47 research outputs found

    Early pH Changes in Musculoskeletal Tissues upon Injury-Aerobic Catabolic Pathway Activity Linked to Inter-Individual Differences in Local pH

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    Local pH is stated to acidify after bone fracture. However, the time course and degree of acidification remain unknown. Whether the acidification pattern within a fracture hematoma is applicable to adjacent muscle hematoma or is exclusive to this regenerative tissue has not been studied to date. Thus, in this study, we aimed to unravel the extent and pattern of acidification in vivo during the early phase post musculoskeletal injury. Local pH changes after fracture and muscle trauma were measured simultaneously in two pre-clinical animal models (sheep/rats) immediately after and up to 48 h post injury. The rat fracture hematoma was further analyzed histologically and metabolomically. In vivo pH measurements in bone and muscle hematoma revealed a local acidification in both animal models, yielding mean pH values in rats of 6.69 and 6.89, with pronounced intra- and inter-individual differences. The metabolomic analysis of the hematomas indicated a link between reduction in tricarboxylic acid cycle activity and pH, thus, metabolic activity within the injured tissues could be causative for the different pH values. The significant acidification within the early musculoskeletal hematoma could enable the employment of the pH for novel, sought-after treatments that allow for spatially and temporally controlled drug release

    Early pH changes in musculoskeletal tissues upon injury-aerobic catabolic pathway activity linked to inter-individual differences in local pH

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    Local pH is stated to acidify after bone fracture. However, the time course and degree of acidification remain unknown. Whether the acidification pattern within a fracture hematoma is applicable to adjacent muscle hematoma or is exclusive to this regenerative tissue has not been studied to date. Thus, in this study, we aimed to unravel the extent and pattern of acidification in vivo during the early phase post musculoskeletal injury. Local pH changes after fracture and muscle trauma were measured simultaneously in two pre-clinical animal models (sheep/rats) immediately after and up to 48 h post injury. The rat fracture hematoma was further analyzed histologically and metabolomically. In vivo pH measurements in bone and muscle hematoma revealed a local acidification in both animal models, yielding mean pH values in rats of 6.69 and 6.89, with pronounced intra- and inter-individual differences. The metabolomic analysis of the hematomas indicated a link between reduction in tricarboxylic acid cycle activity and pH, thus, metabolic activity within the injured tissues could be causative for the different pH values. The significant acidification within the early musculoskeletal hematoma could enable the employment of the pH for novel, sought-after treatments that allow for spatially and temporally controlled drug release

    Local immune cell contributions to fracture healing in aged individuals – A novel role for interleukin 22

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    Aging: immune protein's role in delayed bone fracture healing Neutralizing a key cytokine, a signaling protein affecting the immune system could rejuvenate the healing process following prolonged inflammatory responses to bone fractures in elderly patients. Healing patterns vary widely in the elderly following injuries such as bone fractures, and scientists now believe that a patient's individual innate and adaptive immune profile directly affects the healing process. A short-lived pro-inflammatory response is needed to kickstart healthy healing, but a longer-lasting response can be damaging. In experiments on aged mouse models, the team led by Katharina Schmidt-Bleek at the Julius Wolff Institute in Berlin, Germany, demonstrated that high levels of the cytokine interleukin-22 impaired bone regeneration. Elevated interleukin-22 levels resulted from chronically elevated inflammation and inflammaging, prevalent in elderly patients. The team treated the mice to neutralize interleukin-22, which accelerated the healing process. With increasing age, the risk of bone fractures increases while regenerative capacity decreases. This variation in healing potential appears to be linked to adaptive immunity, but the underlying mechanism is still unknown. This study sheds light on immunoaging/inflammaging, which impacts regenerative processes in aging individuals. In an aged preclinical model system, different levels of immunoaging were analyzed to identify key factors that connect immunoaged/inflammaged conditions with bone formation after long bone fracture. Immunological facets, progenitor cells, the microbiome, and confounders were monitored locally at the injury site and systemically in relation to healing outcomes in 12-month-old mice with distinct individual levels of immunoaging. Bone tissue formation during healing was delayed in the immunoaged group and could be associated with significant changes in cytokine levels. A prolonged and amplified pro-inflammatory reaction was caused by upregulated immune cell activation markers, increased chemokine receptor availability and a lack of inhibitory signaling. In immunoaged mice, interleukin-22 was identified as a core cell signaling protein that played a central role in delayed healing. Therapeutic neutralization of IL-22 reversed this specific immunoaging-related disturbed healing. Immunoaging was found to be an influencing factor of decreased regenerative capacity in aged individuals. Furthermore, a novel therapeutic strategy of neutralizing IL-22 may successfully rejuvenate healing in individuals with advanced immune experiences

    High-quality CMOS compatible n-type SiGe parabolic quantum wells for intersubband photonics at 2.5-5 THz

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    A parabolic potential that confines charge carriers along the growth direction of quantum wells semiconductor systems is characterized by a single resonance frequency, associated to intersubband transitions. Motivated by fascinating quantum optics applications leveraging on this property, we use the technologically relevant SiGe material system to design, grow, and characterize n-type doped parabolic quantum wells realized by continuously grading Ge-rich Si1-x Ge x alloys, deposited on silicon wafers. An extensive structural analysis highlights the capability of the ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition technique here used to precisely control the quadratic confining potential and the target doping profile. The absorption spectrum, measured by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, revealed a single peak with a full width at half maximum at low and room temperature of about 2 and 5 meV, respectively, associated to degenerate intersubband transitions. The energy of the absorption resonance scales with the inverse of the well width, covering the 2.5-5 THz spectral range, and is almost independent of temperature and doping, as predicted for a parabolic confining potential. On the basis of these results, we discuss the perspective observation of THz strong light-matter coupling in this silicon compatible material system, leveraging on intersubband transitions embedded in all-semiconductor microcavities

    Hybrid Injectable Sol-Gel Systems Based on Thermo-Sensitive Polyurethane Hydrogels Carrying pH-Sensitive Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for the Controlled and Triggered Release of Therapeutic Agents

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    Injectable therapeutic formulations locally releasing their cargo with tunable kinetics in response to external biochemical/physical cues are gaining interest in the scientific community, with the aim to overcome the cons of traditional administration routes. In this work, we proposed an alternative solution to this challenging goal by combining thermo-sensitive hydrogels based on custom-made amphiphilic poly(ether urethane)s (PEUs) and mesoporous silica nanoparticles coated with a self-immolative polymer sensitive to acid pH (MSN-CS-SIP). By exploiting PEU chemical versatility, Boc-protected amino groups were introduced as PEU building block (PEU-Boc), which were then subjected to a deprotection reaction to expose pendant primary amines along the polymer backbone (PEU-NH2, 3E18 -NH2/gPEU–NH2) with the aim to accelerate system response to external acid pH environment. Then, thermo-sensitive hydrogels were designed (15% w/v) showing fast gelation in physiological conditions (approximately 5 min), while no significant changes in gelation temperature and kinetics were induced by the Boc-deprotection. Conversely, free amines in PEU-NH2 effectively enhanced and accelerated acid pH transfer (pH 5) through hydrogel thickness (PEU-Boc and PEU-NH2 gels covered approximately 42 and 52% of the pH delta between their initial pH and the pH of the surrounding buffer within 30 min incubation, respectively). MSN-CS-SIP carrying a fluorescent cargo as model drug (MSN-CS-SIP-Ru) were then encapsulated within the hydrogels with no significant effects on their thermo-sensitivity. Injectability and in situ gelation at 37°C were demonstrated ex vivo through sub-cutaneous injection in rodents. Moreover, MSN-CS-SIP-Ru-loaded gels turned out to be detectable through the skin by IVIS imaging. Cargo acid pH-triggered delivery from PEU-Boc and PEU-NH2 gels was finally demonstrated through drug release tests in neutral and acid pH environments (in acid pH environment approximately 2-fold higher cargo release). Additionally, acid-triggered payload release from PEU-NH2 gels was significantly higher compared to PEU-Boc systems at 3 and 4 days incubation. The herein designed hybrid injectable formulations could thus represent a significant step forward in the development of multi-stimuli sensitive drug carriers. Indeed, being able to adapt their behavior in response to biochemical cues from the surrounding physio-pathological environment, these formulations can effectively trigger the release of their payload according to therapeutic needs

    Radiation-associated sarcoma of the skull base after irradiation for pituitary adenoma

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    Secondary, radiation-induced neoplasms represent a significant long-term risk after radiation treatment, and radiation-induced sarcomas (RAS) have an especially poor prognosis. These have rarely been reported after irradiation for pituitary adenomas

    ICAR: endoscopic skull‐base surgery

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