ABA levou à maior tolerância apenas no DKB 390, devido ao aumento do status hídrico e da atividade enzimática (principalmente a CAT).bitstream/item/72404/1/bol-53.pd

    Delayed luminescence in relation to the germination and vigour of coffee seeds: initial series with C. Arabica samples.

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    Ultra-weak delayed luminescence measurements on coffee seeds were run for samples submitted to different post-harvest treatments or in seed lots with different vigour levels obtained by accelerated aging, and both were induced to germinate afterwards. Parameters of hyperbolic decay fitting were correlated to the correspondent germination vigour, with a linear relation found for the initial value as well as for the decay velocity. These preliminary data point to further, broader validation for this non-invasive, non-destructive test for seed?s viability analyses

    Physical-chemical characteristics of Chenin Blanc wine grapes produced in two different seasons in the São Francisco Valley.

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    This study had the objective to evaluate the enological potential of Chenin Blanc grapes harvested from the same vines, in two different seasons in 2014

    Zoneamento agroclimático para o cultivo da acerola no Estado da Bahia.

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    Com os valores médios de temperatura do ar e de precipitações mensais de 437 localidades do Estado da Bahia, efetuaram-se os balanços hídricos climáticos pelo método de "Thornthwaite & Mather (1955)" para uma capacidade de retenção de água no solo de 125 mm

    Induction and growth curve of calli from leaf and nodal explants of genipap.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the auxin 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic) in calli formation from leaf and nodal segments of genipap and to characterize its growth curve. Explants obtained from shoots previously established from in vitro seedlings were used for calli induction. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3x5x2 factorial with three accessions (NB, SA, SAL), five concentrations of 2,4-D (0.0; 2.0; 4.0, 6.0 or 8.0 mg L-1) and two times of measurement for calli fresh weight (30 and 60 days). There was callus formation in all treatments tested. It was observed that the best response for callus induction from leaf segments was with 2.0 mg L-1 of 2,4-D. For the nodal segment, the response among the accessions was different due to 2,4-D concentrations. The growth curve was plotted according to the fresh weight of callus obtained at intervals of 10 days up to 60 days. Through the established growth curve, the nodal-derived calli from accession SA should be transferred to a new medium, after 40 days of culture

    Physical-chemical characterization of integral grape juices elaborated with cv. Concord in the Sub-middle São Francisco Valley.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics of grape juices elaborated with cv. Concord, grafted onto IAC 572, cultivated on pergola, and irrigated by drip, planted a partner enterprise, in one season in the São Francisco Valley