3,088 research outputs found

    Ex Situ Conservation Of Holstein-Friesian Cattle - Comparing The Dutch, French And USA Germplasm Collections

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    The establishment of gene banks using cryopreservation to secure the genetic diversity of farm breeds have been widely assessed. France, the Netherlands and the USA were among the first countries to organize national cryobanks and these banks are now 10 to 20 years old. All three countries have started Holstein-Friesian (HF) collections to conserve as much genetic diversity as possible for this globally important breed. In order better understand the diversity captured in these collections, the genetic variability of HF collections within and between countries was assessed, and genetic variability of germplasm collections were compared with active bulls in each country. The overall aim of the project was to determine the breed’s security and to guide future collection activities

    A computational design of experiments based method for evaluation of off-the-shelf total knee replacement implants

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    A methodology to explore the design space of off-the-shelf total knee replacement implant designs is outlined. Generic femur component and tibia plate designs were scaled to thousands of sizes and virtually fitted to 244 test subjects. Various implant designs and sizing requirements between genders and ethnicities were evaluated. 5 sizes optimised via the methodology produced a good global fit for most subjects. However, clinically significant over/underhang was present in 19% of subjects for tibia plates and 25% for femur components, reducing to 11/20% with 8 sizes. The analysis highlighted subtly better fit performance was obtained using sizes with unequal spacing

    Applying machine learning methods to enable automatic customisation of knee replacement implants from CT data

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    The aim of this study was to develop an automated pipeline capable of designing custom total knee replacement implants from CT scans. The developed pipeline firstly utilised a series of machine learning methods including classification, object detection, and image segmentation models, to extract geometrical information from inputted DICOM files. Statistical shape models then used the information to create femur and tibia 3D surface model predictions which were ultimately used by computer aided design scripts to generate customised implant designs. The developed pipeline was trained and tested using CT scan images, along with segmented 3D models, obtained for 98 Korean Asian subjects. The performance of the pipeline was tested computationally by virtually fitting outputted implant designs with ‘ground truth’ 3D models for each test subject’s bones. This demonstrated the pipeline was capable of repeatably producing highly accurate designs, and its performance was not impacted by subject sex, height, age, or knee side. In conclusion, a robust, accurate and automatic, CT-based total knee replacement customisation pipeline was shown to be feasible and could afford significant time and cost advantages over conventional methods. The pipeline framework could also be adapted to enable customisation of other medical implants

    Respiratory symptoms and lung function impairment in underground gold miners in Ghana

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    Background: This is the first study in Ghana in the Obuasi gold mines where the silica content of the respirable dust is 10%, less than in previously studied gold mines, with only 23% of the minershaving ever smoked. Objectives: The study was to assess the prevalence of respiratory impairment in the Ghanaian gold miner and to quantify the effects of the respirable dust on pulmonary functionDesign: A cross sectional epidemiological study Method: The study was carried out using MRC respiratory symptoms questionnaire, spirometry, and personal respirable dust measurements.Results: A total of 1236 miners were studied. The mean age was 39.7 ±5.8 (SD) years with a mean of 12.6 ± 6.7 (SD) years underground service and a mean total cumulative exposure to dust of 10.34±5.61 (SD) mg.m-3.years. The prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 21.2% and not clearly related to cumulative exposure. MRC breathlessness grade≥2 was 31.3%, significantly related to cumulativerespirable dust exposure after adjustment of age and smoking. There was however significant reduction in FEF25-75% with increasing dust exposure and an interaction with ever smoking. There was no correlation between cumulative exposure to respirable dust and FEV1 % predicted in any group, suggesting that exposure to respirable silicaat a mean level of 0.06 mg/m3 had no deleterious effect on FEV1 in a population with little tuberculosis, good housing and a low level of cigarette smoking. Conclusion: The prevalence of chronic bronchitisin the Ghanaian gold mine is related more to smoking than any occupational factor

    Letters, Networks of Power, and the Fall of Thomas Cromwell, 1523-1547

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    This thesis employs network visualisation and methods from quantitative network analysis to consider the career of Thomas Cromwell, his fall from power, and the repercussions for Tudor political structures. It sits at the intersection between historical and digital network analysis, using a combination of off-the-shelf network analysis and visualisation software and custom-written code to explore traditional historiographical debates and theories. In doing so, it explores wider questions related to power in both historical and sociological studies, using Cromwell as a case study through which the role of letters as a social and political tool and questions about influence surrounding Henry VIII can be explored. The research focuses on ways in which network analysis can formalise and measure qualitative assessments of influence at the Tudor court. Using network theories, it considers the network structure of the Tudor court between 1523 and 1547, and contextualises the role Cromwell held using different network measurements. In doing so, it establishes different ways in which power can be quantified, and what this means for the realities of Henry VIII’s court. A particular focus is placed on the period leading up to Cromwell’s fall from grace in 1540 and the remaining seven years of Henry’s reign afterwards, using network analysis to investigate how administrative management and power structures changed after the execution of the chief minister. As such it reconsiders questions of influence surrounding the king, how authority was managed, and the lasting impact of Thomas Cromwell

    Stellar mass function of cluster galaxies at z ~ 1.5: evidence for reduced quenching efficiency at high redshift

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWe present the stellar mass functions (SMFs) of passive and star-forming galaxies with a limiting mass of 10(10.1) M-circle dot in four spectroscopically confirmed Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) galaxy clusters at 1 : 37 < z < 1 : 63. The clusters have 113 spectroscopically confirmed members combined, with 8-45 confirmed members each. We construct Ks-bandselected photometric catalogs for each cluster with an average of 11 photometric bands ranging from u to 8 mu m. We compare our cluster galaxies to a field sample derived from a similar Ks-band-selected catalog in the UltraVISTA / COSMOS field. The SMFs resemble those of the field, but with signs of environmental quenching. We find that 30 +/- 20% of galaxies that would normally be forming stars in the field are quenched in the clusters. The environmental quenching e ffi ciency shows little dependence on projected cluster-centric distance out to similar to 4 Mpc, providing tentative evidence of pre-processing and/or galactic conformity in this redshift range. We also compile the available data on environmental quenching efficiencies from the literature, and find that the quenching e ffi ciency in clusters and in groups appears to decline with increasing redshift in a manner consistent with previous results and expectations based on halo mass growth.http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2016/08/aa28663-16/aa28663-16.htm

    Counting approximately-shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs

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    Given a directed acyclic graph with positive edge-weights, two vertices s and t, and a threshold-weight L, we present a fully-polynomial time approximation-scheme for the problem of counting the s-t paths of length at most L. We extend the algorithm for the case of two (or more) instances of the same problem. That is, given two graphs that have the same vertices and edges and differ only in edge-weights, and given two threshold-weights L_1 and L_2, we show how to approximately count the s-t paths that have length at most L_1 in the first graph and length at most L_2 in the second graph. We believe that our algorithms should find application in counting approximate solutions of related optimization problems, where finding an (optimum) solution can be reduced to the computation of a shortest path in a purpose-built auxiliary graph