616 research outputs found

    Programming Telepathy: Implementing Quantum Non-Locality Games

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    Quantum pseudo-telepathy is an intriguing phenomenon which results from the application of quantum information theory to communication complexity. To demonstrate this phenomenon researchers in the field of quantum communication complexity devised a number of quantum non-locality games. The setting of these games is as follows: the players are separated so that no communication between them is possible and are given a certain computational task. When the players have access to a quantum resource called entanglement, they can accomplish the task: something that is impossible in a classical setting. To an observer who is unfamiliar with the laws of quantum mechanics it seems that the players employ some sort of telepathy; that is, they somehow exchange information without sharing a communication channel. This paper provides a formal framework for specifying, implementing, and analysing quantum non-locality games

    Programming with Quantum Communication

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    This work develops a formal framework for specifying, implementing, and analysing quantum communication protocols. We provide tools for developing simple proofs and analysing programs which involve communication, both via quantum channels and exhibiting the LOCC (local operations, classical communication) paradigm

    Experiences and Tourism in Coastal Areas: Marketing the tourist experience at the English Riviera

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    This chapter examines the relationships between the branding and marketing of coastal destinations in England with the experiences and behaviour of tourists visiting those destinations. It does so using a case study of ‘The English Riviera’, an umbrella brand for the resorts of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham in Devon, southwest England, which is widely considered to be at the forefront of destination branding in the UK. A mixed-methods approach was used to explore these issues. Firstly in-depth interviews were undertaken with destination branding professionals to explore the distinct brand personalities that have been created for each resort. Secondly, interviews were undertaken with tourists in the three resorts to explore the congruence between the destination personality and the tourist’s self-concept. Effective destination branding resulted in higher levels of congruence and more positive experiences among tourists (particularly an increased likelihood to make repeat visits and recommend the destination to others). Conversely where the resort’s brand personality was not congruent with visitors’ self-concept experiences were less positive and visitors were not as likely to recommend the resort. The findings underline the need for effective destination branding to carefully align with the needs, expectations and personalities of potential visitors

    The Value of Standards for Teaching, Research, and Facilities Use at Princeton and Purdue

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    This PowerPoint presentation was delivered as part of the 2019 ASME Library Advisory Board Annual Meeting

    Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements on Strength, Endurance, and Mood

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    Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the acute effects of consuming pre-workout supplements on indices of muscular strength, endurance and mood states. Methods: In a double- blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover design, fourteen moderate to highly-trained recreational athletes (7 female, 7 male) participated in this investigation. Subjects came to the lab twice between testing sessions. They consumed either pre supplement (mixed with 8 to 12 ounces of water) or placebo 30-minutes prior to testing. The pre-workout supplement combination (Athelite Nutrition Inc.) contained 15.62 grams per serving, 25 kcals, that consisted of a proprietary blend including caffeine (as green coffee bean extract), L-theanine, black pepper extract, micronized creatine monohydrate, CarnoSyn® beta-alanine, Huperzine A, N-Acetyl L-carnitine, Nitrosigine®), or placebo. The placebo was a similar tasting drink with an equal amount of caffeine. Their body composition was assessed via the DEXA (Hologic Model Horizon W). Participants’ mood was also assessed via a profile mood states questionnaire (POMS) 30 minutes after product or placebo was consumed. After taking the profile mood states questionnaire, subjects had their exercise performance assessed via the 1-repition maximum bench press followed by bench press repetitions to failure at 60% of 1-repetition maximum with 30 seconds rest between sets (3 total sets). Results: There were significant differences (p Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the acute consumption of pre-workout supplements can enhance muscular endurance. Caffeine alone cannot explain effect on muscular endurance since the placebo also contained caffeine. However, the supplements had no effect on strength or mood states

    Procjena dobi ploda u crvenih Sokoto koza (Capra hircus) pomoću ultrazvučnih mjerenja različitih pokazatelja

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    The ultrasonic measurements of occipitonasal length (ONL), orbital (OD), biparietal (BPD), placentome (PD) and umbilical cord (UCD) diameters of red Sokoto goat foetuses with known gestational age (GA) were obtained. The data were subjected to simple linear regression analysis. The derived age prediction equations were GA = 22.881 + 6.668ONL, GA = 26.938 + 14.300BPD, GA = 17.326 + 43.534OD, GA = 48.116 + 11.869PD, GA = 35.796 + 65.195UCD where GA is the gestational age (days), ONL - occipitonasal length, BPD - biparietal, OD - orbital, PD - placentome and UCD - umbilical cord diameters (cm). The foetal ages ranged between 57 and 124 days. The coefficient of correlation (R) between occipitonasal length (R = 0.97), biparietal (R = 0.98), orbital (R = 0.92), umbilical cord (R = 0.77) diameters and gestational age were highly significant (P<0.001). The placentome diameter had low correlation (R = 0.45) with gestational age. These results suggest that occipitonasal length, biparietal, orbital and umbilical cord diameters can be used to estimate foetal age in red Sokoto goats, while placentome diameter is not useful for age prediction in this breed.Provedena su ultrazvučna mjerenja okcipitonazalne dužine (OND), orbitalnoga promjera (OP), biparijetalnoga promjera (BPP), promjera placentoma (PP) i promjera pupčanoga tračka (PPT) plodova crvene okoto koze poznate gestacijske dobi (GD). Rezultati su bili analizirani pomoću jednostavne linearne regresije. Izvedene jednadžbe za predviđene dobi bile su GD = 22,881 + 6,668 OND, GA = 26,938 + 14,300 BPP, GA = 17,326 + 43,534 OP, GA = 48,116 + 11,869 PP, GA = 35,796 + 65,195 PPT gdje je GD gestacijska dob u danima, OND - okcipitonazalna dužina, BPP - biparijetalni promjer, OP - orbitalni promjer, PP - promjer placentoma i PPT - promjer pupčanoga tračka u cm. Dob plodova kretala se od 57 do 124 dana. Koefi cijent korelacije (R) između okcipitonazalne dužine (R = 0,97), biparijetalnoga (R = 0,98), orbitalnoga (R = 0,92), i promjera pupčanoga tračka (R = 0,77) te gestacijske dobi bio je značajno velik (P<0,001). Promjer placentoma bio je u niskoj korelacije (R = 0,45) s gestacijskom dobi. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se okcipitonazalna dužina, biparijetalni, orbitalni i promjer pupčanoga tračka mogu rabiti za procjenu dobi ploda u crvenih Sokoto koza, dok promjer placentoma nije od koristi za određivanje dobi plodova

    Exploring women’s employment in tourism under state-socialism: Experiences of tourism work in socialist Romania

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    Recent academic debate into women’s experiences of tourism employment has emphasised the extremely heterogeneous nature of such work and the need for sensitivity to local political, economic, social and cultural contexts. This paper focuses on one such context which has received little attention – state socialism – and we explore women’s experiences of tourism work in socialist Romania. Such work had characteristics in common with non- socialist contexts, but in other ways took a form which was distinctive to the socialist state. It was characterised by extensive training, good pay, and opportunities for promotion (at least to middle management level). The socialist state also devised unique solutions to the problem of the seasonality of tourism work. However women also faced extensive surveillance by the state’s security services and faced harsh penalties for under-performance

    A “mimic octopus” in the Atlantic : flatfish mimicry and camouflage by Macrotritopus defilippi

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    Author Posting. © Marine Biological Laboratory, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Marine Biological Laboratory for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Biological Bulletin 218 (2010): 15-24.The sand-dwelling octopus Macrotritopus defilippi was filmed or photographed in five Caribbean locations mimicking the swimming behavior (posture, style, speed, duration) and coloration of the common, sand-dwelling flounder Bothus lunatus. Each species was exceptionally well camouflaged when stationary, and details of camouflaging techniques are described for M. defilippi. Octopuses implemented flounder mimicry only during swimming, when their movement would give away camouflage in this open sandy habitat. Thus, both camouflage and fish mimicry were used by the octopuses as a primary defense against visual predators. This is the first documentation of flounder mimicry by an Atlantic octopus, and only the fourth convincing case of mimicry for cephalopods, a taxon renowned for its polyphenism that is implemented mainly by neurally controlled skin patterning, but also—as shown here—by their soft flexible bodies.RTH thanks the Sholley Foundation and ONR grant N000140610202 for partial support. ACW thanks the Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society, and AB is grateful for funding from POCI 2010 and Fundo Social Europeu through the Fundac ¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia, Portugal